Faculty/staff Issue for April 5, 2023
Special Announcement
One VCU Research Weeks: Chat GPT and the Talking Dog With Terry Sejnowski, Ph.D.
Terry Sejnowski, pioneer of neurobiology and director of the Computational Neurobiology Lab at the Salk Institute, will discuss AI and Large Language Models' capacity for exhibiting signs of intelligence. He will explore the question: AI can talk the talk, but can it walk the walk? The session will be held from 2-4 p.m. Monday , April 10, in the auditorium of the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St. Questions: Visit https://researchweeks.vcu.edu/ Register at https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/6759c26e0b1549f193252a9b7ed734e8
Assisted Living Administration: Open the Door to This Career
11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Assisted living administrators make a huge impact on the lives of many. They are highly paid and in demand. VCU Gerontology is the top choice for those looking to join this field. The university has licensed Assisted Living Facility Administrators who are also faculty members. VCU Gerontology has the only NAB accredited degree program earning a Master’s in Gerontology with an Assisted Living Administration emphasis in the United States.
For more information, contact Catherine MacDonald at macdonaldcs@vcu.edu or (571) 484-4511 or visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscO2hpz4iGNB8XwaqQIitPqPhWD8YNqEb.
Black Muslim Collective and the Pace Center: Navigating Healthy Relationships Through Islam
5:45 p.m.
VCU's Black Muslim Collective and the Pace Center, 700 W. Franklin St., will co-host an open discussion. The month of Ramadan is a time of reflection and the discussion will center on how Muslims navigate relationships through Islam. A catered iftar will be provided.
For more information, contact Nafisa Hafidh at hafidhni@vcu.edu or (804) 566-8752.
First-Year Rising Ceremony
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The First-Year Rising Ceremony, presented via Zoom by First and Second Year Experiences and Transitions, is a culminating event that takes place at the end of VCU students’ first year to honor them for their dedication, fortitude and tenacity as they rise to their sophomore year. This event is open to the entire VCU community and all first-year students and their families/friends. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact First and Second Year Experiences and Transitions at fyesye@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsfumsqzIpGNzaDvwF0_z-eEzi_Qq5_qRQ#/registration.
This week
Crushing Medical Debt at VCU Volunteering Informational Session
Thursday, Apr. 6, 2023 from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Crushing Medical Debt at VCU will hold an informational session on Google Meet about a volunteering opportunity. Those interested do not have to already be a member to participate.
For more information, contact Rebecca Gunnin at gunninrl@vcu.edu or visit https://meet.google.com/ppv-gmzn-vxo.
Medical Journal Club Meeting
Thursday, Apr. 6, 2023 at 7 p.m.
MCV otolaryngologist Evan R. Reiter, M.D., will talk about his pathway to medicine and answer questions at a Zoom meeting of the Medical Journal Club. Click on the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jefin Jose at josej@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/j/81299756416.
'The Big Event'
Friday, Apr. 7, 2023 from noon to 4 p.m.
VCU Student Government Association will host the annual "Big Event" outside the University Student Commons by the Ram Horns. Free food, live music, screen printing and and more will be available. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Sydney Biondi at biodisc@vcu.edu or visit https://cglink.me/2dV/r1927782.
Avaya Workplace and MyE911 Apps
Friday, Apr. 7, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.
In the coming months VCU Telecommunications Services will offer virtual training on the Avaya Workplace and MyE911 apps, which allow customers to extend their office number to their remote work site. The Avaya Workplace app is ideal for remote workers. Callers can reach remote workers on any device by calling their work telephone number, and when placing a call the caller party will see their work number and not their mobile number. The sessions are open to all VCU and VCU Health.
For more information, contact Wayne L. Johnson at wljohnson@vcu.edu or (804) 828-4400 or visit https://training.vcu.edu/.
Round 1 of the VCUarts MFA Thesis Exhibitions
Friday, Apr. 7, 2023 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Join VCUarts and The Anderson to celebrate the opening of Round 1 of the 2023 VCUarts MFA Thesis Exhibitions with a reception at 907 1/2 W. Franklin St. Round 1, on view April 7–21, will feature installations from 11 MFA students in the Craft/Material Studies, Kinetic Imaging, Painting + Printmaking, Photography + Film, and Sculpture + Extended Media departments.
For more information, contact Monica Kinsey at kinseym@vcu.edu or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/community/news/2023-mfa-thesis-exhibition/.
Test Pattern 07: Holland Andrews
Friday, Apr. 7, 2023 from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Test Pattern returns to the ICA auditorium with a performance by vocalist, composer and performance artist Holland Andrews, whose work focuses on the abstraction of operatic and extended-technique voice to build cathartic and dissonant soundscapes. Andrews arranges music for voice, clarinet and electronics and frequently highlights themes surrounding vulnerability and healing. RSVP for the performance, to be at the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St., at the following URL.
