Faculty/staff Issue for January 31, 2023
Canvas Quick Tips Workshop
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
This workshop will cover: visibility of courses, course term ranges, Incomplete sections, Canvas enrollments, using the Rich Content Editor, activating LTIs in Canvas and ways to distribute extra credit. The Zoom link is https://vcu.zoom.us/my/canvaslearn Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jon Reed at reedjj@vcu.edu or visit https://training.vcu.edu/course.aspx?processFlag=2&itemID=18097.
This week
Book Reading Group: An Experience for Men of Color
Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023 at 2 p.m.
The Men's Multicultural Collective will have a book reading group for Men of Color. The group will read together "A Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl. The group will meet weekly starting the week of Jan. 30 in Room 222, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Two weekly sessions will be offered: Monday from 1-2 p.m. (https://cglink.me/2dV/r1926681) and Wednesday from 2-3 p.m. (https://cglink.me/2dV/r1926677).
For more information, contact Jair Lecky at leckyjj@vcu.edu.
Certificate in Special Education K-12 Teaching Informational Session
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Join VCU's School of Education for an online informational session about how its flexible, online post-baccalaureate certificate program can meet the requirements for a provisional license. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jazmin Tilfas at soeinfo@vcu.edu or visit https://connect.soe.vcu.edu/register/?id=304e28b1-b425-4c8f-8e15-f68b579c3cd8.
Welcome Back Dinner and General Body Meeting
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
VCU's Black Graduate Student Association at VCU will meet in the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Suite 215, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave.
For more information, contact Ariel Johnson at bgsa@vcu.edu.
Article Workshop and Kaplan Presentation
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023 at 7 p.m.
The Medical Journal Club will hold an article presentation workshop via Zoom. Learn how to put together an article presentation and learn about the available Kaplan Scholarship. Click on the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact jefin jose at josej@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/j/81299756416.
VCU Biostats Sp '23 Seminar Series
Friday, Feb. 3, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m.
VCU Biostats will host Tanujit Dey, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, who will discuss "Bayesian Learning for Disparities in Surgical Outcomes from Integrated Data Sources Related to the Rare Events." The talk will be in person (One Capitol Square, Third Floor, Room 305, 830 E. Main St.) and via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/92317355766?pwd=My9Ud2dXdU44OU9WTk92SnZobEFqUT09). The meeting ID is 923 1735 5766. The Passcode is 364454.
For more information, contact Dipankar Bandyopadhyay at dbandyop@vcu.edu or visit https://www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/calendar/details.asp?myVal=77431.
Ph.D. in Education - Educational Psychology Informational Session
Friday, Feb. 3, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Join VCU's School of Education for an online informational session about research that supports student motivation, engagement and learning. Learn to teach at the university level, pursue a career in higher education and take on leadership positions. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jazmin Tilfas at soeinfo@vcu.edu or visit https://connect.soe.vcu.edu/register/?id=c8c4267d-b380-4ebe-b319-3dc20316abcf.
Reception for 'Everything Once Arranged Has Become Scattered'
Friday, Feb. 3, 2023 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
VCUarts and The Anderson will host "Everything Once Arranged Has Become Scattered," an exhibition of 13 Pittsburgh artists curated by the students of the 2022–2023 Applied Curatorial Practices class: Sanija Dowden, India Mawn, Eileen Morley, Sophia Saucer and Zachary Thomas-Kucerak. The exhibition is on view through March 3, with an opening reception today.
For more information, contact Monica Kinsey at kinseym@vcu.edu or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/community/news/everything-once-arranged-has-now-become-scattered-acp-exhibition/.
Coming up
Astrid Kensinger and Maysaa Al-Mumin – Mapping Migration Memories: Extending Intangible Heritage Through Physical Re-Enactment
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m.
Mapping Migration Memories is a multiyear research project under the (IN)>TANGIBLE_LAB in VCUArts Qatar. The Lab is gathering existing archived recorded memories and oral histories of the biannual Qatari migration. This hybrid event is free and open to the public. The in-person lecture will be held in the auditorium of the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St. Register at the following URL to participate virtually.
For more information, contact Institute for Contemporary Art at VCU at ica@vcu.edu or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/event/astrid-kensinger-maysaa-al-mumin-mapping-migration-memories-extending-intangible-heritage-through-physical-re-enactment/.
First-Generation Student Success Faculty Learning Community
Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023 at 3 p.m.
This faculty learning community is designed for both tenure track and term faculty to come together to discuss opportunities, strategies and techniques for addressing first-generation and Asian American Pacific Islander inclusiveness in their courses and programs. With an awareness and understanding of the issues and challenges that first-generation and AAPI students often experience, and the unique strengths that they bring to these situations, the faculty learning community will explore ways faculty can develop awareness about and generate strategies to support first-generation and AAPI students through their scholarship, teaching, and/or service activities. Register at the following link. Questions: Email Acevedo, Ellen Carpenter (emcarpenter@vcu.edu) or Christine Bae (clbae@vcu.edu).
For more information, contact Ed Acevedo at eoacevedo@vcu.edu or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf63yek2rb87_fU3r7OM9moq3GhmKSqcYDWz0lo-2CswfPO3A/viewform?usp=pp_url.
PMP Exam Prep
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
VCU's Center for Corporate Education will present Project Management Professional Exam Prep. This six-session program will combine expert instruction with The CertWise Learning System for PMP Exam Preparation training materials. The course will help you learn faster, retain more knowledge and stay on track for success on the PMP exam. This course will be held Feb.28, March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2023 live, online via Zoom. The registration fee is $1,950.
For more information, contact Katie Fauth at corp-ed@vcu.edu or visit https://business.vcu.edu/about-us/events/center-for-corporate-education/pmp-exam-prep.html.
