Faculty/staff Issue for November 14, 2023


Transfer Tuesdays in Cabell

Add to calendar 14-11-2023 13:00:00 14-11-2023 15:00:00 America/New_York Transfer Tuesdays in Cabell Join VCU's Transfer Center for Transfer Tuesdays in Room 250, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. Come to this open study session to work on whatever you need to and meet other transfer students. These sessions will continue on Tuesdays from 1-3 p.m. for the remainder of the fall semester. Cabell Library, Room 250 Elizabeth Heck ebheck@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Join VCU's Transfer Center for Transfer Tuesdays in Room 250, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. Come to this open study session to work on whatever you need to and meet other transfer students. These sessions will continue on Tuesdays from 1-3 p.m. for the remainder of the fall semester.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Heck at ebheck@vcu.edu or visit https://transfer.vcu.edu.

Faculty-Led Programs Showcase

Add to calendar 14-11-2023 14:00:00 14-11-2023 16:00:00 America/New_York Faculty-Led Programs Showcase VCU Education Abroad will host the Faculty-Led Programs Showcase, which highlights spring break and summer 2024 faculty-led study-abroad programs. Students can learn more about short-term study abroad opportunities and meet with participating faculty leaders. This event, part of International Education Week 2023, will be held in Virginia Room B, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Learn more about IEW at https://iew.state.gov/ Virginia Room B Alex Levy levya@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

VCU Education Abroad will host the Faculty-Led Programs Showcase, which highlights spring break and summer 2024 faculty-led study-abroad programs. Students can learn more about short-term study abroad opportunities and meet with participating faculty leaders. This event, part of International Education Week 2023, will be held in Virginia Room B, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Learn more about IEW at https://iew.state.gov/

For more information, contact Alex Levy at levya@vcu.edu or (804) 828-5794 or visit https://vcu.campusgroups.com/eduabroad/rsvp_boot?id=1930511.

Master of Product Innovation Open House

Add to calendar 14-11-2023 17:30:00 14-11-2023 America/New_York Master of Product Innovation Open House Join staff from the da Vinci Center to learn about the Master of Product Innovation program. The program at VCU is a cross-disciplinary master’s program focused on students applying knowledge in advanced product innovation, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship topics with real-life clients. The session will be held at SHIFT Retail Lab, 1235 W. Broad St. Register at the following URL. SHIFT Retail Lab 1235 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23220 Caslin Applewhite applewhiteec@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

5:30 p.m.

Join staff from the da Vinci Center to learn about the Master of Product Innovation program. The program at VCU is a cross-disciplinary master’s program focused on students applying knowledge in advanced product innovation, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship topics with real-life clients. The session will be held at SHIFT Retail Lab, 1235 W. Broad St. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Caslin Applewhite at applewhiteec@vcu.edu or visit https://connect.business.vcu.edu/register/MPI-OpenHouse-Nov14.

This week

M.Ed. Counselor Education Informational Session - VCU Psychology Accelerated Pathway

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 12:00:00 15-11-2023 13:00:00 America/New_York M.Ed. Counselor Education Informational Session - VCU Psychology Accelerated Pathway The M.Ed. in Counselor Education provides three tracks of specialty: School Counseling, College Counseling and Student Affairs, and Couples and Family Counseling. VCU's programs are nationally accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, providing prospective students (and their potential future employers) a good indicator of their thoroughness. Virtual Jenna Lenhardt soeinfo@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from noon to 1 p.m.

The M.Ed. in Counselor Education provides three tracks of specialty: School Counseling, College Counseling and Student Affairs, and Couples and Family Counseling. VCU's programs are nationally accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, providing prospective students (and their potential future employers) a good indicator of their thoroughness.

For more information, contact Jenna Lenhardt at soeinfo@vcu.edu.

Wilder School Lunch and Learn - 'All Eyes on Virginia: Analyzing Election 2023’ With Bob Holsworth, Ph.D.

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 12:00:00 15-11-2023 America/New_York Wilder School Lunch and Learn - 'All Eyes on Virginia: Analyzing Election 2023’ With Bob Holsworth, Ph.D. Join the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs for a virtual Lunch and Learn session that will illuminate upcoming directions in government. Political scientist Bob Holsworth, Ph.D., will analyze the 2023 Virginia elections and examine implications for the state. The session will be moderated by Robyn Diehl McDougle, Ph.D. (M.S.’00, Ph.D.’03), Wilder School associate dean of research and outreach and associate professor. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL. Virtual: https://vcu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UGBu6-RmSX6ZhvJeP5h4ag#/registration David Slipher slipherd@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 at noon

Join the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs for a virtual Lunch and Learn session that will illuminate upcoming directions in government. Political scientist Bob Holsworth, Ph.D., will analyze the 2023 Virginia elections and examine implications for the state. The session will be moderated by Robyn Diehl McDougle, Ph.D. (M.S.’00, Ph.D.’03), Wilder School associate dean of research and outreach and associate professor. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.

