Faculty/staff Issue for October 25, 2018


'The Terner Symposium: Frontiers in Physical Chemistry'

Add to calendar 25-10-2018 13:00:00 25-10-2018 17:00:00 America/New_York 'The Terner Symposium: Frontiers in Physical Chemistry' VCU Chemistry will honor the late James Terner with special visiting speakers at "The Terner Symposium: Frontiers in Physical Chemistry" in the University Commons Theater, 907 Floyd Ave. University Student Commons Joia Nesby chemistry@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

VCU Chemistry will honor the late James Terner with special visiting speakers at "The Terner Symposium: Frontiers in Physical Chemistry" in the University Commons Theater, 907 Floyd Ave.

For more information, contact Joia Nesby at chemistry@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1298 or visit https://chemistry.vcu.edu/news/october-25th-2018--terner-symposium-.html.

Visiting Artist Lecture: Lauren Woods

Add to calendar 25-10-2018 12:00:00 25-10-2018 America/New_York Visiting Artist Lecture: Lauren Woods The VCU Department of Painting + Printmaking presents a lecture by Lauren Woods at the Institute for Contemporary Art, 601 W. Broad St. Woods is a conceptual artist whose hybrid media projects engage history as a lens by which to view the socio-politics of the present. Institute for Contemporary Art, 601 W. Broad St. Kat Wilson papr@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m.

The VCU Department of Painting + Printmaking presents a lecture by Lauren Woods at the Institute for Contemporary Art, 601 W. Broad St. Woods is a conceptual artist whose hybrid media projects engage history as a lens by which to view the socio-politics of the present.

For more information, contact Kat Wilson at papr@vcu.edu or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/paintingprintmaking/2018/09/25/lauren-woods-visiting-artist-lecture/.

aKDPhi-Breast Cancer Trivia/Raffle

Add to calendar 25-10-2018 15:00:00 25-10-2018 17:00:00 America/New_York aKDPhi-Breast Cancer Trivia/Raffle alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Inc. at VCU will host trivia games and a raffle in Lobby 1 of the University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave., to help spread awareness for breast cancer and to benefit the sorority's Breast Cancer Initiative. Winners will receive candy. Commons Lobby 1 (Near P.O.D) Amy Ni nia@mymail.vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Inc. at VCU will host trivia games and a raffle in Lobby 1 of the University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave., to help spread awareness for breast cancer and to benefit the sorority's Breast Cancer Initiative. Winners will receive candy.

For more information, contact Amy Ni at nia@mymail.vcu.edu or (434) 327-3640.

Professional Development Workshop: LinkedIn Edition

Add to calendar 25-10-2018 15:30:00 25-10-2018 16:30:00 America/New_York Professional Development Workshop: LinkedIn Edition The VCU Association of Information Technology Professionals presents a workshop on LinkedIn in Room B2165, Snead Hall, School of Business, 301 W. Main St. Learn how to develop, update and leverage a LinkedIn account. Pizza will be available. Snead Hall Room B2165 Giovanni Knight knightgn@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The VCU Association of Information Technology Professionals presents a workshop on LinkedIn in Room B2165, Snead Hall, School of Business, 301 W. Main St. Learn how to develop, update and leverage a LinkedIn account. Pizza will be available.

For more information, contact Giovanni Knight at knightgn@vcu.edu or visit http://aitpvcu.com.

Careers in Education Symposium and Open House

Add to calendar 25-10-2018 16:00:00 25-10-2018 18:30:00 America/New_York Careers in Education Symposium and Open House VCU Career Services and VCU School of Education will host an education symposium and open house in the Commonwealth Ballrooms, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Participants will be able to connect with professionals, find out about graduate school programs in education at VCU and learn about opportunities in K-12, higher education, nonprofit and public service. RSVP at the following URL. Commonwealth Ballrooms, University Student Commons Lian Currie lcurrie@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

VCU Career Services and VCU School of Education will host an education symposium and open house in the Commonwealth Ballrooms, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Participants will be able to connect with professionals, find out about graduate school programs in education at VCU and learn about opportunities in K-12, higher education, nonprofit and public service. RSVP at the following URL.

For more information, contact Lian Currie at lcurrie@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1645 or visit http://tinyurl.com/EdSymOpen.

