Faculty/staff Issue for January 19, 2018

Special Announcement

MCV Campus Recreation Center Facility Temporarily Closed

The MCV Campus Recreation and Aquatic Center will be closed through Monday, Jan. 22, due to a major HVAC system leak in the facility. Repairs are expected to continue through Monday, Jan. 22, and the facility is tentatively expected to reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 23. This is subject to change. All programs at the MCV Campus Recreation Center are canceled through Jan. 22. The Larrick Student Center remains open, including Jonah's, the meeting/dining area and all conference rooms. VCU Recreational Sports members are invited to use the Cary Street Gym in the meantime. For more information, visit https://recsports.vcu.edu/facilities/facility-status-updates/


Inter Health Professionals Alliance: 'Management, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Health Care'

Add to calendar 19-01-2018 12:00:00 19-01-2018 12:50:00 America/New_York Inter Health Professionals Alliance: 'Management, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Health Care' The Inter Health Professional's Alliance (IHPA) invites students to attend its January Educate then Advocate session with Nengliang (Aaron) Yao, Ph.D., who will speak about management, entrepreneurship and the future of health care in Sanger Hall, Room 2-020. Yao is an assistant professor at University of Virginia whose research interests include health policy and administration concerns around homebound cancer patients, in addition to teaching various health administration topics. Sanger Hall (1101 E Marshall St), Room 2-020 Zaneera Hassan hassanzh@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.

The Inter Health Professional's Alliance (IHPA) invites students to attend its January Educate then Advocate session with Nengliang (Aaron) Yao, Ph.D., who will speak about management, entrepreneurship and the future of health care in Sanger Hall, Room 2-020. Yao is an assistant professor at University of Virginia whose research interests include health policy and administration concerns around homebound cancer patients, in addition to teaching various health administration topics.

Affordable Textbook Session for Faculty

Add to calendar 19-01-2018 14:00:00 19-01-2018 15:00:00 America/New_York Affordable Textbook Session for Faculty VCU Libraries holds an open textbook workshop for faculty in Cabell Library, Room 205. During this one-hour session, attendees will learn about textbook costs and open textbooks as a quality and affordable alternative. After the workshop, participants will be asked to write a short review to benefit other faculty considering the adoption of open textbooks. Attendees can apply to be considered for a $200 professional development stipend for their participation and written review. Stipends will be transferred to faculty departments for disbursement. James Branch Cabell Library, Room 205 Sue Robinson srobinson26@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

VCU Libraries holds an open textbook workshop for faculty in Cabell Library, Room 205. During this one-hour session, attendees will learn about textbook costs and open textbooks as a quality and affordable alternative. After the workshop, participants will be asked to write a short review to benefit other faculty considering the adoption of open textbooks. Attendees can apply to be considered for a $200 professional development stipend for their participation and written review. Stipends will be transferred to faculty departments for disbursement.

For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2017-18/open-textbook-workshops-2017-18.html.

This week

VCU Men's Basketball vs. George Washington

Add to calendar 20-01-2018 12:30:00 20-01-2018 America/New_York VCU Men's Basketball vs. George Washington VCU Men's Basketball plays George Washington in the E.J. Wade Arena at the Stuart C. Siegel Center. E.J. Wade arena at Stuart C. Siegel Center VCU Athletics vcuathletics@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Saturday, Jan. 20, 2018 at 12:30 p.m.

VCU Men's Basketball plays George Washington in the E.J. Wade Arena at the Stuart C. Siegel Center.

For more information, visit http://www.vcuathletics.com.

Coming up

'Addressing Virginia's High-Needs Schools' Teacher Shortage through Sustainably Funded Teacher Residency Programs'

Add to calendar 23-01-2018 12:00:00 23-01-2018 15:00:00 America/New_York 'Addressing Virginia's High-Needs Schools' Teacher Shortage through Sustainably Funded Teacher Residency Programs' The School of Education presents "Addressing Virginia's High-Needs Schools' Teacher Shortage through Sustainably Funded Teacher Residency Programs" in the University Student Commons, Virginia Rooms C-D. RSVP by Wednesday, Dec. 20, by visiting the website below. University Student Commons, Virginia Rooms C-D Diana Burkett dburkett@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018 from noon to 3 p.m.

The School of Education presents "Addressing Virginia's High-Needs Schools' Teacher Shortage through Sustainably Funded Teacher Residency Programs" in the University Student Commons, Virginia Rooms C-D. RSVP by Wednesday, Dec. 20, by visiting the website below.

For more information, visit http://bit.ly/teacherresidencies.

