Faculty/staff Issue for January 18, 2017


VCU Community Health Education Center: Mindfulness Meditation Sessions

Add to calendar 18-01-2017 12:00:00 18-01-2017 13:00:00 America/New_York VCU Community Health Education Center: Mindfulness Meditation Sessions The VCU Community Health Education Center hosts 30-minute mindfulness meditation sessions every Wednesday and Friday at noon and 12:30 p.m. at the center, VCU Medical Center, Gateway Building, Ground Floor. The sessions will be led by Georgianne Ginder, MSc, CHWC, VCU Department of Arts in Healthcare. Space is limited. To register, use the contact information below and specify which session you would like to attend. Sarah Amick seamick@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

The VCU Community Health Education Center hosts 30-minute mindfulness meditation sessions every Wednesday and Friday at noon and 12:30 p.m. at the center, VCU Medical Center, Gateway Building, Ground Floor. The sessions will be led by Georgianne Ginder, MSc, CHWC, VCU Department of Arts in Healthcare. Space is limited. To register, use the contact information below and specify which session you would like to attend.

For more information, visit http://wp.vcu.edu/chec/.

MLK Week: 'Brother Outsider' Documentary

Add to calendar 18-01-2017 12:00:00 18-01-2017 America/New_York MLK Week: 'Brother Outsider' Documentary The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs shows clips from "Brother Outsider," the documentary highlighting the contributions of Bayard Rustin to the Civil Rights Movement, in the Commons Theater. In addition, guests will discuss the overall impact of the LGBTQIA+ community during the Civil Rights Movement. MLK Planning Committee MLKDay@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m.

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs shows clips from "Brother Outsider," the documentary highlighting the contributions of Bayard Rustin to the Civil Rights Movement, in the Commons Theater. In addition, guests will discuss the overall impact of the LGBTQIA+ community during the Civil Rights Movement.

MLK Week: Keynote Speaker Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D.

Add to calendar 18-01-2017 19:00:00 18-01-2017 20:30:00 America/New_York MLK Week: Keynote Speaker Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D. The MLK Planning Committee invites the VCU community to a keynote address by Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D., author, media personality and Morehouse College professor, speaking about race, politics and social justice in the University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballroom. Open to the public. Seating is limited. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. For details and a complete listing of MLK Week events, visit the website below. MLK Planning Committee MLKDay@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The MLK Planning Committee invites the VCU community to a keynote address by Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D., author, media personality and Morehouse College professor, speaking about race, politics and social justice in the University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballroom. Open to the public. Seating is limited. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. For details and a complete listing of MLK Week events, visit the website below.

For more information, visit http://mlkday.vcu.edu.

This week

Location Change: T3: 'Compassion in the Midst of Addiction: A Doctor's Journey of Turning Grief Into Education'

Add to calendar 19-01-2017 12:00:00 19-01-2017 13:00:00 America/New_York Location Change: T3: 'Compassion in the Midst of Addiction: A Doctor's Journey of Turning Grief Into Education' Third Thursday Theology hosts Omar Abubaker, D.M.D., Ph.D., Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, in the Baxter Perkinson Dental Building, Room 3121, as he tells the story about the loss of his son and how he was able to look at addiction with a new perspective through an educational program at VCU. This is a location change; because of overwhelming response we have outgrown the original space. Refreshments will be served. To R.S.V.P., use the contact information below. Melissa Burton mhburton@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017 from noon to 1 p.m.

Third Thursday Theology hosts Omar Abubaker, D.M.D., Ph.D., Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, in the Baxter Perkinson Dental Building, Room 3121, as he tells the story about the loss of his son and how he was able to look at addiction with a new perspective through an educational program at VCU. This is a location change; because of overwhelming response we have outgrown the original space. Refreshments will be served. To R.S.V.P., use the contact information below.

One SGA Forum

Add to calendar 19-01-2017 16:00:00 19-01-2017 18:00:00 America/New_York One SGA Forum The Monroe Park Campus and MCV Campus Student Government Associations (SGAs) hold a forum on the proposed merger of the two campuses SGAs in the University Student Commons, Forum Room. The two SGAs have proposed having one student government to oversee VCU's two Richmond campuses. The forum will consist of overview of the merger and a question-and-answer period. Voting on the merger will take place from Jan. 23-25. Joint Student Government Council jsgc@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The Monroe Park Campus and MCV Campus Student Government Associations (SGAs) hold a forum on the proposed merger of the two campuses SGAs in the University Student Commons, Forum Room. The two SGAs have proposed having one student government to oversee VCU's two Richmond campuses. The forum will consist of overview of the merger and a question-and-answer period. Voting on the merger will take place from Jan. 23-25.

For more information, visit https://students.vcu.edu/about-us/administration/reuban-rodriguez/jsgc/.