For more information, contact Natalie Hale at halene@vcu.edu or visit https://icavcu.org/events/test-pattern-07/.
Coming up
Brandcenter Virtual Informational Session
Monday, Apr. 10, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Are you interested in a creative career (advertising, branding, communications, marketing, innovation and more)? Check out the Brandcenter, the nation’s preeminent program for creative careers right here at VCU. Join us for a virtual informational session via Zoom. Questions: http://brandcenter.vcu.edu. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Erica DePompeo at eldepompeo@vcu.edu or visit https://connect.business.vcu.edu/register/VirtualInfoSessionApril10?utm_source=TelegRAM.
Community Iftar Dinner
Monday, Apr. 10, 2023 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
In celebration of Ramadan, join VCU's Global Education Office, Muslim Student Association and the Pace Center, 700 W. Franklin St., in a community Iftar dinner. Biryani and Shawarma will be catered, as well as a community potluck. All are welcome. Registration on RamsConnect preferred at the following URL.
For more information, contact Colleen Choate at choatecl@vcu.edu or visit https://cglink.me/2dV/r1927854.
Moving With the Rams - Everything You Need To Know About Buying or Selling a Home in the RVA Housing Market
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m.
Topics will include an RVA housing market update, preparing to buy or sell a home, marketing your home, the process from contract to close, financing and the rewards of the VCU “Moving With the Ram” discount program. Lunch will be provided to those who register for the in-person session by Monday, April 10. Register in Talent@VCU for either the in-person session (Robert Blackwell Smith Building, 410 N. 12th St., Room 129) or the virtual session.
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://ramstrong.vcu.edu/.
One VCU Research Weeks: Leading the Ethical Governance of Innovation With Sylvester Johnson, Ph.D.
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sylvester Johnson, Ph.D., associate vice provost for Public Interest Technology at Virginia Tech, will explain the fundamental challenges the future of innovation poses for managing technology to benefit the public interest and societal outcomes. He will identify the pivotal role that the humanities must serve for creating future talent to lead innovation and structure responsible governance for a technological society. The session will be held in the auditorium of the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St. Questions: http://researchweeks.vcu.edu Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Lydia Klinger at researchweeks@vcu.edu. or visit https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/6759c26e0b1549f193252a9b7ed734e8.
Educational Leadership: Certificate and M.Ed.- All Concentrations Informational Session
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Join the School of Education for more information on the four different concentrations in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership along with the two certificates in Culturally Responsive Leadership and Educational Leadership (K-12 administration and supervision add-on endorsement). Register for the online session at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jazmin Tilfas at soeinfo@vcu.edu or visit https://connect.soe.vcu.edu/register/?id=f9d5e86e-dc2b-4263-84da-34f080f7be6a.
RamBikes Adult Learn-to-Ride Workshop
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
It's never too late to learn how to ride a bike. RamBikes can help with all the fundamentals: kicking off, getting your balance, pedaling, stopping and everything in between. Some bikes will be available or bring your own. Workshops are held at RamBikes, 1106 W. Broad St.
For more information, contact Sera Erickson at rambikes@vcu.edu or (804) 828-2453 or visit https://bikes.vcu.edu/events/.
VCU P.R.I.M.E Making Connections Event
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Join VCU P.R.I.M.E. (Professional Health and Related Interests Mentoring Experiences) to connect with health professional schools outside RVA. Join breakout rooms for your program of choice, hear their admissions pitch, ask questions and much more. Programs in attendance: Dentistry (Howard University, University of North Carolina); Pharmacy (University of North Carolina); PA (South University); and Medicine (Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine). Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact Hanna Deller at dellerha@vcu.edu or visit http://bitly.ws/Cm7S.
'Body Parts' - Free Screening at ICA
Thursday, Apr. 13, 2023 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
"Body Parts," a documentary which explores the evolution of desire and sex from a woman's perspective, will have a free screening at VCU's Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St. Kristy Guevara-Flanagan, who directed the film, is scheduled to attend. The film is being presented by VCU's Department of Photography and Film.
For more information, contact Sasha Waters Freyer at swfreyer@vcu.edu or visit https://www.bodypartsfilm.com/#festivals.
VCU Spring All Choir Concert
Thursday, Apr. 13, 2023 at 7 p.m.
Interested in a musical experience? Join the Voices of the Water: Choral Music Celebrating the Beauty and Power of Water, VCU’s Spring All Choir Concert under the direction of Christopher Hansen, Ph.D., and professor Lisa Fusco. The concert will be held in the Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall, W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, 922 Park Ave.