'Create a Personal Meditation Practice'

Add to calendar 23-01-2018 12:00:00 23-01-2018 America/New_York 'Create a Personal Meditation Practice' Human Resources invites employees to begin a meditation journey by learning basic meditation techniques and how meditation affects overall health and relieves stress in the Cary Street Gym. All levels of experience are welcome. To register, visit the website below. Cary Street Gym Debbie Fitzgerald dmfitzge@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018 at noon

Human Resources invites employees to begin a meditation journey by learning basic meditation techniques and how meditation affects overall health and relieves stress in the Cary Street Gym. All levels of experience are welcome. To register, visit the website below.

For more information, visit https://training.vcu.edu/course_detail.asp?ID=16411.

RamPantry Spring Training

Add to calendar 24-01-2018 18:00:00 24-01-2018 18:45:00 America/New_York RamPantry Spring Training RamPantry at VCU hosts its training sessions for the spring semester on Wednesday, Jan. 24, and Saturday, Jan. 27, in the University Student Commons. Those interested in volunteering with RamPantry must attend one of the sessions. To sign up, email vcurampantry@gmail.com. University Student Commons Sarah Neal nealse@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018 from 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.

RamPantry at VCU hosts its training sessions for the spring semester on Wednesday, Jan. 24, and Saturday, Jan. 27, in the University Student Commons. Those interested in volunteering with RamPantry must attend one of the sessions. To sign up, email vcurampantry@gmail.com.

For more information, visit http://vcustudentfoodpantry.com/.

'Advance Your Research': Citation Management Tools Changing

Add to calendar 25-01-2018 12:00:00 25-01-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York 'Advance Your Research': Citation Management Tools Changing In 2018, VCU Libraries will retire RefWorks. To get ready for the change, the libraries have planned a group of webinars for spring. "Goodbye RefWorks: Exploring Other Citation Management Tools" will help participants discover new citation options and determine the one to suit their research and documentation needs. This session gives an overview of Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote, and shows how to save RefWorks citations. Online Sue Robinson srobinson26@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.

In 2018, VCU Libraries will retire RefWorks. To get ready for the change, the libraries have planned a group of webinars for spring. "Goodbye RefWorks: Exploring Other Citation Management Tools" will help participants discover new citation options and determine the one to suit their research and documentation needs. This session gives an overview of Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote, and shows how to save RefWorks citations.

For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2017-18/ayr-cmt.html.


Great Place: HR Redesign FAQ: Are University and Academic professionals still eligible for state pay increases?

When the Virginia General Assembly approves salary increases as part of the state budget process, they typically allocate a specified percentage for faculty and staff salary increases. For classified staff, that amount is granted “across the board,” so all classified employees with a satisfactory or better performance rating receive the same percentage increase. For University and Academic Professionals, VCU will continue to receive state appropriated funds to create a "merit pool" for salary increases. However, individual salary increases will be based on performance. Employees with higher performance may receive higher than average increases while those with satisfactory performance may receive lower percentage increases. In addition, the Board of Visitors has the authority to allocate funds for salary increases for faculty and university employees in addition to those approved by the state. The Board does not have the authority to provide additional salary increases for classified staff.

For more information, visit https://greatplace.vcu.edu/.

FixIT Can Fix Tech Troubles

FixIT, VCU’s on-campus computer repair resource, can repair accidental damage, viruses/malware, data loss and more. Conveniently located inside RamTech, FixIT is fully-certified to repair most computer brands from any retailer, including Apple®, Dell®, HP, and Lenovo. FixIT is authorized for in-warranty repairs. Visit FixIT — open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Friday — or call 804-827-9334 for more information.

For more information, visit http://ramtech.vcu.edu.

VCU Recreational Sports Outdoor Adventure Program: Road Bike Rides and Group Hikes

The VCU Recreational Sports Outdoor Adventure Program hosts free weekly clinics. Road bike rides occur every Wednesday from Jan. 24 to April 25, and allow members to explore the Richmond area by bike. Helmets and bikes are supplied. Group hikes occur every Thursday from Jan. 25 to April 26, and take members from the VCU campus on various trails, some of which in the James River Park System. Registration is ongoing through the semester.

For more information, visit https://recsports.vcu.edu/programs/outdoor-adventure-program/trips-clinics--more/.

Student Conduct Board: Training for New Volunteers

The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity seeks volunteers for the Student Conduct Board. Faculty, staff and student volunteers are needed for the Student Conduct Board. To learn more about the Student Code of Conduct and find the training schedule, visit the website below.

For more information, visit http://www.scai.vcu.edu.

Policy Open for Public Comment: Development and Alumni Relations

A new Development and Alumni Relations policy is now open for university comment through Wednesday, Jan. 31. The draft policy can be found at https://policy.vcu.edu/policies-open-for-public-comment.

For more information, visit https://policy.vcu.edu/policies-open-for-public-comment.

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.