For more information, contact David Slipher at slipherd@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UGBu6-RmSX6ZhvJeP5h4ag#/registration.

VCU Robertson School Graduate Program Informational Sessions

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 12:00:00 15-11-2023 12:30:00 America/New_York VCU Robertson School Graduate Program Informational Sessions VCU's Robertson School will host two virtual informational sessions for prospective students to learn more about the graduate programs, on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 12-12:30 p.m. and 5-5:30 p.m. Join a session at https://vcu.zoom.us/my/robertsongrad. https://vcu.zoom.us/my/robertsongrad Alexandra Chapman chapmanam3@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from noon to 12:30 p.m.

VCU's Robertson School will host two virtual informational sessions for prospective students to learn more about the graduate programs, on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 12-12:30 p.m. and 5-5:30 p.m. Join a session at https://vcu.zoom.us/my/robertsongrad.

For more information, contact Alexandra Chapman at chapmanam3@vcu.edu or visit https://robertson.vcu.edu/academics/graduate/.

VCU Police Hiring Informational Session

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 14:00:00 15-11-2023 16:00:00 America/New_York VCU Police Hiring Informational Session The VCU Police Department is currently recruiting for its 49th Basic Law Enforcement Academy. Once recruits complete the academy and field training, they are certified by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. VCU or VCU Health students or employees who complete this training receive a $5,000 hiring bonus. Officers will meet with any VCU or VCU Health community member seeking additional information about the department, application process and benefits. No preregistration is required and all are welcome. The session will be held in Virginia Rooms A and B, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. University Student Commons Plaza, 907 Floyd Ave., Virginia Rooms A & B VCUPD Recruiter Conrad Simms csimms2@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The VCU Police Department is currently recruiting for its 49th Basic Law Enforcement Academy. Once recruits complete the academy and field training, they are certified by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. VCU or VCU Health students or employees who complete this training receive a $5,000 hiring bonus. Officers will meet with any VCU or VCU Health community member seeking additional information about the department, application process and benefits. No preregistration is required and all are welcome. The session will be held in Virginia Rooms A and B, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave.

For more information, contact VCUPD Recruiter Conrad Simms at csimms2@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/4371?c=vcu.

Graduate Programs in Health Administration Virtual Informational Session

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 17:00:00 15-11-2023 18:00:00 America/New_York Graduate Programs in Health Administration Virtual Informational Session Thinking about a career in health care leadership or administration? Learn about graduate programs in VCU's Department of Health Administration, which has been recently ranked No. 3 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for health care management programs. Register at the following URL. The session will feature program director Paige Powell, who will be joined by current MHA and MSHA students. Zoom Cameron Parkins parkinsc@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Thinking about a career in health care leadership or administration? Learn about graduate programs in VCU's Department of Health Administration, which has been recently ranked No. 3 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for health care management programs. Register at the following URL. The session will feature program director Paige Powell, who will be joined by current MHA and MSHA students.

For more information, contact Cameron Parkins at parkinsc@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/VCCSk6F1P3JYFCSW8.

Become a Teacher With RTR

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 18:00:00 15-11-2023 19:00:00 America/New_York Become a Teacher With RTR VCU's RTR Teacher Residency program will host a virtual event via Zoom. Have a passion for children? Want a high-impact career as a teacher? Want to champion social justice? Fuel dreams? Dedicate your life to making a difference while getting a fully paid degree or certificate? RTR is for you. RTR is a teacher residency program that equips passionate future teachers with the tools to teach for change. Learn how to become a teacher in high-needs and hard-to-staff schools by joining us for this information. The Zoom link is https://vcu.zoom.us/j/7040429011 https://vcu.zoom.us/j/7040429011 Sabrina Evans evanssl4@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

VCU's RTR Teacher Residency program will host a virtual event via Zoom. Have a passion for children? Want a high-impact career as a teacher? Want to champion social justice? Fuel dreams? Dedicate your life to making a difference while getting a fully paid degree or certificate? RTR is for you. RTR is a teacher residency program that equips passionate future teachers with the tools to teach for change. Learn how to become a teacher in high-needs and hard-to-staff schools by joining us for this information. The Zoom link is https://vcu.zoom.us/j/7040429011

For more information, contact Sabrina Evans at evanssl4@vcu.edu or visit http://teachrtr.org.

