Faculty/staff Issue for November 7, 2019


Three Debates Planned on Nuclear Topics

Add to calendar 07-11-2019 18:00:00 07-11-2019 19:00:00 America/New_York Three Debates Planned on Nuclear Topics The American Nuclear Society and Institute for Nuclear Materials Management at VCU will hold three 15-minute debates on nuclear topics. Several students have been told in advance they will be debating. The audience will vote on the winners. This debate, in Room W103, College of Engineering West Hall, 601 W. Main St., serves to build public speaking and critical thinking skills as well as inform students about nuclear topics. Register at the following URL. W103, Engineering West Hall Sarah Strickler stricklersc@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The American Nuclear Society and Institute for Nuclear Materials Management at VCU will hold three 15-minute debates on nuclear topics. Several students have been told in advance they will be debating. The audience will vote on the winners. This debate, in Room W103, College of Engineering West Hall, 601 W. Main St., serves to build public speaking and critical thinking skills as well as inform students about nuclear topics. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Sarah Strickler at stricklersc@vcu.edu or (540) 574-1859 or visit https://vcu.campusgroups.com/vcuans/rsvp_boot?id=619853.

Rec Sports To Hold Climbing Technique Clinic

Add to calendar 07-11-2019 19:00:00 07-11-2019 20:00:00 America/New_York Rec Sports To Hold Climbing Technique Clinic VCU Recreational Sports will host a clinic on climbing techniques. The clinic, to be at the climbing wall at Cary Street Gym, 101 S. Linden St., will cover new skills to improve climbing performance and break down techniques such as flagging, lock offs and smearing. Cary Street Gym Climbing Wall Christina Spohn spohncl@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

VCU Recreational Sports will host a clinic on climbing techniques. The clinic, to be at the climbing wall at Cary Street Gym, 101 S. Linden St., will cover new skills to improve climbing performance and break down techniques such as flagging, lock offs and smearing.

For more information, contact Christina Spohn at spohncl@vcu.edu or (804) 828-6004 or visit https://portal.recsports.vcu.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=801bd8c2-0ac3-438c-9e30-60481008fbb7&semesterId=3f527b52-e5b9-4169-8a84-c0d899a3ff28.

VCU Jazz Orchestra I To Perform in Concert

Add to calendar 07-11-2019 20:00:00 07-11-2019 America/New_York VCU Jazz Orchestra I To Perform in Concert Hear the VCU Jazz Orchestra I in Vlahcevic Concert Hall, Singleton Center, 922 Park Ave. Featured will be professors Antonio Garcia, Taylor Barnett (trumpet) and J.C. Kuhl (sax), plus student vocalist Shy Hinnant. Admission is $7 advance, $10 at door and free with a valid VCU student ID. The band will sight-read live. Vlahcevic Concert Hall, Singleton Center, 922 Park Avenue Antonio Garcia ajgarcia@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

8 p.m.

Hear the VCU Jazz Orchestra I in Vlahcevic Concert Hall, Singleton Center, 922 Park Ave. Featured will be professors Antonio Garcia, Taylor Barnett (trumpet) and J.C. Kuhl (sax), plus student vocalist Shy Hinnant. Admission is $7 advance, $10 at door and free with a valid VCU student ID. The band will sight-read live.

For more information, contact Antonio Garcia at ajgarcia@vcu.edu or (804) 828-6776 or visit https://www.showclix.com/event/jazz-orchestra-aefgwrhetjry.

This week

Christ Centered Fellowship Emergency Preparedness Event

Add to calendar 08-11-2019 18:00:00 08-11-2019 America/New_York Christ Centered Fellowship Emergency Preparedness Event Christ Centered Fellowship will host an Emergency Preparedness workshop in the Commons Senate Chambers, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Presentations on how to build a basic emergency kit, medical kit and auto kit will be shared. Light refreshments will be provided. Senate Chambers Amanda Lee leeas@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Nov. 8, 2019 at 6 p.m.

