Faculty/staff Issue for July 24, 2023
Canvas Summer Refresher Overview
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Whether you're completely new to Canvas or just want to brush off some summer rust, this course will provide an overview of Canvas as well as some features that will help you prepare for Fall. Register at the following URL. The Zoom link is https://vcu.zoom.us/s/2324828315
For more information, contact Jon Reed at reedjj@vcu.edu or visit https://training.vcu.edu/course.aspx?processFlag=2&itemID=18191.
VCU Writing Center Workshop: Structuring Your Writing for Your Audience
5 p.m.
Learn to meet the needs of your audience with strong, logical, structurally sound writing. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact Trey Burnart Hall at hallbr@vcu.edu or visit https://writing.vcu.edu/calendar/.
This week
Core and More
Tuesday, Jul. 25, 2023 from noon to 12:30 p.m.
Join VCU HR and RecWell for a virtual 30-minute workout that will give you an excellent abdominal and low back workout and challenge your other major muscle groups. Register in Talent@VCU or at: https://bit.ly/3Pzxe9Q
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://ramstrong.vcu.edu/.
Wilder School Lunch and Learn - Virginia Higher Education: What Comes Next? With SCHEV Director Peter Blake
Wednesday, Jul. 26, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m.
Join the Wilder School via Zoom for a Lunch and Learn session featuring Peter Blake (B.A.’80; M.S.’88), director of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Blake will discuss the role of SCHEV, current priorities and recent trends. The session will conclude with an open discussion regarding where to focus our resources for the future. The event will be moderated by Robyn McDougle, Ph.D. (M.S.’00; Ph.D.’03), associate professor and associate dean of research and outreach. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact David Slipher at wilderschool@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eXvUKM27QWi4sF7NhaNnYw#/registration.
Coming up
Read 'The Light We Carry' by Michelle Obama With VCU Alumni Virtual Book Club
Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023 at 6 p.m.
The VCU Office of Alumni Relations hosts a Virtual Book Club for Rams who enjoy reading, personal growth and lifelong learning. The next reading selection will be “The Light We Carry” by Michelle Obama. The former first lady shares insight, wisdom and practical ways to be hopeful and steady in an uncertain world. Through personal reflections, she inspires readers to look inward to find their light. Participation is free; just sign up at the following URL and grab your copy of the book to enjoy.
For more information, contact Tiera Byrd at mcguiretj@vcu.edu or visit https://www.pbc.guru/vcu/join.
Summer Safety and Poison Prevention
Thursday, Aug. 3, 2023 at 11 a.m.
Summer is a great time for picnics and cookouts. But summer is also a time when there is an increase in food poisoning and potentially poisonous injuries such as animal bites. Join Educational Specialist Shelly Clary from the Virginia Poison Center and VCU HR for this virtual talk. Register in Talent@VCU or at: https://bit.ly/44xvPp3
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://ramstrong.vcu.edu/.
New in the ICO Blog
Articles in this month's blog ponder the concept of "strategic silence," and see what happened to one professor who tried to juggle two full-time teaching gigs. Visit the following URL to read "When Silence Isn't Golden" and "Playing for Both teams at Once."
For more information, contact Kim McQuillen at mcquillenka@vcu.edu or (804) 828-8028 or visit https://blogs.vcu.edu/ico.
Career Services Is Hiring FWS Peer Career Advisers
VCU's Career Services is hiring part-time Federal Work Study Peer Career Advisers for the upcoming 2023-24 academic year. Locate the position posting on Handshake and reach out to the following email address by Friday, July 28.
For more information, contact Skylar Gonzalez at gonzalezcr@vcu.edu.
Back-to-School Bundles
Bundle your tech to ensure you’re ready for the school year. RamTech’s Back-to-School bundles are available for faculty, staff and students who need new technology. A bundle includes a laptop, Adobe and/or Microsoft Office and a four-year Safeware extended warranty plan. Questions: Visit the following URL and follow @RamTechVCU.
For more information, contact Rafael Wells at ramtech@vcu.edu or (804) 828-8324 or visit https://ramtech.vcu.edu.
VCU, City of Richmond to Conduct Training Exercise on Aug. 2
VCU and the City of Richmond will conduct a training exercise Wednesday, Aug. 2, at the University Student Commons on VCU’s Monroe Park Campus. A heavy presence of police, EMTs, firefighters and emergency vehicles from various agencies will be in the area. The exercise will include simulated gunfire sounds inside the building and volunteers will role-play as victims on site. The University Student Commons (907 Floyd Ave.), Grace E. Harris Hall Auditorium (1015 Floyd Ave.) and the walkway between these facilities will be closed to the public during the training. Road closures on Wednesday, Aug. 2, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. will include North Linden Street between Park Avenue and Floyd Avenue, Floyd Avenue between North Harrison and North Cherry Streets and North Cherry Street between Floyd Avenue and West Main Streets.
For more information, contact VCU Police at policedept@vcu.edu.
Join a VCU Choir
VCU chorus auditions will be held Tuesday, Aug. 22, from 2-4:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Aug. 23, from noon–2:40 p.m. in the Recital Hall, James W. Black Music Center, 1015 Grove Ave. All choral ensembles are open to all students, regardless of major. Audition information is available at the following URL.
For more information, contact Christopher Hansen, Ph.D., at hansenc3@vcu.edu or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/academics/departments/music/ensembles/vocal-ensemble/vocal-ensemble-audition-info/.
Staff Survey: Job Shadowing @VCU
As a project for the Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute, a team of VCU faculty and staff is developing a job-shadowing program to match students with nonacademic staff at the university. Job shadowing will support student engagement and student retention. The first step is to gauge staff interest. See the survey at the following URL.
For more information, contact Rebecca Segal at rasegal@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/frfaQ6M6fvi9Qd7y5.
VCU Institute for Drug and Alcohol Research Seeking Non-drug Using Participants and Active Users
If you frequently use opioids or cocaine or do not use drugs, you may be able to participate in a research study. The goal of the study is to test an assessment battery that could be used to personalize treatment for people who use substances. If this is of interest, call the following telephone number or email the following address.
For more information, contact VCU Research IDAS at study4u@vcu.edu or (804) 827-3784.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.