VCUxRTR Teacher Residency Informational Session

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 18:00:00 15-11-2023 19:00:00 America/New_York VCUxRTR Teacher Residency Informational Session VCU's School of Education will host a virtual session about its RTR Teacher Residency program. Email the following address to register and share information about your specific concentration of interest. Submit any questions in advance. Virtual Jenna Lenhardt soeinfo@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

VCU's School of Education will host a virtual session about its RTR Teacher Residency program. Email the following address to register and share information about your specific concentration of interest. Submit any questions in advance.

For more information, contact Jenna Lenhardt at soeinfo@vcu.edu.

Holiday Spending on a Budget

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 18:00:00 15-11-2023 19:00:00 America/New_York Holiday Spending on a Budget Spending for the holidays can be hard on your wallet ... but it doesn't have to be that way. This presentation will give insight on how to fit all of your seasonal events into your budget. Join the VCU Financial Success Center in person (Room 427, Hibbs Hall, 900 Park Ave.) or online (webinar link https://vcu.zoom.us/j/83481307296) to learn how to budget, plan and find all the best deals for the upcoming holiday season. Questions? Email finsuccess@vcu.edu Register at the following URL. Hibbs Hall 427 Jessica Forrest forrestjf@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Spending for the holidays can be hard on your wallet ... but it doesn't have to be that way. This presentation will give insight on how to fit all of your seasonal events into your budget. Join the VCU Financial Success Center in person (Room 427, Hibbs Hall, 900 Park Ave.) or online (webinar link https://vcu.zoom.us/j/83481307296) to learn how to budget, plan and find all the best deals for the upcoming holiday season. Questions? Email finsuccess@vcu.edu Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Jessica Forrest at forrestjf@vcu.edu or (703) 407-6190 or visit https://connect.business.vcu.edu/register/?id=fb57ea03-99c1-46ad-818d-c6c54e709ef7&utm_source=telegram.

VCU Bands in Concert

Add to calendar 15-11-2023 19:00:00 15-11-2023 20:30:00 America/New_York VCU Bands in Concert The VCU Bands will perform at the W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, 922 Park Ave. Admission is free to all students and faculty with a valid VCU ID. The concert will feature hip-hop artists, soloists, film scores and more. The program will conclude with the full Symphony Band performing themes from the film "Ben-Hur" as well as selections from "Princess Mononoke." Singleton Center for Performing Arts, 922 Park Ave Duane Coston costonpd@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The VCU Bands will perform at the W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, 922 Park Ave. Admission is free to all students and faculty with a valid VCU ID. The concert will feature hip-hop artists, soloists, film scores and more. The program will conclude with the full Symphony Band performing themes from the film "Ben-Hur" as well as selections from "Princess Mononoke."

For more information, contact Duane Coston at costonpd@vcu.edu or (804) 240-7974.

Boren Awards Brown Bag Lunch

Add to calendar 16-11-2023 13:00:00 16-11-2023 14:00:00 America/New_York Boren Awards Brown Bag Lunch VCU's National Scholarship Office and the Global Education Office will host Michael Saffle of the Boren Awards as part of International Education Week. The meeting will be in Room 1210, 701 W. Grace St. Saffle will share information about the Boren Awards, which fund students to study critical languages abroad (up to $25,000), and how the university's National Scholarship Office can encourage and advise students to apply. The recording will be distributed to all who RSVP at the following URL. Coffee will be available; bring your own lunch if you wish to eat during the presentation. 701 W. Grace Street, Room 1210 Jeff Wing jawing@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

VCU's National Scholarship Office and the Global Education Office will host Michael Saffle of the Boren Awards as part of International Education Week. The meeting will be in Room 1210, 701 W. Grace St. Saffle will share information about the Boren Awards, which fund students to study critical languages abroad (up to $25,000), and how the university's National Scholarship Office can encourage and advise students to apply. The recording will be distributed to all who RSVP at the following URL. Coffee will be available; bring your own lunch if you wish to eat during the presentation.

For more information, contact Jeff Wing at jawing@vcu.edu or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKsRCyscEB3YRLQESg-qHRqUjcd_vg60c4lITzbTWfzXVKww/viewform.