Christ Centered Fellowship will host an Emergency Preparedness workshop in the Commons Senate Chambers, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Presentations on how to build a basic emergency kit, medical kit and auto kit will be shared. Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information, contact Amanda Lee at leeas@vcu.edu or (804) 405-8808.

Reception To Be Held for 'When the Whirlwind Begins' Exhibit

Add to calendar 08-11-2019 18:00:00 08-11-2019 21:00:00 America/New_York Reception To Be Held for 'When the Whirlwind Begins' Exhibit An opening reception will be held for the "When the Whirlwind Begins" exhibition at The Anderson, 907 1/2 W. Franklin St. The student-curated group exhibition offers a thematic survey of some of the most relevant, challenging and exciting work being made in Philadelphia today. Artists were selected through student research and a series of site and studio visits made during the fall semester. The exhibition is on view through Dec. 11. 907 1/2 W. Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23284 Monica Kinsey kinseym@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Nov. 8, 2019 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

An opening reception will be held for the "When the Whirlwind Begins" exhibition at The Anderson, 907 1/2 W. Franklin St. The student-curated group exhibition offers a thematic survey of some of the most relevant, challenging and exciting work being made in Philadelphia today. Artists were selected through student research and a series of site and studio visits made during the fall semester. The exhibition is on view through Dec. 11.

For more information, contact Monica Kinsey at kinseym@vcu.edu or (703) 282-0530 or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/programs/theanderson/.

Workshop To Help Prioritize Your Professional Development

Add to calendar 08-11-2019 09:30:00 08-11-2019 11:00:00 America/New_York Workshop To Help Prioritize Your Professional Development VCU's Career Development Collaborative will host a workshop on honing your skills to succeed in your current role, positioning yourself for internal promotion and what career development means at VCU. The session, to be led by Samara Reynolds, director of Career Services, and Beverly Walker, program manager for Career Development, will be in Room 1112, Grace and Broad Residence Center 1, 1000 W. Grace St. A coffee meet-and-greet will precede the session at 9 a.m. at Harrison Street Café, 402 N. Harrison St. Register (required) at the following URL. Grace and Broad Residence Center 1 [1000 W. Grace St] in the LEAD classroom, Room 1112 Lorayah Lenore ltlenore@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Nov. 8, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

VCU's Career Development Collaborative will host a workshop on honing your skills to succeed in your current role, positioning yourself for internal promotion and what career development means at VCU. The session, to be led by Samara Reynolds, director of Career Services, and Beverly Walker, program manager for Career Development, will be in Room 1112, Grace and Broad Residence Center 1, 1000 W. Grace St. A coffee meet-and-greet will precede the session at 9 a.m. at Harrison Street Café, 402 N. Harrison St. Register (required) at the following URL.

For more information, contact Lorayah Lenore at ltlenore@vcu.edu or visit https://tinyurl.com/y3xlysks.

Futbol4Life Charity Soccer Tournament Scheduled

Add to calendar 09-11-2019 16:30:00 09-11-2019 America/New_York Futbol4Life Charity Soccer Tournament Scheduled United2Heal will host its annual charity soccer tournament, Futbol4Life, at the University of Richmond intramural sports field, 28 Westhampton Way. Tickets to play are $7 and will go toward the group's efforts to provide medical supplies for those in need. The tournament will feature teams of 10 players with at least two women each and will compete in eight-vs.-eight matches. Register before Nov. 8 at the following URL. 28 Westhampton Way, Richmond, VA 23329 Bilal Ghazi MasoodBG@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Saturday, Nov. 9, 2019 at 4:30 p.m.

United2Heal will host its annual charity soccer tournament, Futbol4Life, at the University of Richmond intramural sports field, 28 Westhampton Way. Tickets to play are $7 and will go toward the group's efforts to provide medical supplies for those in need. The tournament will feature teams of 10 players with at least two women each and will compete in eight-vs.-eight matches. Register before Nov. 8 at the following URL.

For more information, contact Bilal Ghazi at MasoodBG@vcu.edu or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfG8vvR-YoiQZbX1edcj08iaEgV2GVFjWb4Iw9a1Cd9QmASCQ/viewform.