For more information, contact Christopher Hansen at hansenc3@vcu.edu.
SOS Show of Support Victim Witness Event and 5K
Saturday, Apr. 15, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. to noon
VCU Police will be supporting the SOS Show of Support Victim Witness Event and 5K in Monroe Park. Join more than 50 public safety and support agencies to educate community members on resources for victims and survivors. The event will also include a virtual 5K, music, food and entertainment.
For more information, contact VCU Police at policedept@vcu.edu or visit https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Richmond/SOS5KVictimResourceFair.
Health And Well-Being In The Workplace
Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m.
Discover how to enhance your health, well-being and productivity by relieving stress with simple relaxation techniques. Explore ergonomics and learn how to avoid on-the-job injuries from lifting, repetitive stress (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) and computer-related injuries (headache, eyestrain and back pain). The discussion, brought to you by VCU HR and Anthem EAP, will include how to achieve work-life balance, establish priorities, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. Register in Talent@VCU
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://ramstrong.vcu.edu/.
Coaching Through Conflict
Wednesday, Apr. 19, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. to noon
VCU's Center for Corporate Education will present a half-day session to explore common sources of conflict and how conflict plays out. This session is geared for leaders to help team members leverage their differences in a healthy and productive way. The class will be held at Snead Hall, School of Business, 301 W. Main St. The registration fee is $200. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Katie Fauth at corp-ed@vcu.edu or visit https://business.vcu.edu/about-us/events/center-for-corporate-education/coaching-through-conflict.html.
2023 Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium Summit: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice Through Shifting Paradigms in Public Education
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The summit will bring together stakeholders in educational research, policy and practice to explore and address enduring and emerging issues in public schools. Proposals are due by May 5. Special registration rates are available for VCU faculty, staff and students. The event will be held at Huguenot High School, 7945 Forest Hill Ave. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact David Naff at naffdb@vcu.edu or visit https://merc.soe.vcu.edu/conference/.
Support the VCU First Destination Survey
We need your help encouraging upcoming May 2023 graduates to complete the VCU First Destination Survey. The survey is open to undergraduate seniors and graduate/professional students completing their degree programs. The resulting data helps VCU improve student services and recruitment. Graduating students who complete the survey will be eligible to win exciting prizes. See the survey at the following URL.
For more information, contact Danielle Pearles at ddpearles@vcu.edu or visit http://tiny.cc/VCUFDS23.
Join the Leadership Career Community
All managers at VCU are eligible to join the Leadership Career Community. The group brings together leaders from across the organization to share ideas and create community through a monthly speaker series and regular networking opportunities. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact James Romanik at romanikjv@vcu.edu or visit https://listserv.vcu.edu/subscribe/LEADERSHIP-COMMUNITY-L@lists.vcu.edu.
Student Services Career Community Conference - 'Ignite Your Light'
VCU's Student Services Career Community leadership team will hold its annual conference Monday, May 22 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. The conference will showcase how the members of the Student Services Career Community can understand each other's work, connect cross-departmentally and best support students. Register in Talent@VCU or at the following URL.
For more information, contact Ishmeal Allensworth at allensworthi@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/event/c54bbfee-0a11-4267-a4db-f46b74202a3f?session=d7c1d6d5-5d4d-4d1f-b8c1-122062faa8d7.
Revised Student Code of Conduct Available for Public Comment
A revised version of the Student Code of conduct is available for public comment until April 19. Visit the following URL and click on “Policies Open for Public Comment” to view the draft policy.
For more information, contact Jason Block at blockj2@vcu.edu or visit http://vcu.public.doctract.com.
Top Hat Webinars for Faculty
Academic Technologies will host a webinar series called “Higher Learnings” offered monthly by Top Hat. As part of this series, experts in teaching and learning highlight innovative practices and strategies to the higher ed community. Visit the following URL to view the recordings of past webinars and view the schedule of upcoming events.
For more information, contact Houston Griffith at tophat@vcu.edu or visit https://academictech.vcu.edu/instructional-technologies-hub/training-and-support/top-hat-events-for-instructors/.
Participants Are Invited For Study Examining Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Exercise
This study is seeking individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 years who have PTSD or symptoms of PTSD. The purpose of this research study is to examine the effect of PTSD symptoms on blood vessel function during acute exercise and following exercise training. This study will be conducted at 500 Academic Centre on VCU’s Monroe Park Campus. Principal investigator is Ryan Garten, Ph.D., Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences.
For more information, contact Ryan Garten at rsgarten@vcu.edu.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.