Planning Your Family’s Finances

Add to calendar 16-11-2023 12:00:00 16-11-2023 America/New_York Planning Your Family’s Finances This virtual seminar, brought to you by VCU HR and Virginia Credit Union, will help you learn how to maintain and increase your family’s money while making a solid plan for the future. Register in Talent@VCU or at https://bit.ly/3tF1RBM Virtual Cindi Phares cphares@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023 at noon

This virtual seminar, brought to you by VCU HR and Virginia Credit Union, will help you learn how to maintain and increase your family’s money while making a solid plan for the future. Register in Talent@VCU or at https://bit.ly/3tF1RBM

For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or visit http://Virtual.

Evening MBA Webinar

Add to calendar 16-11-2023 17:30:00 16-11-2023 18:30:00 America/New_York Evening MBA Webinar Learn more about VCU's Evening MBA program at a webinar hosted by the School of Business. This online presentation will provide an overview of the two program formats (online cohort and flexible), curriculum and admissions process. Register at the following URL. Online Hawley Smyth smythh@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Learn more about VCU's Evening MBA program at a webinar hosted by the School of Business. This online presentation will provide an overview of the two program formats (online cohort and flexible), curriculum and admissions process. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Hawley Smyth at smythh@vcu.edu or (804) 828-5127 or visit https://connect.business.vcu.edu/register/event-webinar-mba-111623.

Thanksgiving Dinner for International Students

Add to calendar 16-11-2023 18:30:00 16-11-2023 America/New_York Thanksgiving Dinner for International Students As International Education Week (Nov. 13-17) is celebrated, VCU's Global Education Office will hold a Thanksgiving dinner at the STEM building, 817 W. Franklin St., for international students to experience a traditional meal and connect with other VCU students and community members. Students can sign up to attend at the following URL. STEM Building, 817 W. Franklin St. Nicol Tinsley nctinsley@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

As International Education Week (Nov. 13-17) is celebrated, VCU's Global Education Office will hold a Thanksgiving dinner at the STEM building, 817 W. Franklin St., for international students to experience a traditional meal and connect with other VCU students and community members. Students can sign up to attend at the following URL.

For more information, contact Nicol Tinsley at nctinsley@vcu.edu or (804) 828-6463 or visit https://cglink.me/2dV/r1930512.

'Frontiers of Dreams and Fears' Documentary Screening

Add to calendar 16-11-2023 18:30:00 16-11-2023 America/New_York 'Frontiers of Dreams and Fears' Documentary Screening UNICEF at VCU will screen the documentary “Frontiers of Dreams and Fears” (2001) in Virginia Room B, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. The film follows two young Palestinian girls living in refugee camps in Bethlehem and Beirut. It touches on life under military occupation and the Palestinian Intifada. Questions: Follow @vcuunicef on Instagram or contact unicef.vcu@gmail.com. Virginia Room B in the Student Commons Selma Karame karames@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

UNICEF at VCU will screen the documentary “Frontiers of Dreams and Fears” (2001) in Virginia Room B, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. The film follows two young Palestinian girls living in refugee camps in Bethlehem and Beirut. It touches on life under military occupation and the Palestinian Intifada. Questions: Follow @vcuunicef on Instagram or contact unicef.vcu@gmail.com.

For more information, contact Selma Karame at karames@vcu.edu.

Avaya Workplace and MyE911 Apps

Add to calendar 17-11-2023 15:00:00 17-11-2023 16:05:00 America/New_York Avaya Workplace and MyE911 Apps VCU Telecommunications Services will offer virtual training on the Avaya Workplace and MyE911 apps, which allows customers to extend their office number to their remote work site. The Avaya Workplace app is ideal for remote workers. Callers can reach remote workers on any device by calling their work telephone number, and when placing a call the caller party will see their work number and not their mobile number. The sessions are open to all VCU and VCU Health associates. Register at the following URL. Virtual Wayne L. Johnson wljohnson@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Nov. 17, 2023 from 3 p.m. to 4:05 p.m.

VCU Telecommunications Services will offer virtual training on the Avaya Workplace and MyE911 apps, which allows customers to extend their office number to their remote work site. The Avaya Workplace app is ideal for remote workers. Callers can reach remote workers on any device by calling their work telephone number, and when placing a call the caller party will see their work number and not their mobile number. The sessions are open to all VCU and VCU Health associates. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Wayne L. Johnson at wljohnson@vcu.edu or (804) 828-4400 or visit https://training.vcu.edu/.