Community Conversations at The Pace Center

Add to calendar 25-10-2018 17:30:00 25-10-2018 18:45:00 America/New_York Community Conversations at The Pace Center The Pace Center presents Community Conversations at 700 W. Franklin St. Speakers from the VCU community will share their experiences of how their community has affected their physical health. Dinner is free but please RSVP at the following URL for a head count. 700 W Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23220 The Pace Center director@thepacecenter.com DD/MM/YYYY

5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.

The Pace Center presents Community Conversations at 700 W. Franklin St. Speakers from the VCU community will share their experiences of how their community has affected their physical health. Dinner is free but please RSVP at the following URL for a head count.

For more information, contact The Pace Center at director@thepacecenter.com or visit https://goo.gl/forms/gr4Vg5UvzNzC1Dvp2.

UHCN Community Service Workshop

Add to calendar 25-10-2018 20:00:00 25-10-2018 America/New_York UHCN Community Service Workshop United Healthcare Network will host a community service workshop in Rooms C and D, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Free food will be available and speakers will discuss various opportunities. Student Commons VA Rooms C-D Grace Linder linderge@mymail.vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

8 p.m.

United Healthcare Network will host a community service workshop in Rooms C and D, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Free food will be available and speakers will discuss various opportunities.

For more information, contact Grace Linder at linderge@mymail.vcu.edu.

This week

Opening Day: Friends of VCU Libraries Annual Book Sale

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 12:00:00 26-10-2018 19:00:00 America/New_York Opening Day: Friends of VCU Libraries Annual Book Sale The annual Friends of VCU Libraries book sale will be held through Oct. 31 in Room 303, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. A preview sale for Friends of VCU Libraries members will be held 9 a.m.-noon Oct. 26. The sale offers an assortment of paperbacks and hardcovers, poetry collections, history books, biographies, scholarly studies, cookbooks, children's books, art books, comics, audio books, CDs, DVDs and more. Cabell Library Lecture Hall (Room 303) Sue Robinson srobinson26@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from noon to 7 p.m.

The annual Friends of VCU Libraries book sale will be held through Oct. 31 in Room 303, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. A preview sale for Friends of VCU Libraries members will be held 9 a.m.-noon Oct. 26. The sale offers an assortment of paperbacks and hardcovers, poetry collections, history books, biographies, scholarly studies, cookbooks, children's books, art books, comics, audio books, CDs, DVDs and more.

For more information, contact Sue Robinson at srobinson26@vcu.edu or visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2018-19/book-sale-2018.html.

Textbank and Pizza Party With Sen. Tim Kaine

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 11:30:00 26-10-2018 13:30:00 America/New_York Textbank and Pizza Party With Sen. Tim Kaine The Young Democrats at VCU will host a textbank for Sen. Tim Kaine in Commonwealth Ballroom A, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Kaine will be taking questions and will be available for photos. RSVP at the following email address. Commonwealth Ballroom A Malena Llanos llanosmk@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The Young Democrats at VCU will host a textbank for Sen. Tim Kaine in Commonwealth Ballroom A, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Kaine will be taking questions and will be available for photos. RSVP at the following email address.

For more information, contact Malena Llanos at llanosmk@vcu.edu.

Computer Science Seminar: Engineering and the Arts

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 12:00:00 26-10-2018 13:00:00 America/New_York Computer Science Seminar: Engineering and the Arts Semi Ryu, an associate professor in VCU's Department of Kinetic Imaging, will speak at an interdisciplinary seminar about engineering and the arts in Room 105, College of Engineering West Hall, 601 W. Main St. Ryu will discuss her work integrating computers, virtual reality and puppeteering concepts. West Engineering, Room 105 Tarynn M. Witten tmwitten@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from noon to 1 p.m.

Semi Ryu, an associate professor in VCU's Department of Kinetic Imaging, will speak at an interdisciplinary seminar about engineering and the arts in Room 105, College of Engineering West Hall, 601 W. Main St. Ryu will discuss her work integrating computers, virtual reality and puppeteering concepts.

For more information, contact Tarynn M. Witten at tmwitten@vcu.edu.

School of Education Research Resource Palooza

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 12:30:00 26-10-2018 14:00:00 America/New_York School of Education Research Resource Palooza Join VCU School of Education for a Research Resource Palooza featuring Robyn McDougle, Ph.D., director of the L. Douglas Wilder School's Center for Public Policy, in Room 4084B, Oliver Hall – School of Education, 1015 W. Main St. A discussion will focus on resources available to VCU faculty and staff and opportunities for research support and partnership available with the Center for Public Policy and SOE Centers. Register at the following URL. Oliver Hall Education, Room 4084B Dr. Jose G. Alcaine jgalcaine@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Join VCU School of Education for a Research Resource Palooza featuring Robyn McDougle, Ph.D., director of the L. Douglas Wilder School's Center for Public Policy, in Room 4084B, Oliver Hall – School of Education, 1015 W. Main St. A discussion will focus on resources available to VCU faculty and staff and opportunities for research support and partnership available with the Center for Public Policy and SOE Centers. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Dr. Jose G. Alcaine at jgalcaine@vcu.edu or (804) 828-2009 or visit https://goo.gl/forms/GRb9QDT9HDMJwHqn1.