Rec Sports To Offer Self-Defense Class

Add to calendar 10-11-2019 12:00:00 10-11-2019 15:00:00 America/New_York Rec Sports To Offer Self-Defense Class VCU Recreational Sports will offer a self-defense training session at the Cary Street Gym, 101 S. Linden St. The class will include safety tips, scenario discussions and empowering self-defense techniques. Register at the following URL before Nov. 8. Cary Street Gym Sydney Dale dalesm3@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Sunday, Nov. 10, 2019 from noon to 3 p.m.

VCU Recreational Sports will offer a self-defense training session at the Cary Street Gym, 101 S. Linden St. The class will include safety tips, scenario discussions and empowering self-defense techniques. Register at the following URL before Nov. 8.

For more information, contact Sydney Dale at dalesm3@vcu.edu or (804) 827-6411 or visit https://portal.recsports.vcu.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=80ea1b12-271c-425f-bb65-19429567793f&semesterId=3f527b52-e5b9-4169-8a84-c0d899a3ff28.

Coming up

Reversing an Opioid Overdose With Naloxone

Add to calendar 11-11-2019 14:00:00 11-11-2019 15:30:00 America/New_York Reversing an Opioid Overdose With Naloxone Rams in Recovery presents a hands-on training session, “Revive! Reversing an Opioid Overdose With Naloxone.” The session will be in Jackson Ward Conference Room A, Jonah L. Larrick Student Center, 900 Turpin St. Register at the following URL. Larrick Student Center(MCV Campus), Jackson Ward A Room, 900 Turpin St Shauntelle Hammonds shammonds@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Rams in Recovery presents a hands-on training session, “Revive! Reversing an Opioid Overdose With Naloxone.” The session will be in Jackson Ward Conference Room A, Jonah L. Larrick Student Center, 900 Turpin St. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Shauntelle Hammonds at shammonds@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/RP2HnWJeJ3nRnBBq7.

Former FDA Chief To Discuss Tobacco Wars

Add to calendar 11-11-2019 16:00:00 11-11-2019 America/New_York Former FDA Chief To Discuss Tobacco Wars The Center for the Study of Tobacco Products and Psychology Department will present former FDA commissioner David Kessler, M.D. Kessler will speak about his experience as head of the FDA from 1990-1997. The event, free and open to the public, will be at the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St. A reception will follow. Institute for Contemporary Arts at VCU Peter Stauffer staufferph@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 at 4 p.m.

The Center for the Study of Tobacco Products and Psychology Department will present former FDA commissioner David Kessler, M.D. Kessler will speak about his experience as head of the FDA from 1990-1997. The event, free and open to the public, will be at the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St. A reception will follow.

For more information, contact Peter Stauffer at staufferph@vcu.edu.

Google Drive - Collaboration in the Cloud

Add to calendar 12-11-2019 13:00:00 12-11-2019 15:30:00 America/New_York Google Drive - Collaboration in the Cloud Keep all your work in one secure place with online file storage in Google Drive. Learn how to share with others and access on any computer, smartphone or tablet at a workshop presented by VCU's Collaboration Services in Room B1-020, Computer Classroom, Sanger Hall, 1101 E. Marshall St. Register at the following URL. Sanger Hall B1-020 Computer Classroom Dr. Gee drgee@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Keep all your work in one secure place with online file storage in Google Drive. Learn how to share with others and access on any computer, smartphone or tablet at a workshop presented by VCU's Collaboration Services in Room B1-020, Computer Classroom, Sanger Hall, 1101 E. Marshall St. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Dr. Gee at drgee@vcu.edu or visit https://training.vcu.edu/course_detail.asp?ID=17273.

Honors College To Hold Informational Session for Continuing Students

Add to calendar 12-11-2019 12:30:00 12-11-2019 13:30:00 America/New_York Honors College To Hold Informational Session for Continuing Students The Honors College will host an informational session for current VCU students in Room 1303, The Honors College, 701 W. Grace St. Learn about the benefits of joining the Honors College and how to apply. Attendance at an informational session is required to apply. The Honors College, Room 1303 Jenna Venable venablejl@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The Honors College will host an informational session for current VCU students in Room 1303, The Honors College, 701 W. Grace St. Learn about the benefits of joining the Honors College and how to apply. Attendance at an informational session is required to apply.