Coming up

2023 Holiday Open House

Add to calendar 27-11-2023 11:00:00 27-11-2023 13:00:00 America/New_York 2023 Holiday Open House VCU’s annual university-wide holiday open house will be hosted by President Michael and Mrs. Monica Rao as an opportunity for the university community to come together and celebrate the holidays prior to winter closing. It is an informal gathering, with food and drink provided in the Commonwealth Ballroom, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. VCU parking subscribers may receive reciprocal parking for this event. Street parking is available for nonsubscribers. RSVP at the following URL. Commonwealth Ballroom, University Student Commons University Events univevents@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Monday, Nov. 27, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

VCU’s annual university-wide holiday open house will be hosted by President Michael and Mrs. Monica Rao as an opportunity for the university community to come together and celebrate the holidays prior to winter closing. It is an informal gathering, with food and drink provided in the Commonwealth Ballroom, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. VCU parking subscribers may receive reciprocal parking for this event. Street parking is available for nonsubscribers. RSVP at the following URL.

For more information, contact University Events at univevents@vcu.edu or visit http://go.vcu.edu/holidayopenhouse.

VCU Writing Center To Present the Book Club

Add to calendar 30-11-2023 17:00:00 30-11-2023 America/New_York VCU Writing Center To Present the Book Club The VCU Writing Center will host the Book Club in Room 205, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. The book club is a safe and stress-free space to meet other students who love reading and talking about books. Join the discussion at of "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. https://writing.vcu.edu/calendar/ Trey Burnart Hall hallbr@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023 at 5 p.m.

The VCU Writing Center will host the Book Club in Room 205, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. The book club is a safe and stress-free space to meet other students who love reading and talking about books. Join the discussion at of "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.

For more information, contact Trey Burnart Hall at hallbr@vcu.edu or visit https://writing.vcu.edu/calendar/.


Open Pickleball Play

Any VCU students, faculty or staff members are welcome to come to the Mary and Frances Youth Center, 120 S. Linden St., for open pickleball play. No experience is necessary. Equipment will be provided. Courts are open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday through the end of the semester.

For more information, contact Misti Mueller at muellermr@vcu.edu.

Time to Order Regalia for December Commencement

VCU's December Commencement exercises will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 9 in the Stuart C. Siegel Center, 1200 W. Broad St. Faculty participating in the ceremony will wear academic apparel. Regalia must be ordered at your respective campus by Monday, Nov. 20. For ordering information, visit the following link.

For more information, contact University Events at UNIVevents@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=smDbY9Z-rUGsCcRdJUchBTfzBlTY8bZLoO0XDMPP9dtUOFNKTU9TUjU5RDY1N1U0WEdXVlM2S01JQy4u.

Want to Help Lead a Queer Organization?

The Triangle Club at VCU, the university's largest queer student-run organization, is accepting applications for leadership positions to begin next semester. All LGBTQ+ identifying students (undergraduate or graduate) can apply at the following URL. Learn more about the club at Instagram, @triangleclubvcu.

For more information, contact Caroline Perez at perezce3@vcu.edu or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeI9o0upIkVDQm50dRpshu6rbawcJ8kakZzdTr7sArrFR6UfQ/viewform.

National Payroll Week - First Annual Timekeeper of the Year

National Payroll Week is a national celebration that takes place in early September to highlight the profession of payroll. This year Priscilla Clayborne was named timekeeper of the year. Read more at the following URL.

For more information, contact Veronica B. King at vbking@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1807 or visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qUUasfcrBjGFdo2ml-suy9aRrcWzba5gdvg6pjHKNjM/edit.

National Cancer Institute-Funded T32 Fellowship in Integrative Training in Cancer Biology

Azeddine Atfi, Ph.D.; Larisa Litovchick, M.D., Ph.D.; and Gordon Ginder, M.D., offer a reminder about the open call for Massey’s newest NCI-funded Integrative Training in Cancer Biology (ITCB) T32 fellowship. This fellowship provides training for predoctoral students and postdoctoral trainees for two years, offering a comprehensive educational experience that prepares fellows for successful, independent research careers in the broad area of cancer biology. Apply by Friday, Nov. 17 at the following URL. The tentative start for fall applicants is January 2024 and July 2024 for spring applicants (anticipated application deadline of May 15, 2024).

For more information, contact Shania Smaw at MCCCRTEC@vcu.edu. or (804) 873-1016 or visit https://www.masseycancercenter.org/education-and-training/postdoctoral-fellowship-programs/itcb.

