Faculty/staff Issue for February 12, 2018


'Discovery of New Rehabilitation to Treat Movement Disorders'

Add to calendar 12-02-2018 12:00:00 12-02-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York 'Discovery of New Rehabilitation to Treat Movement Disorders' The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research holds its "Discovery Dialogues" seminar, "Discovery of New Rehabilitation to Treat Movement Disorders," presented by Carrie Peterson, Ph.D., assistant professor, Biomedical Engineering, in Main Hospital, Second Floor, Meeting Center. Faculty, staff, students, patients and families are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Meeting Center - Main Hospital, 2nd Floor Pam Dillon pmdillon@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research holds its "Discovery Dialogues" seminar, "Discovery of New Rehabilitation to Treat Movement Disorders," presented by Carrie Peterson, Ph.D., assistant professor, Biomedical Engineering, in Main Hospital, Second Floor, Meeting Center. Faculty, staff, students, patients and families are invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

For more information, visit http://www.cctr.vcu.edu.

This week

The Well: 'The Do's and Donuts of Relationships'

Add to calendar 13-02-2018 14:00:00 13-02-2018 16:30:00 America/New_York The Well: 'The Do's and Donuts of Relationships' The Wellness Resource Center presents "The Do's and Donuts of Relationships" at The Wellness Resource Center. Attendees will enjoy activities and free donuts to celebrate healthy relationships week. Those interested can swing by between 2-4:30 p.m. on the sidewalk in front of The Well, 815 S. Cathedral Place. The Wellness Resource Center Dana Vandervelde myoptions@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Wellness Resource Center presents "The Do's and Donuts of Relationships" at The Wellness Resource Center. Attendees will enjoy activities and free donuts to celebrate healthy relationships week. Those interested can swing by between 2-4:30 p.m. on the sidewalk in front of The Well, 815 S. Cathedral Place.

'The Impact of Recent Legislation Changes on Immigrant Communities'

Add to calendar 13-02-2018 16:30:00 13-02-2018 18:00:00 America/New_York 'The Impact of Recent Legislation Changes on Immigrant Communities' In recent months, there have been several changes in legislation regarding the status of immigrants in the U.S., including those related to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protection Status (TPS). The Division of Inclusive Excellence sponsors a panel in West Grace Street Student Housing-North, Room 1030J, holding an informed discussion about the motivations behind legislation changes, as well as the dramatic impact the changes are having on immigrant communities. Tanya Gonzalez, executive director, Sacred Heart Center, and Phil Storey, attorney, Legal Aid Justice Center. Free and open to the public. West Grace Street North Residence Hall, Room 1030-J Raina Fields inclusive@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

In recent months, there have been several changes in legislation regarding the status of immigrants in the U.S., including those related to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protection Status (TPS). The Division of Inclusive Excellence sponsors a panel in West Grace Street Student Housing-North, Room 1030J, holding an informed discussion about the motivations behind legislation changes, as well as the dramatic impact the changes are having on immigrant communities. Tanya Gonzalez, executive director, Sacred Heart Center, and Phil Storey, attorney, Legal Aid Justice Center. Free and open to the public.

Handling Dangerous Goods Training

Add to calendar 13-02-2018 09:00:00 13-02-2018 12:00:00 America/New_York Handling Dangerous Goods Training Environmental Health and Safety hosts Handling Dangerous Goods training in the George Ben Johnston Auditorium for VCU and VCU Health employees who handle (as in receipt for, mark, label, pack and prepare/sign shipping documents) dangerous goods. Handling dangerous goods without training or with lapsed training is illegal and may subject the handler and University to fines. To register, visit the website below. George Ben Johnston Auditorium Danny Munoz dmunoz2@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018 from 9 a.m. to noon

Environmental Health and Safety hosts Handling Dangerous Goods training in the George Ben Johnston Auditorium for VCU and VCU Health employees who handle (as in receipt for, mark, label, pack and prepare/sign shipping documents) dangerous goods. Handling dangerous goods without training or with lapsed training is illegal and may subject the handler and University to fines. To register, visit the website below.

For more information, visit https://redcap.vcu.edu/surveys/?s=HH3RY99WRP.

VCU Men's Basketball vs. Davidson

Add to calendar 14-02-2018 19:00:00 14-02-2018 America/New_York VCU Men's Basketball vs. Davidson VCU Basketball plays Davidson in the E.J. Wade Arena at the Stuart C. Siegel Center. E.J. Wade arena at Stuart C. Siegel Center VCU Athletics athletics@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018 at 7 p.m.

