Faculty/staff Issue for June 22, 2022
Coming up
Bodyweight Blast
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2022 from noon to 12:30 p.m.
Join VCU HR and VCU RecWell through FLEX by Fitness of Demand for Bodyweight Blast. This virtual 30-minute bodyweight workout is geared for beginner/intermediate exercises or as an active recovery routine. You’ll start with a set of core exercises, then alternate between lower-impact agility drills and more core work. Then, stack them together for one final circuit to fire up your core and metabolism. Register in Talent@VCU or at: https://bit.ly/39WQdbu.
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://ramstrong.vcu.edu/.
LSAT Preparation – A Step on the Journey to Law School
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2022 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Thinking about law school? VCU Continuing and Professional Education will present this session via Zoom as part of its 3rd Wednesdays FREE Community Series. Join Steven Shotts, VCU Test Prep Curriculum Partner, for an overview of the Law School Admission Test. He will discuss the basics — the item types on the test, what to expect the day of and how the scoring works. Then, he will share some sample items and provide strategies for solving them. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact VCU Continuing and Professional Education at ocpe@vcu.edu or visit https://ocpe.vcu.edu/community.
SCHEV Seeks Nominations for Outstanding Faculty
The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) has issued its call for nominations for the 2023 Virginia Outstanding Faculty Awards. These awards recognize superior accomplishments in teaching, research and service. Nomination instructions are available at the following URL. For assistance in compiling nomination packets, contact Jill Gordon at jagordon@vcu.edu. Nominations are due to the appropriate dean no later than Monday, July 11.
For more information, contact Linda Hamrick at vpfacaffrs@vcu.edu or visit http://schev.edu.
Applications Available for 2023 GEHLI Leadership Programs
The VCU Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, is currently accepting applications for the 2023 cohorts of the VCU Leadership and HIGHER Ground programs. Learn more about the Institute, its programs, application requirements and deadlines by calling the Institute at the following telephone number or emailing gehli@vcu.edu.
For more information, contact Kiara Faulks at faulksks@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1169 or visit https://gehli.vcu.edu/programs/.
All Invited to Host Events During Aug. 15-Sept. 4 Weeks of Welcome
Weeks of Welcome helps VCU's newest Rams experience a greater sense of self and belonging, which translates to measurable increases in student success. Weeks of Welcome is a comprehensive, campus-wide initiative taking place in the first few weeks of the semester. It takes the whole VCU village to create a community culture where our new Rams feel the excitement and warmth of VCU. Consider hosting a program or event that meets one of our three WoW Goals. Event submission forms are due on July 15. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Tommy Otterbine at wow@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.campusgroups.com/wow/eventformwow/.
VCU Logo Products
VCU's Office of Trademarks and Licensing reminds university students, faculty and staff that it is required to work with a licensed vendor when producing any kind of product with the VCU name or logomark. This includes T-shirts for student organizations, department giveaways for Student Orientation - any merchandise that could feature the VCU brand. Individuals can browse the complete list of licensed vendors online at the following URL.
For more information, contact Christy Rabil at crabil@vcu.edu or (804) 828-3615 or visit https://bsv.vcu.edu/trademarks-and-licensing/.
New Blog Posts on Workplace Retaliation From VCU's Integrity and Compliance Office
Learn how to spot and reach out for support if you see or experience retaliation in the workplace ("To Speak Up or Not to Speak Up ... That is the Question!") and learn what an employee decided to do when considering contacting the VCUHelpline to report suspected workplace retaliation against a teammate ("Fear and Loathing in the Workplace?: A Compliance Case Study"). Read both posts at the following URL: https://blogs.vcu.edu/ico/.
For more information, contact Kim McQuillen at mcquillenka@vcu.edu or visit https://blogs.vcu.edu/ico/.
Do You Vape Electronic Cigarettes?
Individuals who vape/use electronic cigarettes daily are needed to participate in a research study that requires multiple laboratory visits. Compensation will be provided. This study will be conducted at VCU. Principal investigator is Alison Breland, Ph.D., Department of Psychology.
For more information, contact Alison Breland at abbrelan@vcu.edu or (804) 827-3562 or visit http://cstp.vcu.edu/studies.
Recruiting Now for TEENS, a Virtual Weight-Management Research Program for 12-16-Year-Olds
Are you concerned about your teen’s weight? We can help. TEENS is a research program that includes a four-month family-based lifestyle intervention - all conducted virtually - for teens ages 12 to 16 who are overweight or obese. The program is offered by Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU. It includes weekly, virtual group classes for teens and parents that cover topics such as healthy eating, physical activity and goal-setting. Teens also participate in live exercise sessions conducted online by personal trainers.
For more information, contact Sarah Farthing at teens@vcuhealth.org or (804) 827-8336 or visit http://www.chrichmond.org/TEENS.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.