Student Issue for March 21, 2018


iCubed My Life, My Scholarship: Faika Zanjani, Ph.D.

Add to calendar 21-03-2018 12:00:00 21-03-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York iCubed My Life, My Scholarship: Faika Zanjani, Ph.D. The VCU Institute for Inclusion, Inquiry and Innovation (iCubed) holds a "My Life, My Scholarship" symposium at the Monroe Park Campus Barnes & Noble @ VCU Cafe. The next event features Faika Zanjani, associate professor in Gerontology/Allied Health Sciences with the iCubed Health and Wellness in Aging Populations core and associate director of academic programs and research training for iCubed. She will share how her lived experience has shaped her perspective on aging and preventing poor health outcomes, aimed at reducing community health disparities. RSVP at the URL below. Barnes & Noble @ VCU: 1111 W. Broad St. Jena Gray DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

The VCU Institute for Inclusion, Inquiry and Innovation (iCubed) holds a "My Life, My Scholarship" symposium at the Monroe Park Campus Barnes & Noble @ VCU Cafe. The next event features Faika Zanjani, associate professor in Gerontology/Allied Health Sciences with the iCubed Health and Wellness in Aging Populations core and associate director of academic programs and research training for iCubed. She will share how her lived experience has shaped her perspective on aging and preventing poor health outcomes, aimed at reducing community health disparities. RSVP at the URL below.

For more information, visit

'Identifying the Small Signaling Molecules that Mediate Antibiotic Tolerance in Clostridium Difficule'

Add to calendar 21-03-2018 12:00:00 21-03-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York 'Identifying the Small Signaling Molecules that Mediate Antibiotic Tolerance in Clostridium Difficule' The Institute for Structural Biology, Drug Discovery and Development presents “Identifying the Small Signaling Molecular that Mediate Antibiotic Tolerance in Clositriduim Difficile” as a part of its 2018 Spring Seminar Series in the Larrick Student Center - Court End Ballroom A. Erin B. Purcell, Ph.D., assistant professor at Old Dominion University’s Department of Chemistry and Biology, will facilitate. Larrick Student Center - Court End Ballroom A Dr. Aaron May DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

The Institute for Structural Biology, Drug Discovery and Development presents “Identifying the Small Signaling Molecular that Mediate Antibiotic Tolerance in Clositriduim Difficile” as a part of its 2018 Spring Seminar Series in the Larrick Student Center - Court End Ballroom A. Erin B. Purcell, Ph.D., assistant professor at Old Dominion University’s Department of Chemistry and Biology, will facilitate.

For more information, visit

Powell Edwards Lecture: 'Wheels and Walls: Mobile Arts and Peace-building'

Add to calendar 21-03-2018 16:00:00 21-03-2018 17:30:00 America/New_York Powell Edwards Lecture: 'Wheels and Walls: Mobile Arts and Peace-building' The Powell-Edwards Distinguished Professorship in Religion and the Arts and the Religious Studies Program, School of World Studies, invite the community to a lecture by Chelsea Wilkinson on "Wheels and Walls: Mobile Arts and Peace-building" in West Grace Street Student Housing - South, Room 1004A (835 W. Grace St.). VCU ASPiRE(835 W Grace St), room 1004A Isabelle Richman DD/MM/YYYY

4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The Powell-Edwards Distinguished Professorship in Religion and the Arts and the Religious Studies Program, School of World Studies, invite the community to a lecture by Chelsea Wilkinson on "Wheels and Walls: Mobile Arts and Peace-building" in West Grace Street Student Housing - South, Room 1004A (835 W. Grace St.).

Create Piñatas to Help VCU Set World Record

Add to calendar 21-03-2018 17:00:00 21-03-2018 19:30:00 America/New_York Create Piñatas to Help VCU Set World Record The VCU da Vinci Center has partnered with the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in an attempt to break a world record for the world's largest display of piñatas to be unveiled at the Que Pasa festival in May. The center will hold a piñata-making workshop at VCU Innovate, 1010 W. Grace St., Room 1231. VCU Innovate, 1010 W. Grace St., Room 1231 Allison Schumacher DD/MM/YYYY

5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The VCU da Vinci Center has partnered with the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in an attempt to break a world record for the world's largest display of piñatas to be unveiled at the Que Pasa festival in May. The center will hold a piñata-making workshop at VCU Innovate, 1010 W. Grace St., Room 1231.