VCU Basketball plays Davidson in the E.J. Wade Arena at the Stuart C. Siegel Center.

For more information, visit http://www.vcuathletics.com.

Richmond Teacher Residency Open House

Add to calendar 15-02-2018 10:30:00 15-02-2018 13:30:00 America/New_York Richmond Teacher Residency Open House Richmond Teacher Residency holds an open house in Oliver Hall, Room 3108. Attendees will learn more about new program options and enjoy pizza and conversation. Oliver Hall 3108 - School of Education Ann Cherry ctl@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Richmond Teacher Residency holds an open house in Oliver Hall, Room 3108. Attendees will learn more about new program options and enjoy pizza and conversation.

For more information, visit https://richmondteacherresidency.vcu.edu.

Open Mic Night

Add to calendar 15-02-2018 18:00:00 15-02-2018 America/New_York Open Mic Night Good Clear Sound holds its first open mic night of the semester at The Depot. Participants can bring poetry, comedy acts, songs and performances for VCU to see. VCUarts Depot 814 W Broad St, Richmond, VA 23284 Brandon Duong duongbn@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 at 6 p.m.

Good Clear Sound holds its first open mic night of the semester at The Depot. Participants can bring poetry, comedy acts, songs and performances for VCU to see.

VCU Libraries' 16th Annual Black History Month Lecture: Ibram X. Kendi on 'Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America'

Add to calendar 15-02-2018 19:00:00 15-02-2018 21:00:00 America/New_York VCU Libraries' 16th Annual Black History Month Lecture: Ibram X. Kendi on 'Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America' VCU Libraries presents the 16th annual Black History Month lecture in Cabell Library, Lecture Hall, featuring Ibram X. Kendi, historian and author, discussing his book, "Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America," for which he won the National Book Award. The discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer session, book signing and reception. This event is free and open to all. To register, visit the website below. Cabell Library Lecture Hall Sue Robinson srobinson26@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

VCU Libraries presents the 16th annual Black History Month lecture in Cabell Library, Lecture Hall, featuring Ibram X. Kendi, historian and author, discussing his book, "Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America," for which he won the National Book Award. The discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer session, book signing and reception. This event is free and open to all. To register, visit the website below.

For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2017-18/black-history-month-lecture-2018.html.

VCU Jazz Orchestra I in Concert

Add to calendar 15-02-2018 20:00:00 15-02-2018 America/New_York VCU Jazz Orchestra I in Concert VCU Music presents the VCU Jazz Orchestra I in concert in the W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall. The concert will feature Rex Richardson (trumpet), vocalists Paige Melton and Shy Hinnant, and music of Porter, Nestico, Kern, Riddle, Gillespie, Holman and Richardson. Tickets are $7 in advance; $10 at the door; or free with VCU student ID. W.E. Singleton Center, 922 Park Avenue VCU Music Box Office musictix@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 at 8 p.m.

VCU Music presents the VCU Jazz Orchestra I in concert in the W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall. The concert will feature Rex Richardson (trumpet), vocalists Paige Melton and Shy Hinnant, and music of Porter, Nestico, Kern, Riddle, Gillespie, Holman and Richardson. Tickets are $7 in advance; $10 at the door; or free with VCU student ID.

For more information, visit https://www.showclix.com/event/jazz-orchestra-i3730040.

'Copyright for Creators: How to Protect Your Rights as a Creator'

Add to calendar 16-02-2018 13:00:00 16-02-2018 14:30:00 America/New_York 'Copyright for Creators: How to Protect Your Rights as a Creator' VCU Libraries "Copyright for Creators" series continues with a session that explores creators' rights and how to understand and protect them in Cabell Library, Room 205. Free and open to all. To register, visit the website below. James Branch Cabell Library, Room 205 Sue Robinson srobinson26@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

VCU Libraries "Copyright for Creators" series continues with a session that explores creators' rights and how to understand and protect them in Cabell Library, Room 205. Free and open to all. To register, visit the website below.

For more information, visit https://vcu.libcal.com/event/3751067.

'A Night at the Stu'

Add to calendar 16-02-2018 20:00:00 16-02-2018 America/New_York 'A Night at the Stu' VCU Athletics invites the VCU community to "A Night at the Stu" for an evening of live music, dancing and entertainment in the E.J. Wade Arena the Siegel Center. The event includes heavy d’oeuvres and desserts, open bar, live music and dance floor, casino, beer and wine tasting, silent auction and sports lounge. E.J. Wade Arena at the Stuart C. Siegel Center VCU Athletics athletics@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 at 8 p.m.