Fundamentals for Supervisors
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023 at 9 a.m.
VCU Performance Management Group's Fundamentals for Supervisors is open for registration. This three-day course (Westover at Maymont) will provide essential skills required by those new to supervising others, leading project teams or who have not received prior supervisory training. The goal of the training is to increase an individual’s performance as a supervisor and to provide practical tools to enhance staff performance. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Deborah Taminger at dktaminger@vcu.edu or visit http://pmg.vcu.edu.
How To Retire With VCU ORP
Human Resources will present "Retiring With the VCU Optional Retirement Plan." These sessions will be open to VCU faculty and VCU University and Academic Professionals, not VCU Health System employees. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact VCU Benefits at benefits@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1723 or visit https://bit.ly/3xuwHLZ.
How to Retire With VRS
Human Resources will present "How to Retire With the Virginia Retirement System" for VCU employees. These sessions are open to VCU employees only, not VCU Health System employees. View upcoming sessions at the following URL.
For more information, contact VCU Benefits at benefits@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1723 or visit https://bit.ly/3NqLY7a.
VCU Parking Facilities Now Cashless
All VCU Parking and Transportation hourly parking facilities are now cashless. Hourly parking can be paid using a credit/debit card or the Passport parking app (in surface lot facilities).
For more information, contact VCU Parking and Transportation at parking@vcu.edu or (804) 828-7275.
VCU Continuing and Professional Education
VCU Continuing and Professional Education offers learning options for the VCU community and the public. Choose from accounting, business writing, communication, computer skills, customer service, data analysis, digital tech, event planning, facial reading, fitness, infant mental health, languages, makerspace training, management, marketing, mindfulness, online teaching, paralegal, play therapy, podcasting, portfolio development, Power BI, pre-health testing prep, storytelling and WordPress.
For more information, contact VCU Continuing and Professional Education at ocpe@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1322 or visit https://ocpe.vcu.edu/courses/.
Sign Up for Covidence to Manage Systematic and Scoping Reviews
VCU Libraries is launching a three-year pilot program for institutional access to Covidence, an online tool that streamlines the production of systematic reviews, scoping reviews and other literature-intensive research projects. Questions: Email VCU Libraries at library@vcu.edu or Karen Gau at gaukh@vcu.edu. Sign up at the following URL.
For more information, contact Sue Robinson at srobinson26@vcu.edu or visit https://guides.library.vcu.edu/covidence.
Executive Board Members Needed
The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) at VCU is seeking graduate and undergraduate students to serve in a leadership role to further promote the mission of ASM.
For more information, contact Eva Davis at davisep@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.campusgroups.com/microbiology/.
Spring 2023 Research Internship Opportunity
Are you a student looking for an immersive research internship for the Spring 2023 semester? Vanessa Sheppard, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Policy at VCU, is offering a 10-week research internship opportunity. The incumbent will (1) gain concentrated research experience in cancer health disparities, (2) develop qualitative and quantitative research skills and (3) receive mentorship from senior-level researchers. Apply at the following URL by today, Jan. 31.
For more information, contact Bianca Owens at bianca.owens@vcuhealth.org or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvQL4CBc2o4MtnzRmk11OZukrYZRAARpe4l-RbBtoOEYtOuQ/viewform.
Alternative Breaks Participant Application Open
Alternative Spring Breaks is a student-led program that promotes service and reflection on a variety of community needs through service-learning trips during spring break. Participants will travel to one of four locations and volunteer in the community. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Questions: Email Brook Keltner at keltnerb@vcu.edu or visit the following URL.
For more information, contact Deepa Rao at raodl@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.campusgroups.com/alternativebreaks/who-we-are-/.
Musicians and Dancers Wanted for TEDxVCU Event
TEDxVCU, sponsored by The Commons, is looking for volunteer musicians or dancers to perform at its annual independently organized TED event. The event will take place on Saturday, March 25 at the Institute for Contemporary Art. Questions: https://vcu.campusgroups.com/tedxvcu/home/ If interested, fill out the form at the following URL to be considered.
For more information, contact TEDxVCU Team at tedx@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/xEqnbXNFpYDUmG7o9.
First-Generation Student Success Ambassadors
For faculty and staff, the First-Generation Student Success and Research Center offers a 90-minute workshop to enhance awareness and understanding of the First-Gen and AAPI student college experience. In addition, this workshop will introduce VCU faculty and staff to a wide range of VCU programs for students and faculty resources designed to address First-Gen and AAPI inclusiveness in their courses, programs, and services. To schedule a workshop and for additional information contact Acevedo, Christine Bae (clbae@vcu.edu) or Ellen Carpenter (emcarpenter@vcu.edu).
For more information, contact Ed Acevedo at eoacevedo@vcu.edu.
First-Generation Student Success Research Grants
You First at VCU and the First-Generation Student Success and Research Center invites applications for funding to support scholarly activity focused on (a) first-generation student success and (b) improving Asian American and Pacific Islander student success. Projects may address diversity; underrepresented perspectives; student success barriers (social, academic, health related and financial); new approaches and innovations to enhancing student success; faculty engagement in activities related to student success; and teaching/learning approaches. These awards provide funding of up to $7,500 to faculty.
For more information, contact Ed Acevedo at eoacevedo@vcu.edu or visit https://youfirst.vcu.edu/.
Last Day to Register to Participate in Stress-Reduction Survey
The VCU Wellbeing Lab invites you to participate in a research study on two stress reduction programs for undergraduate students. VCU investigators seek to understand how two online stress reduction programs affect students’ mood and stress-related behavior. Compensation is available. Register at the following URL before Wednesday, Feb. 1.
For more information, contact Polina Beloborodova at vcu.stress.reduction@gmail.com or (804) 215-6196 or visit https://beloborodp.wixsite.com/stressreduction.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.