Faculty/staff Issue for June 20, 2022
This week
Lunch and Learn - 'Rising Costs, Rising Inflation: Making Sense of the Economy'
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2022 from noon to 1 p.m.
Americans are struggling with rising prices and inflation on everyday goods, from gas to groceries. What are the economic factors contributing to this situation and how can we make sense of it? Join Katharine Bond, vice-president for public policy and state affairs at Dominion Energy, for a discussion on navigating these trends. RSVP at the following URL for the Zoom Link.
For more information, contact David Slipher at slipherd@vcu.edu or visit https://wilder.vcu.edu/news-and-events/news-articles/lunch-and-learn-june-2022-rising-costs-rising-inflation-making-sense-of-the-economy-with-katharine-bond.html.
Cultural Café: Connecting Through STEM Education and Conversation
Sunday, Jun. 26, 2022 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
VCU's Global Education Office invites participants to engage with students from La Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico and La Universidad el Bosque, Bogota, Colombia during the week of June 26-July 1 as part of a 100K Strong in the Americas STEM in education grant. Connect over light food and conversations June 26 from 6:30-7:30 p.m., June 28-30 from 8-9 a.m. and more. The event will be in the kitchen at West Grace Street Student Housing – North, 830 W. Grace St. See the sign-up form at the following URL.
For more information, contact Audrey Emiko Short at aeshort@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/rUQ8eK8UyrecFT9A8.
RecWell Meditations Available on YouTube
RecWell's weekly meditation sessions are going on summer vacation. Mindfulness moments are still available by visiting RecWell Health Promotion on YouTube at the following URL. View a playlist of prerecorded guided meditations.
For more information, contact Health Promotion at thewell@vcu.edu or visit https://www.youtube.com/user/thewellvcu.
Biomedical Researchers: Apply for Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program
The Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program pledges $1.5B for outstanding early career faculty committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. Funding will be awarded to outstanding basic biomedical researchers, including physician-scientists in their efforts to create labs in which everyone can thrive. Apply at the following URL by Sept. 28.
For more information, contact Emily Komornik at komornikea@vcu.edu or visit https://bit.ly/3GKcAxp.
Fall 2022 Student Parking Sales
Fall 2022 permit sales will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 22, for the Monroe Park Campus and Tuesday, July 5, for the MCV Campus. Fall parking is sold via a parking lottery on the MCV Campus and on a first-come, first-served basis on the Monroe Park Campus.
For more information, contact VCU Parking and Transportation at parking@vcu.edu or (804) 828-7275 or visit https://parking.vcu.edu/parking/students/.
VCU Logo Products
VCU's Office of Trademarks and Licensing reminds university students, faculty and staff that it is required to work with a licensed vendor when producing any kind of product with the VCU name or logomark. This includes T-shirts for student organizations, department giveaways for Student Orientation - any merchandise that could feature the VCU brand. Individuals can browse the complete list of licensed vendors online at the following URL.
For more information, contact Christy Rabil at crabil@vcu.edu or (804) 828-3615 or visit https://bsv.vcu.edu/trademarks-and-licensing/.
Physical Plant To Be Renamed Facilities Operations
As of July 1, Facilities Management, Physical Plant will be renamed Facilities Operations. The name change will not have any impact on the services provided.
For more information, contact Molly Case at casems@vcu.edu or visit https://fmd.vcu.edu/departments/facilities-operations/.
Take the Virginia Young Adult Survey
Are you 18-25 years old and live in Virginia? Take the Virginia Young Adult Survey. To participate, text Virginia (855) 632-2201. Click the link to share your experiences and opinions about substance use and mental health. The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Your answers are anonymous. Your local Community Services Board may provide an incentive to thank you for your time. You may need to complete a form to receive. Data is being collected across Virginia.
For more information, contact Carolyn Hawley at cehawley@vcu.edu.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.