MLK Cafe and Design

Add to calendar 19-01-2017 18:00:00 19-01-2017 21:30:00 America/New_York MLK Cafe and Design Black Art Student Empowerment, Good Clear Sound and Tuesday Verses present an evening of spoken word, food, entertainment and painting in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salons. There are 30 spots open for painting. Must be registered to participate. Benjamin Harrell harrellbj@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Black Art Student Empowerment, Good Clear Sound and Tuesday Verses present an evening of spoken word, food, entertainment and painting in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salons. There are 30 spots open for painting. Must be registered to participate.

For more information, visit https://vcu.collegiatelink.net/organization/base/calendar/details/1159495#.WH2MwFAr6Ck.email.

Coming up

'Retiring with the VCU Optional Retirement Plan' for Faculty

Add to calendar 25-01-2017 12:00:00 25-01-2017 13:15:00 America/New_York 'Retiring with the VCU Optional Retirement Plan' for Faculty Human Resources presents "Retiring with the VCU Optional Retirement Plan" for VCU faculty in the Larrick Student Center, Jackson Ward Conference Room. This session is open to VCU faculty employees only, not VCU Health System employees. Daynon Smith dasmith1@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017 from noon to 1:15 p.m.

Human Resources presents "Retiring with the VCU Optional Retirement Plan" for VCU faculty in the Larrick Student Center, Jackson Ward Conference Room. This session is open to VCU faculty employees only, not VCU Health System employees.

For more information, visit https://training.vcu.edu/course_detail.asp?ID=15561.

'Meet VCU's Authors': Brian Daugherity

Add to calendar 25-01-2017 19:00:00 25-01-2017 America/New_York 'Meet VCU's Authors': Brian Daugherity The Humanities Research Center and VCU Libraries presents Brian Daugherity, Department of History, as part of the "Meet VCU's Authors" series in Cabell Library, Room 250. Daugherity will be speaking about his new book, "Keep On Keeping On: The NAACP and the Implementation of Brown v. Board of Education in Virginia." Admission is free and all are welcome. Gail Bartee Canter dgbartee@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017 at 7 p.m.

The Humanities Research Center and VCU Libraries presents Brian Daugherity, Department of History, as part of the "Meet VCU's Authors" series in Cabell Library, Room 250. Daugherity will be speaking about his new book, "Keep On Keeping On: The NAACP and the Implementation of Brown v. Board of Education in Virginia." Admission is free and all are welcome.

For more information, visit https://humanitiescenter.vcu.edu/meet-vcus-authors-brian-daugherity/.


Electronic W-2 Statements Available

2016 W-2 statements are available online through my.vcu.edu. Click "eServices/VCU Self Service," then "Employee," then "Tax Forms," and "Electronic W-2 Earnings Statement." You are required to give eConsent if you haven't already. View and print free copies at any time. Employees who receive a paper mailing may still provide eConsent to view and print W-2 statements. Consent remains in effect until revoked by the employee.

For more information, visit http://hr.vcu.edu/current-employees/payroll/.

Honor Council Training

The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity seeks full-time faculty members (instructional, administrative or professional) to volunteer to serve as a member of the University Honor Council. Members of the Honor Council participate in adjudicating allegations of academic misconduct via Sanction Review Boards, Decision Boards and Academic Integrity Appeal Boards. The spring semester training schedule is posted to the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity web page.

For more information, visit http://www.students.vcu.edu/studentconduct.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: FTC Safeguards Rule

The Office of Records and Registration is responsible for notifying the university community that it does not release nonpublic information about VCU students. This information is used and shared in a limited and carefully controlled manner. It is not disclosed, except as permitted by law, unless authorized by the student.

For more information, visit http://rar.vcu.edu.

'How Can Communications Help Further Diversity and Inclusive Excellence at VCU?'

The Division for Inclusive Excellence invites the VCU community to attend the open forum presentations, titled "How Can Communications Help Further Diversity and Inclusive Excellence at VCU?, followed by a question-and-answer session for all four candidates for the diversity and inclusion communications director position. Candidate C will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 1:30 p.m. in Ginter House, Room 221-A. Candidate D will be held on Friday, Jan. 27, at 1:30 p.m. in Ginter House, Room 221-A.

April is VCU Alumni Month

VCU Alumni sponsors Alumni Month in April, when spring programming at the university is at its highest. A list of events happening in April is being developed to promote to alumni to encourage them to come back to campus and engage with their alma mater. VCU Alumni would like to include your events in Alumni Month promotions.

For more information, visit http://www.vcualumni.org.

Smoking Reduction Study

Do you smoke cigarettes? Are you interested in reducing? You may be eligible to participate in a research study if you are a current smoker interested in reducing and between the ages of 21-65 years. Compensation is provided. For more information call 804-628-7550, email smokingreductionstudy@gmail.com or visit www.cstp.vcu.edu/rct. Principal Investigator: Thomas Eissenberg, Ph.D., Department of Psychology.

For more information, visit http://www.cstp.vcu.edu/rct.

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.