Faculty/staff Issue for October 25, 2017
VCUDine Guest Restaurant: KTown
11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
VCUDine hosts guest restaurant KTown Kitchen, which will be serving up sweet and spicy shrimp, seasoned chicken, dumplings and more traditional Korean cuisine in the Shafer Court Dining Center. Door entry price is $10.09 (one swipe) with valid VCU ID. Additional swipes are charged for each dish featured at the KTown station. Follow @VCUDine on social media or visit the website below for a complete menu and additional swipe information.
For more information, visit http://vcu.campusdish.com.
'Illuminating Biology with Genetically Encoded Biosensors'
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
The Institute for Structural Biology, Drug Discovery and Development presents "Illuminating Biology with Genetically Encoded Biosensors" with Hui-Wang Ai, Ph.D., assistant professor, School of Medicine, University of Virginia, facilitating in BioTech One, Robert Ball Conference Room, as part of its 2017 Fall Seminar Series.
For more information, visit http://isb3d.pharmacy.vcu.edu.
'Seeing is Believing: Single Molecule Sensing and Protein-DNA Interactions'
2 p.m.
The Forensic Science Department welcomes guest speaker, Soma Dhakal, Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Chemistry, discussing "Seeing is Believing: Single Molecule Sensing and Protein-DNA Interactions" in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 2201. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Major Maps @ VCU
2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
VCU Advising holds a session in the University Student Commons, Forum Room, to introduce the VCU community to a new tool academic and career advisors across VCU will use to assist students with creating a strategic plan for completing their degree, building cultural competence, connecting to the community and developing real experience in a chosen career path. Attendees will hear how VCU is using "Major Maps" to help student achieve their academic goals and to build a successful future.
For more information, visit http://advising.vcu.edu.
'Wonderous World of Wikis'
2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
ALT Lab/Online@VCU offers a workshop for instructors in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 4100, on ways wikis can enhance class and group collaboration, as well as offer opportunities for creative research assignments.
For more information, visit http://altlab.vcu.edu/event/wonderous-world-of-wikis/.
'Wednesdays in the Workshop: Finding Digital Materials'
3 p.m. to 1 p.m.
VCU Libraries hosts "Wednesdays in the Workshop," an open house designed to help attendees explore new equipment, techniques, softwares or experiences every Wednesday at Cabell Library. This week's topic, in Room 250, will be how to find free and openly licensed images, audio, video and data.
For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2017-18/wednesday-workshops-2017-18.html.
Fall 2017 Anthropology Speaker Series: Marie Vergamini
3 p.m.
The School of World Studies presents Marie Vergamini, graduate research assistant, discussing "Anthropology and STEM: Primates and Science in the Classroom" in the University Student Commons Theater as part of its Fall 2017 Anthropology Speaker Series. Admission is free and all are welcome.
For more information, visit http://wp.vcu.edu/humanities-and-sciences/wp-content/uploads/sites/4656/2017/10/ANTHPOSTER.pdf.
'Little Italy'
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Intercultural Festival presents "Little Italy" in the University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms. Attendees will enjoy local Italian cuisine, mask painting, games and prizes.
This week
Amnesty International at VCU: Bake Sale
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 from noon to 3 p.m.
Amnesty International at VCU holds a bake sale on Thursday, Oct. 26, from noon to 3 p.m. behind Harris Hall and on Friday, Oct. 27, from noon to 3 p.m. outside of Cabell Library to raise funds for the organization. There will be treats of all varieties, including vegan. The organization fights for human rights locally and globally.
'Indigenous Health in Brazil'
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 from noon to 1 p.m.
The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs hosts "Indigenous Health in Brazil" in the University Student Commons, Room 215. Zaira Zambelli Taveira, D.D.S., obtained her dentistry degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. As a Humphrey fellow, Taveira wants to advance her knowledge related to indigenous health policy and its management.