VCU Athletics invites the VCU community to "A Night at the Stu" for an evening of live music, dancing and entertainment in the E.J. Wade Arena the Siegel Center. The event includes heavy d’oeuvres and desserts, open bar, live music and dance floor, casino, beer and wine tasting, silent auction and sports lounge.

For more information, visit http://events.vcuraf.com/a-night-at-the-stu/.

Coming up

Health Behavior and Policy Seminar: 'Evolution of the American Health Care System: Policy, Practice and Value'

Add to calendar 20-02-2018 12:00:00 20-02-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York Health Behavior and Policy Seminar: 'Evolution of the American Health Care System: Policy, Practice and Value' The Department of Health Behavior and Policy presents a seminar featuring David Muhlestein, Ph.D., J.D., chief research officer, Leavitt Partners, discussing "Evolution of the American Health Care System: Policy, Practice and Value" in One Capitol Square, 12th Floor, Conference Room. Lunch will be provided. 830 E. Main St., Richmond, VA 23219, 12th Floor Conference Room Mary Johnson mary.johnson@vcuhealth.org DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.

The Department of Health Behavior and Policy presents a seminar featuring David Muhlestein, Ph.D., J.D., chief research officer, Leavitt Partners, discussing "Evolution of the American Health Care System: Policy, Practice and Value" in One Capitol Square, 12th Floor, Conference Room. Lunch will be provided.

Men of Color Symposium

Add to calendar 20-02-2018 16:00:00 20-02-2018 20:00:00 America/New_York Men of Color Symposium The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, College of Humanities and Sciences African American Male Initiative, and the College of Humanities and Sciences Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee host Terrell Strayhorn, Ph.D., an American scholar who publishes on college student success and issues of equity and diversity in higher education, in Cabell Library, Room 303. Strayhorn serves as founder and chief executive officer of Do Good Work Educational Consulting, LLC, a private education research firm committed to using research for strengthening families and communities, fighting oppression and injustice, advocating for social change and ensuring student success. Cabell Library, Room 303 Kishla Conner connerka2@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, College of Humanities and Sciences African American Male Initiative, and the College of Humanities and Sciences Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee host Terrell Strayhorn, Ph.D., an American scholar who publishes on college student success and issues of equity and diversity in higher education, in Cabell Library, Room 303. Strayhorn serves as founder and chief executive officer of Do Good Work Educational Consulting, LLC, a private education research firm committed to using research for strengthening families and communities, fighting oppression and injustice, advocating for social change and ensuring student success.

'Discover Health Care Fair'

Add to calendar 20-02-2018 18:30:00 20-02-2018 20:00:00 America/New_York 'Discover Health Care Fair' The VCU Health Science Pipeline holds the "Discover Health Care Fair" in the Larrick Student Center for attendees to explore the numerous health professions offered at VCU. Larrick Student Center Taryn Hayes Hayesta5@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The VCU Health Science Pipeline holds the "Discover Health Care Fair" in the Larrick Student Center for attendees to explore the numerous health professions offered at VCU.

For more information, visit https://dhsd.vcu.edu.

Peace Corps Information Session: Environment

Add to calendar 21-02-2018 16:00:00 21-02-2018 17:00:00 America/New_York Peace Corps Information Session: Environment The University Student Commons and the Peace Corps hosts an information session in the University Student Commons, Alumni Board Room, about environmental volunteer opportunities in the Peace Corps. Attendees will learn about volunteer experiences, ask questions about service and gain tips to guide them through the application process. Student Commons - Alumni Board Room Emily Krupp kruppec@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The University Student Commons and the Peace Corps hosts an information session in the University Student Commons, Alumni Board Room, about environmental volunteer opportunities in the Peace Corps. Attendees will learn about volunteer experiences, ask questions about service and gain tips to guide them through the application process.

For more information, visit http://peacecorps.gov.

'The Ben Franklin's World Project: Podcasting and the Future of Digital History'

Add to calendar 21-02-2018 16:00:00 21-02-2018 18:00:00 America/New_York 'The Ben Franklin's World Project: Podcasting and the Future of Digital History' The Humanities Research Center presents "The Ben Franklin's World Project: Podcasting and the Future of Digital History" in Cabell Library, Multipurpose Room 250, as part of its spring 2018 speaker series. Liz Covart, digital projects editor, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, and host of the award-winning Ben Franklin's World History podcast, will begin her lecture at 4 p.m. Admission is free and all are welcome. Cabell Library, Multipurpose Room 250 Richard Godbeer rgodbeer@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The Humanities Research Center presents "The Ben Franklin's World Project: Podcasting and the Future of Digital History" in Cabell Library, Multipurpose Room 250, as part of its spring 2018 speaker series. Liz Covart, digital projects editor, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, and host of the award-winning Ben Franklin's World History podcast, will begin her lecture at 4 p.m. Admission is free and all are welcome.