For more information, contact Jenna Venable at venablejl@vcu.edu or visit https://honors.vcu.edu/admissions/continuing-students/.

Webinar To Provide Overview of VCU Online MBA Program

Add to calendar 13-11-2019 12:00:00 13-11-2019 12:45:00 America/New_York Webinar To Provide Overview of VCU Online MBA Program Learn more about VCU's Online MBA program at a webinar hosted by the School of Business. This 30-minute online presentation will provide an overview of the program and how to apply. Register at the following URL. If you cannot register ahead of time, log in a few minutes prior to the event at https://vcu.zoom.us/j/665461573. https://vcu.zoom.us/j/665461573 Robert Clarkson rmclarkson@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019 from noon to 12:45 p.m.

Learn more about VCU's Online MBA program at a webinar hosted by the School of Business. This 30-minute online presentation will provide an overview of the program and how to apply. Register at the following URL. If you cannot register ahead of time, log in a few minutes prior to the event at https://vcu.zoom.us/j/665461573.

For more information, contact Robert Clarkson at rmclarkson@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1597 or visit https://business.vcu.edu/academics/mba-options/online-mba/#sob-events-17594.

Transgender Awareness Celebration at Memorial Tree

Add to calendar 13-11-2019 16:00:00 13-11-2019 18:00:00 America/New_York Transgender Awareness Celebration at Memorial Tree All are welcome at the Transgender Awareness Celebration at the Transgender Day of Remembrance Memorial Tree in the parking lot of the VCU Police Department, 224 E. Broad St. The event includes the unveiling of a tree marker. A reception will follow. VCU Ram Pantry will be present to accept donations of canned food to assist students who are food insecure. VCU Police Department, Parking Lot, 224 East Broad Street Dae Newman equality@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

All are welcome at the Transgender Awareness Celebration at the Transgender Day of Remembrance Memorial Tree in the parking lot of the VCU Police Department, 224 E. Broad St. The event includes the unveiling of a tree marker. A reception will follow. VCU Ram Pantry will be present to accept donations of canned food to assist students who are food insecure.

For more information, contact Dae Newman at equality@vcu.edu.

Present the Best Version of Your Science Self With an Optimized Biosketch

Add to calendar 14-11-2019 12:00:00 14-11-2019 13:00:00 America/New_York Present the Best Version of Your Science Self With an Optimized Biosketch VCU C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences will present “Optimizing Your Biosketch To Present the Best Version of Your Science Self," a Whetting Your Appetite for Research seminar. Stacey Wahl, Ph.D., Research and Education Librarian, will discuss scholarly profiles that can be used to track your scientific progress, find information about your contributions to science and display your work for grant reviewers. The workshop will be held in Room 2-010, Tompkins-McCaw, 509 N. 12th St. Bring your computer. Register at the following email address. Tompkins-McCaw Library, Room 2-010 Pam Dillon pmdillon@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019 from noon to 1 p.m.

VCU C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences will present “Optimizing Your Biosketch To Present the Best Version of Your Science Self," a Whetting Your Appetite for Research seminar. Stacey Wahl, Ph.D., Research and Education Librarian, will discuss scholarly profiles that can be used to track your scientific progress, find information about your contributions to science and display your work for grant reviewers. The workshop will be held in Room 2-010, Tompkins-McCaw, 509 N. 12th St. Bring your computer. Register at the following email address.

For more information, contact Pam Dillon at pmdillon@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1519 or visit http://cctr.vcu.edu.

