Faculty/staff Issue for February 14, 2018
VCU Recreational Sports: 'Love Your Health: How To Look and Feel Good'
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
VCU Recreational Sports Wellness presents "Love Your Health: How to Look and Feel Good" at the Hunton Student Center to discuss current research about nutrition, exercise and overall wellness. Attendees will learn how important health is to their mind and what they can do for their overall health. Registration is available on MyRecSports Portal.
For more information, visit https://portal.recsports.vcu.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=59c97665-caf1-40f9-a6d1-c36bf0f64939&semesterId=2747cef5-50b3-4321-bf68-a95f2d1b3ea5.
'Appy Hour: Reaching (and Engaging!) Your Audience Through Email'
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
RamTech invites faculty and staff to attend a free "Appy Hour: Reaching (and Engaging!) Your Audience Through Email" in the University Student Commons, Forum Room. The seminar will break down how to craft emails that connect with a large audience; emails that will actually be opened, read and acted upon. It will demonstrate how to utilize MailChimp for email design and analytics. Attendees can brown bag lunch. There will be a free goodie bag and Pepsi products for all attendees.
For more information, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/appy-hour-reaching-and-engaging-your-audience-through-email-tickets-42097542884.
iCubed 'My Life My Scholarship': Wendy Kliewer
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
The VCU Institute for Inclusion, Inquiry and Innovation (iCubed) holds a "My Life, My Scholarship" symposium at the Monroe Park Campus Barnes & Noble @ VCU Cafe. Wendy Kliewer, Ph.D., professor within iCubed’s culture, race and health core, will share how her particular lived experiences have shaped her interest in risk and resilience, particularly the role of the family in mitigating risk, and in educating the next generation of scholars to do research that matters.
For more information, visit http://icubed.vcu.edu.
Visiting Artist Lecture: Gerit Grimm
5 p.m.
The Department of Craft and Material Studies presents its "Visiting Artist Lecture" featuring Gerit Grimm at The Depot.
For more information, visit http://arts.vcu.edu/craft.
This week
Richmond Teacher Residency Open House
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Richmond Teacher Residency holds an open house in Oliver Hall, Room 3108. Attendees will learn more about new program options and enjoy pizza and conversation.
For more information, visit https://richmondteacherresidency.vcu.edu.
'Mobile Surgery: Delivering Health Care to Remote and Underserved Communities'
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 from noon to 12:50 p.m.
The Interhealth Professional Alliance and the VCU Student Government Association presents "Mobile Surgery: Delivering Health Care to Remote and Underserved Communities" in McGuire Hall, Room 200. Edgar Rodas, M.D., will be speaking on his work in Ecuador and leading an interprofessional team of providers and support services as part of an event series on interprofessional leadership development. Lunch will be provided. To RSVP, visit the website below.
For more information, visit https://goo.gl/forms/L4xZTzqXQeiPSB8i1.
'Hit Reset!! Dialogue on Climate Change'
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 at noon
The Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering invites the VCU community to an open dialogue on climate change at The Depot to learn what individuals can do to make a difference. The talk will feature Vickie Connors, Ph.D., and Clifford Fox, Ph.D., both from the Center for Environmental Studies, as well as Emmy-winning filmmaker David Schumacher ("The New Fire").
Muevelo's First Latin Dance Workshop
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Muevelo hosts its first Latin dance workshop of the semester in West Grace Street Student Housing-North, Room 1030J. Participants will learn salsa and bachata. No experience is needed and everyone is welcome.
Jazz Orchestra I
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 at 8 p.m.
VCU Music presents the Jazz Orchestra I, directed by Antonio Garcia and featuring VCU trumpet faculty, Rex Richardson, in the W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall. Tickets are $10 general admission and free for VCU students with ID.
For more information, visit http://arts.vcu.edu/music/events/.
Faculty: Affordable Course Information Sessions Set for February
Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.
VCU Libraries invites faculty interested in learning more about creating affordable course content and receiving financial support to do so to attend a brief informational session on Friday, Feb. 16, at noon in Cabell Library, Room 250; Monday, Feb. 19, at noon in Tompkins-McCaw Library, Lecture Room 2-010; or Tuesday, Feb. 27, at noon in Cabell Library, Room 250.
For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/news/2018/-faculty-apply-for-new-affordable-course-grants-by-april-16.html.
Postgrad (Inter)National Scholarships Information Session
Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 at noon
The National Scholarship Office presents an information session about postgraduate scholarship opportunities in the U.S. and abroad in the Honors College, Room 1210.
For more information, visit http://wp.vcu.edu/natlscholar/.