For more information, visit https://humanitiescenter.vcu.edu/spring-2018-speaker-series-liz-covart/.


2018-19 VCU Bulletin Launched

The 2018-19 VCU Bulletin is available. The undergraduate, graduate and professional bulletins contain information about university policies, course descriptions and academic requirements for the programs available to the respective student populations. To view the 2018-19 edition online, visit the website below.

For more information, visit http://bulletin.vcu.edu.

'Virginia Conference on Youth Tobacco Use: Translating Research Into Practice and Policy': Early Bird Registration Open

The Department of Psychology and the Virginia Youth Tobacco Projects Research Coalition present the sixth triennial "Virginia Conference on Youth Tobacco Use: Translating Research into Practice and Policy" on March 21-22 at Delta Hotels by Marriott, 555 E. Canal St. For comprehensive information on accommodations, poster abstract due dates, prices and full agenda, visit the website below. Special rates for early bird registration are available through Thursday, March 1.

For more information, visit http://www.cvent.com/d/ptq3xx.

VCU Recreational Sports Outdoor Adventure Program: Exploring Utah and Beyond

The VCU Recreational Sports Outdoor Adventure Program is hosting a spring break trip to Utah and beyond. Participants will explore canyons, hike in the desert, camp under the stars, and look for ancient rock art at national parks like Arches and Zion. This trip starts and ends in Las Vegas, Nevada. Price includes food, transportation, permits, entry fees, and equipment, but does not cover airfare to or from the start/end point. Registration ends on Tuesday, Feb. 27.

For more information, visit https://recsports.vcu.edu/programs/outdoor-adventure-program/trips-clinics--more/.

Summer Study Abroad Program: Midwifery and Health in Guatemala

The VCU Institute for Women's Health and Highland Support Project spend a week, May 19-26, in partnership with indigenous midwives and community leaders learning about traditional Maya medicine and exploring the history of health care and healing in Guatemala. The group will learn about traditional medicine and midwifery practices. The cost is $985 plus airfare. The application deadline is Friday, March 23.

For more information, visit http://www.womenshealth.vcu.edu .

VCU Recreational Sports: Lifeguard Certification Course

VCU Recreational Sports offers a lifeguard certification course at the Cary Street Gym, Friday-Sunday, Feb. 16-18, and Feb. 23-25. The cost is $100 for students and $175 for members. Registration is available on the MyRecSports portal until Thursday, Feb. 15.

For more information, visit https://portal.recsports.vcu.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=8f04eb94-8b05-4785-bfc5-8f1060041199&semesterId=2747cef5-50b3-4321-bf68-a95f2d1b3ea5.

RVA Environmental Film Festival

The School of Engineering, in conjunction with local environmental groups, invites the VCU community to attend a series of films and discussions with environmental themes being held at various locations around Richmond including the Grace Street Theater and the historic Byrd Theater in Carytown. For more information and a full schedule, visit the website below. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information, visit https://rvaeff.org/2018-schedule.

Teach Youth at VCU

The Mary and Frances Youth Center's Discovery program is accepting class proposals for summer 2018 through Monday, Feb. 19. Discovery offers week-long career exploration classes focused on STEM, arts and health sciences for middle school youth from July 30 to Aug. 17. Faculty, staff and students are invited to apply and become instructors. Discovery also has internship opportunities available.

For more information, visit https://mfyc.vcu.edu/summer-programs/discovery/teach-a-class/.

Calling for New Moms to participate in the “Weight and Pregnancy” Research Study.

Are you a new mom (child aged 6-12 months)? Would you like to be in a research study about healthy lifestyle choices across pregnancy and the postpartum period? The “Weight and Pregnancy” study involves completing questionnaires with regarding aspects of nutrition, weight, physical activity, and interaction with your provider across your pregnancy and into the postpartum period (if applicable). This study will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and participants will be financially compensated. Contact our research coordinator about participating in the “Weight and Pregnancy” study at VCU: kwitowskima@vcu.edu. For more information contact Melissa Kwitowski at kwitowskima@vcu.edu or (804) 827-9211.

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.