RESCHEDULED: 'Meet VCU's Authors': Bernard Means

Add to calendar 21-03-2018 19:00:00 21-03-2018 America/New_York RESCHEDULED: 'Meet VCU's Authors': Bernard Means RESCHEDULED, new date TBA : The Humanities Research Center and VCU Libraries presents Bernard Means (SWS), discussing "On the Rooftop of the World: 3D Archaeology in Far North India," as part of the "Meet VCU's Authors" series, in Cabell Library, Room 250. Admission is free and all are welcome. Cabell Library, Multipurpose Room 250 Richard Godbeer DD/MM/YYYY

7 p.m.

RESCHEDULED, new date TBA : The Humanities Research Center and VCU Libraries presents Bernard Means (SWS), discussing "On the Rooftop of the World: 3D Archaeology in Far North India," as part of the "Meet VCU's Authors" series, in Cabell Library, Room 250. Admission is free and all are welcome.

For more information, visit

This week

Office of Multicultural Student Affairs Diversity Ambassador Program Info Session

Add to calendar 19-03-2018 15:00:00 19-03-2018 15:30:00 America/New_York Office of Multicultural Student Affairs Diversity Ambassador Program Info Session The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) invites you to participate in our Diversity Ambassadors Program in the OMSA office, University Student Commons, Suite 215. This program is a valuable opportunity for students looking to enhance their collegiate experience through serving and representing OMSA, its programs and its mission in various spaces. For more info, please join us in our office for info sessions on March 19 3-3:30 p.m.; March 21 4:30-5 p.m.; or March 23 3:30-4 p.m. University Student Commons, Suite 215 LaDesha Batten DD/MM/YYYY

Monday, Mar. 19, 2018 from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) invites you to participate in our Diversity Ambassadors Program in the OMSA office, University Student Commons, Suite 215. This program is a valuable opportunity for students looking to enhance their collegiate experience through serving and representing OMSA, its programs and its mission in various spaces. For more info, please join us in our office for info sessions on March 19 3-3:30 p.m.; March 21 4:30-5 p.m.; or March 23 3:30-4 p.m.

Christ Centered Fellowship hosts emergency preparedness event

Add to calendar 22-03-2018 12:00:00 22-03-2018 14:00:00 America/New_York Christ Centered Fellowship hosts emergency preparedness event Run. Hide. Fight. Christ Centered Fellowship hosts Rick Pyle, a firefighter and paramedic, for "Emergency Preparedness: How to Survive an Active Campus Shooter Event and How to Stop the Bleed." Held outdoors at the Park Plaza directly behind Hibbs Hall. Learn helpful first aid tips and how to use a tourniquet. Refreshments will be provided. Park Plaza (Behind Hibbs Hall) Amanda Lee DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 22, 2018 from noon to 2 p.m.

Run. Hide. Fight. Christ Centered Fellowship hosts Rick Pyle, a firefighter and paramedic, for "Emergency Preparedness: How to Survive an Active Campus Shooter Event and How to Stop the Bleed." Held outdoors at the Park Plaza directly behind Hibbs Hall. Learn helpful first aid tips and how to use a tourniquet. Refreshments will be provided.

'The Fight for Fair Pay'

Add to calendar 22-03-2018 15:00:00 22-03-2018 America/New_York 'The Fight for Fair Pay' Sociologists for Women in Society at VCU presents "The Fight for Fair Pay" with Stephanie Luce in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salon I. Dr. Luce will be discussing labor movements past and present, and what we can do to assist in assuring a living wage. University Student Commons Richmond Salon I Lauren Payton DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 22, 2018 at 3 p.m.

Sociologists for Women in Society at VCU presents "The Fight for Fair Pay" with Stephanie Luce in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salon I. Dr. Luce will be discussing labor movements past and present, and what we can do to assist in assuring a living wage.

'Sweetest of Richmond'

Add to calendar 22-03-2018 18:30:00 22-03-2018 America/New_York 'Sweetest of Richmond' Residence Hall Association presents its Third Annual Sweetest of Richmond in the University Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms. Students are invited to eat all of Richmond's finest desserts and vote for the best. Categories include donuts, cookies, cakes, cupcakes and bubble tea. University Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms Maab Hassan DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 22, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.

Residence Hall Association presents its Third Annual Sweetest of Richmond in the University Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms. Students are invited to eat all of Richmond's finest desserts and vote for the best. Categories include donuts, cookies, cakes, cupcakes and bubble tea.