'CPP-115 and Related Analogues: Novel GABA and Ornithine Aminotransferase Inactivators and Potential New Treatments for Epilepsy, Addiction, and Hepatocellular Carcinoma'
Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 from 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Department of Medicinal Chemistry presents "CPP-115 and Related Analogues: Novel GABA and Ornithine Aminotransferase Inactivators and Potential New Treatments for Epilepsy, Addiction, and Hepatocellular Carcinoma" as part of its spring seminar series in BioTech One, Founders Conference Room. The seminar will feature Richard B. Silverman, Patrick G. Ryan/Aon Professor, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University; J. Doyle Smith/Larry Winter Seminar Series, Joint MedChem and Chemistry.
Murals of Jackson Ward Tour
Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 from 9 a.m. to noon
The Center for Student Leadership and Civic Engagement and the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs offers a Murals of Jackson Ward tour for participants to explore the diversity of one of Richmond's most vibrant neighborhoods. During the walk, participants will visit murals, revitalized buildings and historic homes to learn more about a neighborhood that has had numerous incarnations. From an immigrant working-class neighborhood to the Harlem of the South, participants will see how art is shaping the face of Jackson Ward today. Check-in begins at 9 a.m. at the University Student Commons Information Desk. The tour will depart from the University Student Commons at 9:30 a.m.
Rampoint 2018
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The HEMA Club at VCU holds its second annual national Historical European Martial Arts tournament in the Larrick Student Center, MCV Campus Recreation Center. Saturday will be a national Nordic league long sword tournament; winners will be eligible to compete in swordfish, the "Olympics of HEMA." Sunday will be the rookie tournament for new fighters from all over the East coast. Attendees will see historically accurate sword-fighting and listen to lectures on relevant historical topics. There will be no fee for spectators.
Black Awakening Choir: Black History Month Concert
Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018 at 5 p.m.
The Black Awakening Choir at VCU presents its Black History Month Concert at 31st Street Baptist Church, 823 N. 31st St. Admission is free.
Coming up
'Towards a Cinema of Unknowing: Notes on Kieślowski'
Monday, Feb. 19, 2018 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The Powell-Edwards Distinguished Professorship in Religion and the Arts and the Religious Studies Program in the School of World Studies presents a lecture on the Polish director and screenwriter Krzysztof Kieślowski by JM Tyree, Distinguished Visiting Professor, VCUarts, "Towards a Cinema of Unknowing: Notes on Kieślowski" in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 2100. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Health Behavior and Policy Seminar: 'Evolution of the American Health Care System: Policy, Practice and Value'
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.
The Department of Health Behavior and Policy presents a seminar featuring David Muhlestein, Ph.D., J.D., chief research officer, Leavitt Partners, discussing "Evolution of the American Health Care System: Policy, Practice and Value" in One Capitol Square, 12th Floor, Conference Room. Lunch will be provided.
HRC Workshop: 'Why Podcasting? Podcasts and the Future of Storytelling'
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.
The Humanities Research Center hosts a writing workshop, "Why Podcasting? Podcasts and the Future of Storytelling," in Valentine House, Seminar Room. Guest will include Liz Covart, digital projects editor, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, and Chioke I’Anson, underwriting voice of NPR, co-creator and host of the new NPR Story Lab podcast. Admission is free and all faculty and graduate students are welcome.
For more information, visit https://humanitiescenter.vcu.edu/humanities-research-center-events/workshops/.
'Questioning Cinema Series: Hidden Figures' with VCU Expert Discussants
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
VCU Libraries' "Questioning Cinema" series shows "Hidden Figures," the lauded story of three brilliant African-American mathematicians at NASA - Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson - the brain power behind the complex calculation of the early space program, in Cabell Library, Lecture Hall. After the film, VCU professors will lead a discussion about the real-life times and challenges of these pioneers.
For more information, visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/news/2018/three-vcu-professors-to-discuss-hidden-figures-at-feb-21-event.html.
Case Study Evaluation on Opioid Addiction: Free CEUs
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Translational Partnership for Mental Health jointly hosts a case study event with the Wellness Resource Center to examine a case study about an individual struggling with opioid addiction in BioTech One, Founders Conference Room. Open to faculty, staff, students, advocates, and community members (free CEUs offered). To register, visit the website below. Participants will be emailed the case study after registering. To learn more about the TPMH, visit tpmh.weebly.com.
For more information, visit http://goo.gl/15pBe7.
Untold RVA Tour
Friday, Feb. 23, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Center for Student Leadership and Civic Engagement and the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs sponsor a tour with Untold RVA, a homegrown, black woman-owned, urban exploration tour company that seeks to inspire people who come to Richmond in search of an alternative view of the bygone era. This unique experience allows participants to choose their own adventure along an exclusive network of Untold RVA's pod marker history recordings and street art installations. A personal Gatekeeper tour guide will reveal fascinating Self Determination stories that have been deliberately submerged by mainstream history, such as the existence of underground resistance movements. Check-in begins at 9 a.m. at the University Student Commons Information Desk. The tour will depart from the Commons at 9:30 a.m. To attend a tour, visit the website below. To register a group, use the contact information below.