'Discovery Dialogues: Discovering Ways to Decrease Substance Use Through Exercise'
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research presents its "Discovery Dialogues" seminar, "Discovering Ways to Decrease Substance Use Through Exercise," presented by Leila Islam, Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, in Main Hospital, First Floor, Learning Center (across from the cafeteria). Faculty, staff, students, patients and families are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
For more information, visit http://www.cctr.vcu.edu.
Objects + Methods Lecture Series: 'Coloured Publishing'
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.
The Department of Graphic Design presents its "Objects + Methods Lecture Series,"Coloured Publishing," featuring Devin Troy Strother and Yuri Ogita at The Depot. "Coloured Publishing" is an L.A.-based publisher of art books, 'zines and prints, founded by artist Devin Troy Strother and designer Yuri Ogita.
For more information, visit http://arts.vcu.edu/graphicdesign/.
VCU Music: Clarinet Studio Recital II
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 at 7 p.m.
VCU Music's Clarinet Studio presents a recital in the James W. Black Music Center, Recital Hall. Admission is free.
For more information, visit http://arts.vcu.edu/music/events/.
'Queer Comedy Night'
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs presents "Queer Comedy Night" in the University Student Commons, Virginia Room B. The event will feature four Richmond comedians, Katherine Malone, Patrick Miller, Kate Carroll and Mary Jane French. The comedians will share their experiences by using humor.
Library Book Sale Opens Oct. 26
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The annual Friends of VCU Libraries book sale opens on Thursday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. to noon in the Cabell Library Lecture Hall, for a Friends member preview. Those that are not members can join at the door for $100. The sale will open to the general public at noon.
For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2017-18/book-sale-2017.html.
Veteran Professional Development Workshop
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017 from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
VCU Military Student Services Office sponsors a professional development workshop in the University Student Commons, Forum Room, for veterans and anyone who is interested in jobs in the IT industry post-graduation. The workshop will feature Mike Powers, national IT recruiter and veteran, who will offer insight on resume writing, interview tips and elevator pitches. Refreshments will be served. Open to all.
For more information, visit http://militarystudents@vcu.edu.
Graduate Student Artist Talks
Friday, Oct. 27, 2017 at 1 p.m.
The Department of Craft and Material Studies presents graduate student artist talks at The Depot.
For more information, visit http://arts.vcu.edu/craft.
'Pumpkins and Pastries'
Friday, Oct. 27, 2017 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The College of Humanities and Sciences Leadership Council presents "Pumpkins and Pastries" on the University Student Commons Plaza to get the VCU community into the fall spirit. Attendees will enjoy pumpkin carving and free baked goods, as well as having the opportunity to learn how to get involved with the council this year. Pumpkins will be $5 via credit or Venmo.
United2Heal Warehouse Volunteering
Friday, Oct. 27, 2017 from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
United2Heal seeks volunteers to help sort medical supplies to donate to areas in need. The warehouse is located at 2601 Maury St., Unit #31. Rides will be provided if needed at the Commons loops at 2:50 p.m.
Coming up
Free VCU Libraries Webinar: 'Citation Management Tools'
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017 from noon to 1 p.m.
VCU Libraries offers an "Advance Your Research" webinar, "Citation Management Tools," which will include an introduction to Mendeley and Zotero. Participants will learn how to choose the best citation management tool for their research. A recording will be available on YouTube.
For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2017-18/ayr-webinars.html.
Rams in Recovery: 'You Did What?! Recovery Speaker Series'
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Rams in Recovery presents the "You Did What?! Recovery Speaker Series" in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 1107. The series pairs a current student with an alum to share recovery journeys.
For more information, visit http://www.thewell.vcu.edu/recovery-support/events--meetings/.
Case Study Event on Opioid Addiction
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The Translational Partnership for Mental Health jointly hosts a case study event with the Wellness Resource Center and Department of Rehabilitation Counseling in BioTech One, Founders Conference Room. The event will examine a case study abut an individual struggling with opioid addiction. To register, visit the website below. The case study will be emailed to attendees after registration.