Percussion Studio Recital

Add to calendar 22-03-2018 19:00:00 22-03-2018 America/New_York Percussion Studio Recital VCU Music's Percussion Studio will present a recital in the W.E. Singleton Center's Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall. Free Admission. W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts Anne Marie Dumain DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 22, 2018 at 7 p.m.

VCU Music's Percussion Studio will present a recital in the W.E. Singleton Center's Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall. Free Admission.

For more information, visit

Flamenco Soul: Leah Kruszewski and The Latin Ballet

Add to calendar 23-03-2018 19:30:00 23-03-2018 America/New_York Flamenco Soul: Leah Kruszewski and The Latin Ballet VCU Music's Flamenco Festival VII presents guitarist Leah Kruszewski and The Latin Ballet in the W.E. Singleton Center's Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall. Guitarist and VCU music alumna Leah Kruszewski will perform a variety of traditional flamenco music with dancers from the Latin Ballet of Virginia, directed by Ana Ines King. $15 general admission, free for VCU students with ID. W.E. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts Anne Marie Dumain DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Mar. 23, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.

VCU Music's Flamenco Festival VII presents guitarist Leah Kruszewski and The Latin Ballet in the W.E. Singleton Center's Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall. Guitarist and VCU music alumna Leah Kruszewski will perform a variety of traditional flamenco music with dancers from the Latin Ballet of Virginia, directed by Ana Ines King. $15 general admission, free for VCU students with ID.

For more information, visit

Photography Workshop

Add to calendar 24-03-2018 17:00:00 24-03-2018 America/New_York Photography Workshop The VCU community is invited to attend a basic photography workshop sponsored by the Arab Engineers Organization in the Engineering West Hall, Room 103. Bring yourself and your camera. Engineering West Hall, Room 103 Dustin Kratochwill DD/MM/YYYY

Saturday, Mar. 24, 2018 at 5 p.m.

The VCU community is invited to attend a basic photography workshop sponsored by the Arab Engineers Organization in the Engineering West Hall, Room 103. Bring yourself and your camera.

Volunteers Needed for Tunnel of Oppression

Add to calendar 25-03-2018 25-03-2018 America/New_York Volunteers Needed for Tunnel of Oppression The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs seeks volunteers to serve in one-hour increments during the Tunnel of Opression March 25-28. The Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive experience that examines contemporary issues of different identities. Volunteers will be given a VCU Tunnel of Oppression T-shirt. Sign up at the URL below. VCU Steering Commitee DD/MM/YYYY

Sunday, Mar. 25, 2018

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs seeks volunteers to serve in one-hour increments during the Tunnel of Opression March 25-28. The Tunnel of Oppression is an interactive experience that examines contemporary issues of different identities. Volunteers will be given a VCU Tunnel of Oppression T-shirt. Sign up at the URL below.

For more information, visit

Coming up

VCU Recreational Sports Challenge Course Fun Day

Add to calendar 26-03-2018 15:00:00 26-03-2018 19:00:00 America/New_York VCU Recreational Sports Challenge Course Fun Day Join the VCU Rec Sports Outdoor Adventure Program Teambuilding staff for an afternoon of fun and adventure at the University of Richmond Challenge Course. This experience will consist of low and high challenge course elements such as a cargo net ladder, zip line and other activities. Transportation will be provided to and from the University of Richmond Challenge Course. Registration ends on March 25. University of Richmond Challenge Course Outdoor Adventure Program DD/MM/YYYY

Monday, Mar. 26, 2018 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Join the VCU Rec Sports Outdoor Adventure Program Teambuilding staff for an afternoon of fun and adventure at the University of Richmond Challenge Course. This experience will consist of low and high challenge course elements such as a cargo net ladder, zip line and other activities. Transportation will be provided to and from the University of Richmond Challenge Course. Registration ends on March 25.

For more information, visit

Sikh Student Association - Love and Learning: Sikhi 101

Add to calendar 26-03-2018 19:00:00 26-03-2018 21:00:00 America/New_York Sikh Student Association - Love and Learning: Sikhi 101 The Sikh Student Association invites the VCU community to its first Sikhi 101 workshop-based seminar discussing the history and fundamentals of the religion in West Grace Street Student Housing-North, Room 1030J. The primary aim of this workshop is to educate others on the Sikh faith and its intricacies while creating dialogue between Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike. West Grace North Room 1030J Namsimar Kaur DD/MM/YYYY

Monday, Mar. 26, 2018 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The Sikh Student Association invites the VCU community to its first Sikhi 101 workshop-based seminar discussing the history and fundamentals of the religion in West Grace Street Student Housing-North, Room 1030J. The primary aim of this workshop is to educate others on the Sikh faith and its intricacies while creating dialogue between Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike.