VCU Epidemiology Programs To Hold Open House

Add to calendar 14-11-2019 17:30:00 14-11-2019 America/New_York VCU Epidemiology Programs To Hold Open House Come see what the VCU Division of Epidemiology is all about. Join faculty, staff and students to eat pizza and learn more about the Epidemiology Ph.D. and Master of Public Health programs. The open house will be on the eighth floor, One Capitol Square, 830 E. Main St. RSVP at the following URL. One Capitol Square: 8th floor Sierra Croker sierra.croker@vcuhealth.org DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019 at 5:30 p.m.

Come see what the VCU Division of Epidemiology is all about. Join faculty, staff and students to eat pizza and learn more about the Epidemiology Ph.D. and Master of Public Health programs. The open house will be on the eighth floor, One Capitol Square, 830 E. Main St. RSVP at the following URL.

For more information, contact Sierra Croker at sierra.croker@vcuhealth.org or (804) 828-9785 or visit https://forms.gle/TSVHBUprYnYfnxot7.

CLARION Scholarship Competition Interest Meeting Set

Add to calendar 15-11-2019 12:00:00 15-11-2019 America/New_York CLARION Scholarship Competition Interest Meeting Set VCU's Center for Interprofessional Education in collaboration with Inter Health Professional Alliance Student Group will hold an interest meeting for the CLARION Case Competition. This competition allows students to form interprofessional teams and put forth solutions for a community- and health-based case to earn scholarship money and educational/résumé-building skills. The winning VCU team will compete in the national competition in Minnesota in April 2020. The VCU winning team from last year will be in attendance to discuss their experience and a short presentation will be given about the logistics of the competition. The session will be in Room 1-067, Sanger Hall, 1101 E. Marshall St. Sanger Hall 1-067 Melissa Burton mhburton@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Nov. 15, 2019 at noon

VCU's Center for Interprofessional Education in collaboration with Inter Health Professional Alliance Student Group will hold an interest meeting for the CLARION Case Competition. This competition allows students to form interprofessional teams and put forth solutions for a community- and health-based case to earn scholarship money and educational/résumé-building skills. The winning VCU team will compete in the national competition in Minnesota in April 2020. The VCU winning team from last year will be in attendance to discuss their experience and a short presentation will be given about the logistics of the competition. The session will be in Room 1-067, Sanger Hall, 1101 E. Marshall St.

For more information, contact Melissa Burton at mhburton@vcu.edu or (804) 828-2898.

Persian Club To Host Red Carpet Event

Add to calendar 16-11-2019 20:00:00 16-11-2019 23:00:00 America/New_York Persian Club To Host Red Carpet Event Persian Club at VCU presents Red Carpet, a free, Hollywood-themed party in the Commonwealth Ballrooms, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Wear your best dress attire, eat Persian sweets, take photos and dance to Persian pop music. Commons ballrooms Persian club PersianClubAtVCU DD/MM/YYYY

Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Persian Club at VCU presents Red Carpet, a free, Hollywood-themed party in the Commonwealth Ballrooms, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Ave. Wear your best dress attire, eat Persian sweets, take photos and dance to Persian pop music.

For more information, contact Persian club at PersianClubAtVCU or visit https://www.facebook.com/Persianclubatvcu/.

Inaugural Richmond Indie Comic Expo Planned

Add to calendar 17-11-2019 11:00:00 17-11-2019 18:00:00 America/New_York Inaugural Richmond Indie Comic Expo Planned VCU Libraries will host the inaugural Richmond Indie Comic Expo. The VCUarts student-run expo will feature panel discussions and art for sale from VCU alumni and local Richmond comics creators. The event will be held in the Lecture Hall, Room 303, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. Featured artists and panel topics will be announced closer to the date. The expo will be free and open to all. James Branch Cabell Library Lecture Hall (Room 303) Sue Robinson srobinson26@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

VCU Libraries will host the inaugural Richmond Indie Comic Expo. The VCUarts student-run expo will feature panel discussions and art for sale from VCU alumni and local Richmond comics creators. The event will be held in the Lecture Hall, Room 303, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. Featured artists and panel topics will be announced closer to the date. The expo will be free and open to all.

For more information, contact Sue Robinson at srobinson26@vcu.edu or visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2019-20/rice.html.

