Faculty/staff Issue for December 22, 2023
Coming up
Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, Mexico's Ambassador to U.S., To Give Talk
Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
VCU's Global Education Office will host the ambassador of Mexico to the United States, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, in Room 303, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. The ambassador will deliver a lecture to students, staff and faculty regarding the interdependence and common futures of Mexico and the United States.
For more information, contact Nicol Tinsley at nctinsley@vcu.edu or (804) 828-6463.
Avoid the Steal: You Can Prevent Theft at VCU
Theft is 100 percent preventable. The VCU Police Department advises everyone to secure all valuable items, such as cell phones, laptops, bags and wallets. If you're studying and need to take a break, take these items with you. Never leave valuables in public spaces, where someone can take them in the blink of an eye. VCU Men's Basketball Coach Ryan Odom and VCU Police Chief John Venuti encourage everyone to safeguard valuables, especially during finals.
For more information, contact VCU Police at policedept@vcu.edu or visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py-QcbFlw5I.
Are You a Clinical and Translational Researcher Who Needs Assistance Moving Your Project Forward?
The Wright Regional Center for Clinical and Translational Science can help. For personalized guidance from the center's research navigator, email a detailed description of your project or any questions to cctr@vcu.edu and you will be directed to the available resources. You can also visit the following URL to learn where to start, how to determine if your sample size is feasible and development of your grant or protocol.
For more information, contact Rose Williams at williamsrm4@vcu.edu or (804) 828-8583 or visit https://cctr.vcu.edu/support/research-navigation/.
Recreation and Well-Being Winter Break Hours
RecWell winter break hours run through Tuesday, Jan. 15. All facilities will be closed Sunday, Dec. 24 through Wednesday, Jan. 1. For details, visit the following URL.
For more information, contact Amanda Simmons at recwell@vcu.edu or visit https://recwell.vcu.edu/facilities-and-hours/.
Call for Nominations: Join the Institutional Review Board for 2024
VCU's Human Research Protection Program announces that the nomination period is now open for membership on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the 2024 annual calendar. The IRB is a vital component of VCU's commitment to ethical research practices. The board plays a crucial role in ensuring the protection and welfare of human subjects involved in research conducted at the university. Nominations may be made at the following URL. The deadline is Friday, Jan. 5.
For more information, contact Human Resources Protection Program at HRPP@vcu.edu or (804) 828-0868 or visit https://blogs.vcu.edu/humanresearch/?p=2929.
There's a Choir for You at VCU
Elevate your vocal talents with VCU's choir program. Experience the power of music and friendship with Choral Arts Society (APPM-359), Vox Concordia (APPM-378) and Commonwealth Singers (APPM-358). Audition for Spring 2024. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Christopher Hansen, Ph.D., at hansenc3@vcu.edu or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/academics/departments/music/ensembles/vocal-ensemble/vocal-ensemble-audition-info/.
Are You Stressed? Participate in a Stress Reduction Study
The VCU Wellbeing Lab invites you to participate in a research study on two stress reduction programs for undergraduate students in Spring 2024. VCU investigators seek to understand how two online stress reduction programs affect students’ mood and stress-related behavior. Compensation is available. Register for the study at the following URL.
For more information, contact Polina Beloborodova at vcu.stress.reduction@gmail.com or visit https://beloborodp.wixsite.com/stressreduction.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.