For more information, visit https://goo.gl/forms/BxreZU5WgMw7ixn73.
Registration Open: One-Day Building Inclusive Communities Workshops
Monday, Feb. 26, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Division for Inclusive Excellence offers two Building Inclusive Communities (BIC) workshops this month for faculty, administrators and staff on Monday, Feb. 26, and Tuesday, Feb. 27, in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salons. BIC supports the university community in creating an engaged, diverse and inclusive campus environment. Workshop goals include understanding historically marginalized and privileged group dynamics; learning to identify and avoid behavioral traps that contribute to cycles of inequity; and creating a personal plan for changing inequitable behaviors and practices. Seating is limited and advance registration is required. To register, visit the website below or training.vcu.edu using the keyword: diversity.
For more information, visit http://www.inclusive.vcu.edu/initiatives/building-inclusive-communities/.
14th Annual Marquita Aguilar Walkathon
Tuesday, Apr. 10, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 a.m.
The VCU Staff Senate presents the 14th annual Marquita Aguilar Walkathon on the University Student Commons Plaza. The walkathon raises funds for the Virginia's Caring University Scholarship, which supports undergraduate rising juniors and seniors in need of financial assistance. The VCU community is invited to participate. Lunch will be provided and participants will have the opportunity to win door prizes from community sponsors. Pre-registration is required for lunch. To register or to apply for the scholarship, visit the website below.
For more information, visit https://walkathon.vcu.edu.
Her Campus at VCU Presents 'Her Purse'
Her Campus at VCU is collecting gently used purses and toiletries for women in need in order to support Dress for Success of Central Richmond. Things specifically needed are unscented lotions, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail polish, pocket tissues, wipes, sanitary napkins, tampons and deodorants. Donations will be collected on Monday, Feb. 19, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the University Student Commons, Metro Room, and on Friday, March. 16, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the University Student Commons Lobby.
For more information, visit http://hercampus.com/vcu.
Quest Commercialization Fund: Spring 2018 Round Open
The Quest Commercialization Fund is designed to foster the growth of VCU's culture of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. The application for the Spring 2018 round of the Quest Commercialization Fund is now open to faculty and staff and will close at noon on Wednesday, March 21. The application and additional information about the Commercialization Fund can be found by visiting the website below.
For more information, visit https://quest.vcu.edu/quest-innovation-fund/commercialization-fund/.
OCPE Personal and Professional Development Programs
The VCU Office of Continuing and Professional Education (OCPE) offers a variety of classroom and online learning opportunities for VCU faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members. Continuing education is available in: Addiction Studies, Craft Beer, Disability Support Services, Event Planning, Noncredit Art, Organization, Paralegal Studies, Play Therapy Training, and Test Prep for the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SAT and ACT. Noncredit online courses and certificates in Customer Service, Google Tools, and Workplace Skills are also offered.
For more information, visit http://ocpe.vcu.edu.
VCU Toastmasters is Moving
After almost 20 years in the same room, VCU Toastmasters is moving to a larger, more technologically advanced room - School of Engineering, West Hall, Room 106. Toastmasters holds year-round weekly meetings every Wednesday from 12:05-12:50 p.m. in the School of Engineering, West Hall, Room 106. Toastmasters offers public speaking and leadership skill building to anyone in the VCU community. All are welcome.
For more information, visit http://vcutoastmasters.com.
Reservation and Use of Space Policy - Interim
The policy on Reservation and Use of Space at VCU has been implemented on an interim basis to meet a need to clarify how the university community reserves facilities and space to benefit the academic mission of VCU, including the safety and security of students, faculty and staff. To view the policy, visit the website below.
For more information, visit https://policy.vcu.edu/sites/default/files/Reservation%20and%20Use%20of%20Space%20-%20Interim.pdf.
VCU Recreational Sports Outdoor Adventure Program: Spring Climbing Clinics
The VCU Recreational Sports Outdoor Adventure Program hosts climbing clinics this semester at the Cary Street Gym Climbing Wall. These clinics will include a Climbing Technique Clinic on Thursday, Feb. 15; a Sport Climbing Clinic on Monday, Feb. 19; a Trad Climbing Clinic on Wednesday, Feb. 21; and a Rappelling Clinic on Wednesday, Feb. 28.
For more information, visit https://recsports.vcu.edu/programs/outdoor-adventure-program/climbing-bouldering-wall/.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.