Advance Your Research using PIVOT to find funding sources

Add to calendar 28-03-2018 12:00:00 28-03-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York Advance Your Research using PIVOT to find funding sources VCU Libraries presents Melissa Throckmorton of the Office of Research and Innovation, in an online session designed to help researchers find funding for projects. Learn step-by-step how to use the PIVOT search engine. Participants will write an abstract of your project to determine the type of funding you may need, timing and deadlines, and specific keywords you can use for a targeted search; and set up your funding search and make it work automatically; and filter, sort and analyze the search results. Online Sue Robinson DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.

VCU Libraries presents Melissa Throckmorton of the Office of Research and Innovation, in an online session designed to help researchers find funding for projects. Learn step-by-step how to use the PIVOT search engine. Participants will write an abstract of your project to determine the type of funding you may need, timing and deadlines, and specific keywords you can use for a targeted search; and set up your funding search and make it work automatically; and filter, sort and analyze the search results.

For more information, visit

The Medicine Wagon Show: Patent Medicines and Miracle Cures of Yesterday and Today Presented by “Doc” Al Schalow

Add to calendar 28-03-2018 12:00:00 28-03-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York The Medicine Wagon Show: Patent Medicines and Miracle Cures of Yesterday and Today Presented by “Doc” Al Schalow As part of the traveling exhibit "Pick Your Poison: Intoxicating Pleasures & Medical Prescriptions" from the National Library of Medicine, Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences hosts ‘Doc’ Al Schalow (VCU School of Pharmacy ‘61) and his Medicine Wagon Show at the library. This presentation by a fictional showman uses humor, magic and storytelling to recount the cure-alls and patent medicines that were popular in the 19th century and how laws and attitudes about them changed. Sue Robinson DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.

As part of the traveling exhibit "Pick Your Poison: Intoxicating Pleasures & Medical Prescriptions" from the National Library of Medicine, Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences hosts ‘Doc’ Al Schalow (VCU School of Pharmacy ‘61) and his Medicine Wagon Show at the library. This presentation by a fictional showman uses humor, magic and storytelling to recount the cure-alls and patent medicines that were popular in the 19th century and how laws and attitudes about them changed.

For more information, visit

VCU English Faculty Forum: Dr. Adam Abraham: 'George Eliot versus Joseph Liggins: Authorship and Identity Theft'

Add to calendar 28-03-2018 12:00:00 28-03-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York VCU English Faculty Forum: Dr. Adam Abraham: 'George Eliot versus Joseph Liggins: Authorship and Identity Theft' VCU English sponsors a talk by Postdoctoral Fellow Adam Abraham in Hibbs Hall, Room 308. Until the end of her life, George Eliot was haunted by Joseph Liggins. Liggins claimed he was “George Eliot”—the pseudonym used by Marian Evans. He thus became a force in literary history even though he never wrote a word. Abraham argues that Liggins's imposture is seared into Eliot's fiction and offers a clue to understanding her final published work. 308 Hibbs Hall Rivka Swenson DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.

VCU English sponsors a talk by Postdoctoral Fellow Adam Abraham in Hibbs Hall, Room 308. Until the end of her life, George Eliot was haunted by Joseph Liggins. Liggins claimed he was “George Eliot”—the pseudonym used by Marian Evans. He thus became a force in literary history even though he never wrote a word. Abraham argues that Liggins's imposture is seared into Eliot's fiction and offers a clue to understanding her final published work.

For more information, visit

Wednesdays in the Workshop: 'Drones 101'

Add to calendar 28-03-2018 15:00:00 28-03-2018 16:00:00 America/New_York Wednesdays in the Workshop: 'Drones 101' VCU Libraries Innovative Media team offers "Drones 101: Flying and Photography Tips" in the Cabell Library Lecture Hall, Room 303. Take this opportunity to fly one of The Workshop's drones and learn best practices for pilots and photographers using drones. Cabell Library Lecture Hall (Rm. 303) Sue Robinson DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2018 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

VCU Libraries Innovative Media team offers "Drones 101: Flying and Photography Tips" in the Cabell Library Lecture Hall, Room 303. Take this opportunity to fly one of The Workshop's drones and learn best practices for pilots and photographers using drones.