For more information, visit http://go.vcu.edu/_kcw.
HDO: Diabetes Screening Event
Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 at 6 p.m.
Health Disparities Organization presents its annual diabetes awareness and screening event, which will include free diabetes testing as well as an ADA diabetes seminar, at Second Baptist Church, 3300 Broad Rock Blvd., 23224. This event is free to VCU students and the Richmond community. Panera will be provided. For details, see the Health Disparities Organization's Facebook page.
Human Resources: 'How to Speak with your Physician'
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017 at noon
Human Resources invites faculty and staff to learn "How to Speak with Your Physician" in Snead Hall, Room 2165. The sessions will give specific tools to get the most out of a visit, including getting ready, communication during and follow-up. To register, visit the website below.
For more information, visit https://training.vcu.edu/course_detail.asp?ID=16131.
ICA 'Rocks the Stu'
Monday, Nov. 13, 2017 at 7 p.m.
Excitement is building for the grand opening of the ICA, so to celebrate the Institute for Contemporary Art will cheer on the Rams as they take on North Florida at the Stuart C. Siegel Center. A table on the Main Concourse will be available for attendees to stop by, say hello and learn about the ICA's upcoming membership program.
For more information, visit http://ica.vcu.edu/2017/10/12/ica-rocks-the-stu/.
RamTech: Faculty and Staff Appreciation + Apple Flash Sale
Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
RamTech presents its Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day. Faculty and staff can take advantage of a special Apple® flash sale with up to $200 off select products; save up to $100 on select Dell® products; 30% on Kate Spade accessories; 25% on HEX products; 20% on Fitbit® products and 20% on Beats® products. Qualified full-time VCU faculty and staff can also take advantage of 0% down payroll deduction. RamTech will be taking pre-orders through Monday, Oct. 30, at the website below.
For more information, visit https://goo.gl/forms/A9RTSyzHwS2GlTTk1.
Important: Upcoming RamRide Impacts, Oct. 22-27
A major utilities project taking place on 11th Street between Broad and E. Marshall streets will impact RamRide routes from Sunday, Oct. 22, through Friday, Oct. 27. RamRide passengers should expect delays throughout the week due to increased traffic near these areas. Additionally, the Sanger Hall stop will close at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 22, and will re-open at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 27. During this closure, passengers should proceed to the alternate stops listed at http://go.vcu.edu/_hl4
For more information, visit http://go.vcu.edu/_hl4.
Win a $150 or $50 Visa Gift Card
VCU Dining Services invites the VCU community to help improve campus dining experiences by completing a 5-7 minute survey. All responses are confidential and must be completed by Friday, Oct. 27. Participants who finish the survey will be able to enter a drawing for a $150 or $50 eCard. To begin the survey, visit http://baseline.campuslabs.com/vcu/dining
For more information, visit http://baseline.campuslabs.com/vcu/dining.
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity Has Moved
As of Monday, Oct. 23, Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity has moved to a new location in the University Student Commons, Room 018. To find the office, take the central staircase or elevator down and SAEO is at the end of the hall. Any professor looking to drop off or pick up exams may do so in the new office.
For more information, visit https://saeo.vcu.edu/.
Research Opportunity
Are you a woman in menopause experiencing anxiety? Would you like to talk about your experiences? Researchers at the VCU School of Nursing are interested in learning more about women’s health in menopause. Participation in this qualitative study would involve a face to face interview (approximately 1 hour) to discuss your personal experience with anxiety in menopause. The interview will be audio recorded and will take place at a location convenient to you. You will receive a gift card to a local business for participation in the study. For more information, please contact Ellie Bremer, MSN, RN, FNP-C, at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Nursing, bremeres@vcu.edu. VCU IRB APPROVAL NO: HM20010855.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.