GEO Lunch and Learn: Working With VCU's English Language Learners (Monroe Park)

Add to calendar 20-11-2019 12:00:00 20-11-2019 13:30:00 America/New_York GEO Lunch and Learn: Working With VCU's English Language Learners (Monroe Park) Each fall, almost one-fifth of VCU's entering undergraduates come from a home where English is not the first language. This session, hosted by VCU's Global Education Office, introduces faculty and advisers to the needs of English language learners and shares how to help and discusses available campus resources. Bring your lunch and come learn how you can help English language learners navigate through their college careers. The session will be held in Room 3127, Grace Street Center, 912 W. Grace St. Grace Street Center, 912 W. Grace St., Room 3127 Taylor Herndon geo@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019 from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Each fall, almost one-fifth of VCU's entering undergraduates come from a home where English is not the first language. This session, hosted by VCU's Global Education Office, introduces faculty and advisers to the needs of English language learners and shares how to help and discusses available campus resources. Bring your lunch and come learn how you can help English language learners navigate through their college careers. The session will be held in Room 3127, Grace Street Center, 912 W. Grace St.

For more information, contact Taylor Herndon at geo@vcu.edu or (804) 828-8471 or visit https://global.vcu.edu.


Share Thanksgiving With an International Student

VCU's Global Education Office invites the VCU community to share the Thanksgiving Day holiday with VCU international students or scholars. Submit an application by Nov. 13 at the following URL.

For more information, contact Nichole Dorton at nldorton@vcu.edu or (804) 827-9331 or visit https://goo.gl/forms/7OT14BROvxrnAl663.

Apply to INNOVATE Living Learning Program by Nov. 8

INNOVATE is a living-learning program in which undergraduate students with sophomore status and beyond live in an on-campus residential community committed to innovation and entrepreneurship. Students participating in the program will earn an Undergraduate Certificate in Product Innovation, Venture Creation or Human-Centered Design. Apartment-style housing on campus is guaranteed. The priority deadline is Nov. 8.

For more information, contact Kendra Cabler at cablerka@vcu.edu or visit https://davincicenter.vcu.edu/programs/vcuinnovatellp/.

Rec Sports Plans Wilderness Survival Weekend

VCU Recreational Sports will host a wilderness survival weekend in western Virginia on Nov. 16 and 17. Trip leaders will teach survival skills and off-trail navigation. Registration, at the following URL, ends Nov. 12.

For more information, contact Joey Parent at parentaj@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1274 or visit https://portal.recsports.vcu.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=c2bc4897-92a8-4a21-aa23-319d1108e08a&semesterId=3f527b52-e5b9-4169-8a84-c0d899a3ff28.

VCU Helpline Contest: Two Minutes Could Mean $100 in RamBucks

What happens when you use the Helpline? Discover yourself by visiting www.VCUHelpline.com, clicking “Report an Incident,” selecting the "Contest Entry" issue type and entering your VCU email address in the description. Two winners will be randomly selected to receive $100 in RamBucks.

For more information, contact ucompliance@vcu.edu at ucompliance@vcu.edu or visit http://go.vcu.edu/compliance-week.

Monroe Park Campus Parking Sales To Be Nov. 14

Student parking sales for the Monroe Park Campus will take place at 7 a.m. Nov. 14. Monroe Park Campus commuter and housing permits will be available for purchase online on a first-come, first-served basis at this time.

For more information, contact VCU Parking and Transportation at parking@vcu.edu or (804) 828-7275 or visit https://parking.vcu.edu/parking/students/monroe-park-campus-sale/.

Black Women Sought To Participate in Study About Dealing With Racial Discrimination

VCU School of Medicine is looking for black women ages 18-25 with a BMI between 25-45 kg/m2 in the Richmond area who want to take part in a study designed to capture experiences of racial discrimination. HER Squared is a research study designed to provide the opportunity to reflect on various experiences with racism and how you deal with the experiences. Compensation is available for eligible participants.

For more information, contact Kristal Brown at kristal.brown@vcuhealth.org or (804) 628-4644 or visit http://hersquaredrva.com.

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.