World Studies Society First Meeting

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 12:30:00 26-10-2018 13:30:00 America/New_York World Studies Society First Meeting VCU's World Studies Society will hold its first general interest meeting in Richmond Salons I, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. VCU Richmond Salons I Neha Pondicherry pondicherryn@mymail.vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

VCU's World Studies Society will hold its first general interest meeting in Richmond Salons I, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave.

For more information, contact Neha Pondicherry at pondicherryn@mymail.vcu.edu or (559) 801-7269.

United2Heal Warehouse Flip

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 15:30:00 26-10-2018 18:00:00 America/New_York United2Heal Warehouse Flip United2Heal at VCU is hosting a Warehouse Flip at Warehouse #31, 2601 Maury St., at which volunteers will help decorate and paint. Anyone who needs or can provide a ride should come to the Commons Loop by 3 p.m. For questions visit u2h.vcu@gmail.com or the following email address. 2601 Maury Street Warehouse #31 Richmond, VA Lema Salah salahl@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

United2Heal at VCU is hosting a Warehouse Flip at Warehouse #31, 2601 Maury St., at which volunteers will help decorate and paint. Anyone who needs or can provide a ride should come to the Commons Loop by 3 p.m. For questions visit u2h.vcu@gmail.com or the following email address.

For more information, contact Lema Salah at salahl@vcu.edu.

B.A.S.E Art Gallery

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 18:00:00 26-10-2018 21:00:00 America/New_York B.A.S.E Art Gallery VCU's Black Art Student Empowerment will have art on view and members of the group will discuss their works in Room 1100, Grace and Broad Residence Center 1, 1000 W. Grace St. 1000 W Grace St. Grace and Broad Residence Center Phase 1 Room 1100 Tequail Spencer spencertl2@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

VCU's Black Art Student Empowerment will have art on view and members of the group will discuss their works in Room 1100, Grace and Broad Residence Center 1, 1000 W. Grace St.

For more information, contact Tequail Spencer at spencertl2@vcu.edu or (757) 698-1002.

Catholic Campus Ministry: Haunted Asylum

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 19:00:00 26-10-2018 21:00:00 America/New_York Catholic Campus Ministry: Haunted Asylum Catholic Campus Ministry hosts the group's annual Haunted House in partnership with RamPantry and RamPantry + at the Campus Ministry House, 20 N. Laurel St. This year's theme is Haunted Asylum, and the price of admission is $2, a canned good or hygiene product. There will be s'mores following passage through the Haunted House. 20 N Laurel St, Richmond 23220 April Ruiz ruizalc@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Catholic Campus Ministry hosts the group's annual Haunted House in partnership with RamPantry and RamPantry + at the Campus Ministry House, 20 N. Laurel St. This year's theme is Haunted Asylum, and the price of admission is $2, a canned good or hygiene product. There will be s'mores following passage through the Haunted House.

For more information, contact April Ruiz at ruizalc@vcu.edu.

VCU Dance Presents Ananya Dance Theatre

Add to calendar 26-10-2018 20:00:00 26-10-2018 America/New_York VCU Dance Presents Ananya Dance Theatre VCU Dance presents Ananya Dance Theatre's "Shaatranga: Women Weaving Worlds" at the Grace Street Theater, 934 W. Grace St. A performance will also be given Oct. 27 at the same time and location. Tickets are $20 and $15 and may be reserved at showclix.com. Grace Street Theater, 934 W. Grace St. Lea Marshall lemarshall@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Oct. 26, 2018 at 8 p.m.

VCU Dance presents Ananya Dance Theatre's "Shaatranga: Women Weaving Worlds" at the Grace Street Theater, 934 W. Grace St. A performance will also be given Oct. 27 at the same time and location. Tickets are $20 and $15 and may be reserved at showclix.com.

For more information, contact Lea Marshall at lemarshall@vcu.edu or (804) 828-2020 or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/dance/news/ananya-dance-theatre-performs-october-26-27/.