For more information, visit

Alpha Kappa Delta Annual Induction Ceremony with guest lecturer Dr. Jessie Daniels on the Internet, Racism, and White Supremacy

Add to calendar 28-03-2018 19:00:00 28-03-2018 America/New_York Alpha Kappa Delta Annual Induction Ceremony with guest lecturer Dr. Jessie Daniels on the Internet, Racism, and White Supremacy Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society at VCU invites the VCU community to its annual induction ceremony in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 1100. This year, they host Dr. Jessie Daniels, professor of sociology at City University of New York and an internationally recognized expert on internet racism. She will be discussing the internet and white supremacy, and their role in the current political moment. Reception with light refreshments to follow. Academic Learning Commons room 1100 Alpha Kappa Delta DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2018 at 7 p.m.

Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honors Society at VCU invites the VCU community to its annual induction ceremony in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 1100. This year, they host Dr. Jessie Daniels, professor of sociology at City University of New York and an internationally recognized expert on internet racism. She will be discussing the internet and white supremacy, and their role in the current political moment. Reception with light refreshments to follow.

Black Male Student Symposium

Add to calendar 30-03-2018 12:00:00 30-03-2018 17:00:00 America/New_York Black Male Student Symposium The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, the Black Educators Association, the College of Humanities and Sciences and VCU Libraries host a mini symposium for black men who are undergraduate or graduate students, faculty and staff in the Cabell Library Lecture Hall, Room 303. Participants, to include representatives of other Virginia colleges and universities, will have the opportunity to interact with prominent keynote speakers and attend facilitated discussions where they will be encouraged to create strategies to enhance the college experience of underrepresented minority and low-income students. Cabell Library, Room 303 Reggie Stroble DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Mar. 30, 2018 from noon to 5 p.m.

The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, the Black Educators Association, the College of Humanities and Sciences and VCU Libraries host a mini symposium for black men who are undergraduate or graduate students, faculty and staff in the Cabell Library Lecture Hall, Room 303. Participants, to include representatives of other Virginia colleges and universities, will have the opportunity to interact with prominent keynote speakers and attend facilitated discussions where they will be encouraged to create strategies to enhance the college experience of underrepresented minority and low-income students.

RESCHEDULED: Science and Health Career Fair

Add to calendar 02-04-2018 12:00:00 02-04-2018 15:00:00 America/New_York RESCHEDULED: Science and Health Career Fair RESCHEDULED: VCU Career Services presents the spring 2018 Science and Health Career Fair in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salons. Attendees can connect with science and health organizations offering full-time or experiential opportunities in health and science fields. Attendees can also talk with recruiters from these organizations and learn about programs, internships and full-time opportunities. Richmond Salons Lian Currie DD/MM/YYYY

Monday, Apr. 2, 2018 from noon to 3 p.m.

RESCHEDULED: VCU Career Services presents the spring 2018 Science and Health Career Fair in the University Student Commons, Richmond Salons. Attendees can connect with science and health organizations offering full-time or experiential opportunities in health and science fields. Attendees can also talk with recruiters from these organizations and learn about programs, internships and full-time opportunities.

For more information, visit

RESCHEDULED : The Community Forum on Critical Issues in Black Richmond: Mental Health

Add to calendar 04-04-2018 19:30:00 04-04-2018 America/New_York RESCHEDULED : The Community Forum on Critical Issues in Black Richmond: Mental Health Due to the possibility of inclement weather, this event has been rescheduled to April 4 at the same time and location. The Department of African American Studies and the National Jericho Movement present the Community Forum on Critical Issues in Black Richmond, a seminar series devoted to critical discussions about Black life in Richmond and beyond, in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 1105. This month's topic is mental health. The discussion will be facilitated by Bri Maddox and Taneasha White, founders of the Black Minds Matter Project, an interdisciplinary effort that focuses on mental health in the age of #BlackLivesMatter. Academic Learning Commons, room 1105 Adam Ewing DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Apr. 4, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.

Due to the possibility of inclement weather, this event has been rescheduled to April 4 at the same time and location. The Department of African American Studies and the National Jericho Movement present the Community Forum on Critical Issues in Black Richmond, a seminar series devoted to critical discussions about Black life in Richmond and beyond, in the Academic Learning Commons, Room 1105. This month's topic is mental health. The discussion will be facilitated by Bri Maddox and Taneasha White, founders of the Black Minds Matter Project, an interdisciplinary effort that focuses on mental health in the age of #BlackLivesMatter.

