Student Issue for August 30, 2017
Health Science Club at VCU: Red Cross Blood Drive
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Health Science Club at VCU hosts a Red Cross blood drive at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Parish Hall, 800 S. Cathedral Place. Walk-ins are welcome. To schedule an appointment, visit the website below, type in 23220, and choose the date and time.
For more information, visit
VCU Community Health Education Center: Mindfulness Meditation Sessions
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
The VCU Community Health Education Center hosts 30-minute mindfulness meditation sessions every Wednesday and Friday at noon and 12:30 p.m. at the center, VCU Medical Center, Gateway Building, Ground Floor. Sessions are led by Georgianne Ginder, Department of Arts in Healthcare. Participants can relax, focus and reduce stress with this healthy practice. Space is limited. RSVP and note which session you plan to attend by using the contact information below.
For more information, visit
SAVES Interest Meeting
2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Students Advocating Violence Education and Support (SAVES) holds an interest meeting in the University Student Commons, Virginia Room A. SAVES is a peer education group on campus speaking and raising awareness on the topics of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking. Attendees will learn more about the organization to see if they would be interested in joining.
Division for Inclusive Excellence: Welcome Back Gathering
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The Division for Inclusive Excellence holds a welcome back gathering in Cabell Library, Room 303. Kevin W. Allison, Ph.D., interim vice president; Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves, Ph.D., associate vice president for inclusive excellence; and Jan Altman, Ph.D., coordinator for cultural competence and education, will share information and conversation. RSVP by using the contact information below.
For more information, visit
Christ Centered Fellowship: Welcome Event
6 p.m.
Christ Centered Fellowship holds an event to welcome students back to campus through food, fun and fellowship in the University Student Commons, Forum Room. Dinner and dessert will be provided.
Activities Programming Board Interest Meetings
7 p.m.
The Activities Programming Board holds interest meetings on Wednesday, Aug. 30, at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salons, for those interested in volunteering and becoming an Event Squad Member for the 2017-18 year. Attending an interest meeting is required to become a member.
Muslim Students Association: Field Day
8 p.m.
The Muslim Students Association presents a Field Day at the Cary Street Field. The event will comprise of fun-filled outdoor activities, with awards for those who perform best. For details, email
'Virtual RAMality'
8 p.m.
The Activities Programming Board presents "Virtual RAMality" in the University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms. Participants will experience different virtual realities through the future of gaming. Free food will be provided.
This week
Great Bike Roundup
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
RamBikes partners with the Office of Sustainability to hold the annual Great Bike Roundup on the Commons Plaza. Participants will enjoy free bike inspections, informational tables, bike registration and giveaways at this outreach-oriented gathering of Richmond's bike community.
HEMA Club: First Practice of Semester
Friday, Sep. 1, 2017 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The HEMA Club at VCU (Historical European Martial Arts) hosts its first practice of the semester at the Cary Street Gym, Multipurpose Activity Center (MAC). Participants will learn how to sword fight with the German longsword and make new friends. All athletic levels are welcome and no prior martial arts experience is required. Participants should wear athletic clothing and bring water.
For more information, visit
Coming up
Boren Award Information Session
Wednesday, Sep. 6, 2017 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The National Scholarship Office hosts an information session in West Grace Street Student Housing-North, Room 1030G/H, for attendees to learn about a fully-funded opportunity to study abroad and learn a foreign language through the Boren Awards for International Study.
Campus Scheduling Services Information Workshop: 'Virtual EMS and Reserving Space on Campus'
Thursday, Sep. 7, 2017 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Campus Scheduling Services hosts a "How-To Virtual EMS and Space Reservation" workshop for departments and student organizations in Hibbs Hall, Room 403. Attendees will learn how and when to book space on campus and the rules for reserving academic, outdoor and other spaces. Participants are encouraged to bring questions, event planners, schedulers and fellow organization board members to learn how to host a successful event, conference or meeting on campus. No RSVP or reservation is required.
For more information, visit
'Opioids in Virginia'
Wednesday, Sep. 20, 2017 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The Office of Continuing and Professional Education presents "Opioids in Virginia," an interactive presentation that is part of the third Wednesdays free community series, in the Garden Room (off of the food court) at Regency Square Mall, 1420 N. Parham Rd. An overview of the opiate epidemic in Virginia will be provided, along with a review of some of the changes happening to address the epidemic including increasing continuing education, and community and treatment resources. To RSVP, visit the website below.
For more information, visit
RamRide: Labor Day Impacts
The Campus Connector will operate on a reduced schedule of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 4 (Labor Day). The A Lot, I Lot, R Lot and M Lot RamRide shuttles will not provide service on Monday, Sept. 4. A Lot, I Lot, R Lot, and M Lot subscribers may park in D Deck on Monday, Sept. 4.
For more information, visit
Avoiding Conduct and Legal Issues with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
Illegal downloading using the VCU Network — including the wireless network — is not only against VCU policy, but is also unlawful. Large media companies such as FOX, Universal, Paramount and HBO monitor this illegal activity. Users should pay for their content to avoid conduct and legal issues. For assistance removing file sharing or malware from computers or other devices, visit the IT Service Center at Cabell Library.
For more information, visit
VCU Outdoor Adventure Program: Rock Climbing Weekend
The VCU Outdoor Adventure Program offers a rock climbing weekend from Sept. 16-17. OAP trip leaders will teach participants basic climbing techniques, equipment usage and belaying techniques in a safe and trusting environment. The cost will be $44 for students and $50 for faculty/staff. Price includes food, transportation, equipment and guides. Register online or in-person at the Outing Rental Center by Tuesday, Sept. 12.
For more information, visit
Honor Council Training for New Volunteers
The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity seeks faculty and student volunteers for the 2017-19 Honor Council. To learn more about the VCU Honor System and find the training schedule, visit the website below.
For more information, visit
New research study on anxiety and health in young adults enrolling now!
Researchers in the OPT for health lab at VCU want to learn more about the relationship between anxiety, health, and mood. You may be eligible to participate in this research study if you: - Are between the ages of 18-35 and - Are able to safely participate in physical activity and - Experience symptoms of anxiety Participants in this research study will be compensated for their time. Visit to learn more and see if you are eligible.
For more information, visit
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.
RamsConnect events
View all of the student events happening on campus and register for events that interest you.