Concert to Honor Rebecca Tyree

Add to calendar 28-10-2018 15:00:00 28-10-2018 America/New_York Concert to Honor Rebecca Tyree The VCU Department of Music will honor Rebecca Tyree, assistant professor of choral music education who passed away on May 24, at a free concert in Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall, W.E. Singleton Center for Performing Arts, 922 Park Ave. Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall, W.E. Singleton Center for Performing Arts Anne Marie Dumain dumainamm@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018 at 3 p.m.

The VCU Department of Music will honor Rebecca Tyree, assistant professor of choral music education who passed away on May 24, at a free concert in Sonia Vlahcevic Concert Hall, W.E. Singleton Center for Performing Arts, 922 Park Ave.

For more information, contact Anne Marie Dumain at dumainamm@vcu.edu.

NAACP's Packing for Patients

Add to calendar 28-10-2018 17:00:00 28-10-2018 18:30:00 America/New_York NAACP's Packing for Patients The Health Committee of NAACP at VCU will host Packing for Patients in Room 327, Hibbs Hall, 900 Park Ave., to pack items collected for cancer patients. Hibbs Hall 327 Sierra Lewis lewissm23@mymail.vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The Health Committee of NAACP at VCU will host Packing for Patients in Room 327, Hibbs Hall, 900 Park Ave., to pack items collected for cancer patients.

For more information, contact Sierra Lewis at lewissm23@mymail.vcu.edu or (229) 412-1160.

Coming up

VCU Johnson Center Fourth Annual Scientific Retreat

Add to calendar 16-11-2018 08:00:00 16-11-2018 16:00:00 America/New_York VCU Johnson Center Fourth Annual Scientific Retreat Registration is open for the Johnson Center Fourth Annual Scientific Retreat at the Jonah L. Larrick Student Center, 900 Turpin St. Bench-to-bedside research will be showcased. Presentations include research related to liver disease, pulmonary diseases, opioid addiction and vitamin C in atrial fibrillation ablation. Register at the following URL. VCU Larrick Center: 900 Turpin St, Richmond, VA 23219 Chris DeWilde christine.dewilde@vcuhealth.org DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Nov. 16, 2018 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Registration is open for the Johnson Center Fourth Annual Scientific Retreat at the Jonah L. Larrick Student Center, 900 Turpin St. Bench-to-bedside research will be showcased. Presentations include research related to liver disease, pulmonary diseases, opioid addiction and vitamin C in atrial fibrillation ablation. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Chris DeWilde at christine.dewilde@vcuhealth.org or visit https://redcap.vcu.edu/surveys/?s=C38F7HTYMM.

Rescheduled Academic Writing Retreat

Add to calendar 09-11-2018 09:00:00 09-11-2018 17:00:00 America/New_York Rescheduled Academic Writing Retreat A limited number of spots are available for the rescheduled 2018 VCU Academic Writing Retreat. The retreat, open to all VCU faculty members and facilitated by Michelle Boyd, Ph.D., of Inkwell Academic Writing Retreats, offers VCU faculty members the time to write and the opportunity to learn new strategies for writing projects. Register at the following URL. Roslyn Retreat Center, 8727 River Road Jenn Arce vpfacaffrs@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Nov. 9, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

A limited number of spots are available for the rescheduled 2018 VCU Academic Writing Retreat. The retreat, open to all VCU faculty members and facilitated by Michelle Boyd, Ph.D., of Inkwell Academic Writing Retreats, offers VCU faculty members the time to write and the opportunity to learn new strategies for writing projects. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Jenn Arce at vpfacaffrs@vcu.edu or visit https://provost.vcu.edu/engage/calendar/2018-academic-writing-retreat.html.


One-Stop Website for VCU Branding

University Relations announces a new brand website at brand.vcu.edu, which places VCU, VCU Health and Virginia Premier brand assets under one roof. The Brand Standards Guide content is now web page-based, and all assets are searchable with visual examples. Users can now toggle between the three entities for searches. While the old identity site will redirect to this new site, bookmarks can be changed to brand.vcu.edu. In addition, VCU's redesigned stationery website, now at stationery.vcu.edu, is also linked from the new brand site. For additional information about VCU branding, contact Bob Saydlowski at the following email address. For additional VCU Health branding information, contact James Morrisard at marketing@vcuhealth.org.

For more information, contact Bob Saydlowski at identity@vcu.edu or visit http://brand.vcu.edu.

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.