National Cancer Institute-Funded T32 Fellowship in Cancer Prevention and Control and Cancer Health Equity

Bernard Fuemmeler, M.D., M.P.H., and Oxana Palesh, M.D., M.P.H., offer a reminder about the open call for Massey’s NCI-funded Cancer Prevention and Control and Cancer Health Equity (CPC-CHE) T32 fellowship. This fellowship is individually tailored and multidisciplinary. It offers a core curriculum in the science and practice of conducting CPC and cancer health equity research, individualized training opportunities and a mentored research experience. Applications are due by Friday, Nov. 17 at https://redcap.vcu.edu/surveys/?s=HXEHKTMLHEMYL8JM

For more information, contact Shania Smaw at MCCCRTEC@vcu.edu. or (804) 873-1016 or visit https://www.masseycancercenter.org/education-and-training/postdoctoral-fellowship-programs/fellowship-in-cancer-prevention-and-control.

Student Conduct Board Member Training

The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity is seeking volunteer Student Conduct Board Members to serve on hearings. It is open to full-time faculty, staff and students. In-person training will be offered at the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, 809 W. Broad St., second floor, on the following dates and times: Thursday, Nov. 16, 11:30 a.m.; Friday, Nov. 17, 9 a.m.; and Friday, Nov. 17, at 1 p.m. Virtual training sessions will be offered at the following dates/times: Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 5 p.m.; Monday, Nov. 20, at 9 a.m.; and Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 1 p.m. This interactive program typically takes around 2.5 hours.

For more information, contact Rocky Carmine at carminero@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1963 or visit https://conduct.students.vcu.edu//.

Apply Now for VCU Transform

VCU Transform is the living-learning program designed for VCU students to transform their VCU experience. Elevate your academic experience in an inclusive community through dedicated support, engaging classes and experiential learning opportunities. Students receive guaranteed housing placement in West Grace North, early course registration and a certificate of leadership studies and experiential learning. Apply at the following URL by Friday, Nov. 17.

For more information, contact Kaylynn Hill at hillk8@vcu.edu or visit https://lead.vcu.edu/transform-llp/.

Individuals With Blood Pressures Between 120/80 - 130/90 mmHg Are Invited to Participate in a Research Study

We are inviting male and female participants with elevated blood pressure between the ages of 18-45 years to participate in a study to examine how the time of day that you eat affects your blood pressure, blood vessel function and kidney function. This study involves a screening visit to determine eligibility; two single-day interventions where you will eat a meal that we provide in the morning or late at night; and two visits to our laboratory. The study involves collection of blood, saliva and urine samples, in addition to blood pressure, blood vessel and body composition assessments. The study is conducted at VCU Kinesiology and Health Sciences Building on the Monroe Park Campus. Participants will be compensated for their time completing the study. For more information: Contact Natalie Bohmke at the following email address or Danielle Kirkman at dlkirkman@vcu.edu.

For more information, contact Natalie Bohmke at bohmkenj@vcu.edu.

Black Women Planning to Conceive Invited to Participate in a Research Study

Are you a Black woman between the ages of 18-39? Do you plan to conceive within six to 12 months? The Equity in Cardiovascular Health Outcomes (EqCHO) Lab invites you to participate in a study aimed at creating a tailored program to reduce stress and improve blood pressure disorders during pregnancy. To check your eligibility and to sign up, visit: https://redcap.vcu.edu/surveys/?s=M3CCHYWRR9PNJXDL.

For more information, contact Anika Hines at EqCHOLab@vcuhealth.org or (804) 828-5030 or visit http://facebook.com/eqcholabvcu.

Ram Pantry Services Survey

We invite VCU students who used Ram Pantry service in the past 12 months to participate in a survey. See the survey, which takes approximately 20-25 minutes, at the following URL. Your participation will be eligible for compensation.

For more information, contact Youngmi Kim, Ph.D., at ykim@vcu.edu or visit https://vcussw.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6LFXfnoba1Gx3fM.

Participants Are Invited for Study Examining the Impact of Racial Discrimination on Cardiovascular Health

This study is inviting individuals between the ages of 18 and 30 who identify as Black or African American. The purpose of this research study is to examine the effect of racial discrimination on cardiovascular responses and vascular inflammation to an acute mental challenge. This study will be conducted at 500 Academic Centre on VCU’s Monroe Park Campus. The principal investigator is Lee Franco, Ph.D., Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences. For more information, contact The KHS Healthy Heart Lab at healthyheart@vcu.edu.

For more information, contact KHS Healthy Heart Lab at healthyheart@vcu.edu.

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