Tickets Now On Sale for the VCUarts Fashion Show, Runway 2018: Momentum

Add to calendar 10-05-2018 20:00:00 10-05-2018 America/New_York Tickets Now On Sale for the VCUarts Fashion Show, Runway 2018: Momentum Tickets are now on sale for the annual juried VCUarts Fashion Show, Runway 2018: Momentum, at the Main Street Station Train Shed, 1500 E. Main St. The show features garments designed and sewn by fashion design students from VCU and VCU Qatar. For tickets, visit the URL below. Main Street Station Train Shed Maddy Murrow DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 8 p.m.

Tickets are now on sale for the annual juried VCUarts Fashion Show, Runway 2018: Momentum, at the Main Street Station Train Shed, 1500 E. Main St. The show features garments designed and sewn by fashion design students from VCU and VCU Qatar. For tickets, visit the URL below.

For more information, visit


Upcoming Campus Connector Impacts

The Cabell Library RamRide stop will be closed during the following days/times: March 26- closed all day; March 29-31- closing at 2:30 p.m.; April 1- closed until 3 p.m.; April 6 - closing at 2:30 p.m.; April 10 - closed from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.; April 12 at 12 p.m. through April 14 at 6 p.m. Passengers should board at the Main and Laurel stop during the times when the Cabell Library stop is closed. Track RamRide in real time at or on the VCU Mobile "RamRide" app.

For more information, visit

Now Recruiting for TEENS STRIVE Weight Management Program

The program is offered by Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU and includes weekly individual behavioral weight management visits for teens that cover topics including healthy eating and goal-setting, plus an exercise training program. STRIVE participants will visit the program’s dedicated gym facilities three times a week where they will work with personal trainers to improve their fitness. For more information and to see if your teen is eligible, visit the URL below.

For more information, visit

Spit for Science seeking undergraduate research assistants for Spring 2018

Spit for Science seeks undergraduate team members to assist with recruitment, marketing and outreach, and work in teams to develop research questions and analyze Spit for Science data. Students from all majors and at all class levels are welcome to apply. Enrollment will be for 3 credits (A-F grading system). The application deadline is March 26 at 5 p.m.

For more information, visit

VCU Recreational Sports Rice Rivers Center Nature Camp

The VCU Recreational Sports Outdoor Adventure Program is partnering with the Rice Rivers Center to host a brand new summer day camp for middle school age students at the center. Campers will spend five days exploring nature at the Rice Rivers Center and navigating tidal creeks and the James river in canoes. Activities will vary daily from stream science to canoeing along the recently restored Kimages Creek. The summer day camp dates are June 25-29, July 16-20, and July 30- August 3. Registration ends on May 10.

For more information, visit .

2018-2019 Graduate School Mentorship Program Call for Applications

The Graduate School announces a call for applications to the 2018-2019 Graduate School Mentorship Program (GSMP). The GSMP matches undergraduate and graduate students in mentoring relationships in order to expose undergraduate students to the graduate experience as they consider further study and to provide graduate students with the opportunity to develop mentoring skills as they share their own personal experiences with the undergraduate students in the program. Students are matched based on areas of academic discipline and/or interest. Students interested in being matched with a specific student must both indicate this preference on their applications. In order to qualify, graduate students must be at least second-year and be in good academic standing. For undergraduates mentee applicants, preference is given to applicants going into their sophomore, junior or senior years. Undergraduates are expected to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 throughout the duration of the program. Applications should be submitted by April 1 for the initial review. Applicants will be accepted by rolling admissions.

For more information, visit

VCUDine: Pizza Orders Now Available at Market 810-2-Go

Dining plan holders may now order pizza and soda to-go from Market 810-2-Go. Choose from cheese or pepperoni pizza, two ranch sides and two 20-oz fountain drinks for two swipes. Order forms are available in Market 810-2-GO. Pizza is made-to-order; please allow 20-30 minutes for preparation. Last order taken one hour before closing.

For more information, visit

Mindfulness for Healthcare Professional Students

Final invitation to participate in a research study and mindfulness training for healthcare professional trainees or pre-health students. Beginning soon.

For more information, visit

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.

RamsConnect events

View all of the student events happening on campus and register for events that interest you.