Student Issue for September 9, 2020

Special Announcement

University Events Impacted Due to COVID-19

Events featured in TelegRAM have been moved to an online setting to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Please check with organizers for assistance in accessing the online venue. Information about the university's One VCU: Responsible Together plan for a phased return to campus is available at It is the source for the latest VCU updates. You can also receive VCU Together notifications. Download "VCU Mobile" from your iOS or Android App Store, or visit with your smartphone and select the appropriate link.


One in Christ Fellowship Sets Activities

Add to calendar 09-09-2020 14:30:00 09-09-2020 America/New_York One in Christ Fellowship Sets Activities One in Christ fellowship will hold a Zoom event for freshmen to get to know sophomores in the group. The group will also hold a seminar via Zoom at 2:30 p.m. Sept. 10 on starting college while being Christian and a Q&A with members. Members of the group will eat dinner together via Zoom at 6:15 p.m. Sept. 11 to introduce those in attendance. RSVP for the link at the following URL for all the events. Zoom Yeji Hwang DD/MM/YYYY

2:30 p.m.

One in Christ fellowship will hold a Zoom event for freshmen to get to know sophomores in the group. The group will also hold a seminar via Zoom at 2:30 p.m. Sept. 10 on starting college while being Christian and a Q&A with members. Members of the group will eat dinner together via Zoom at 6:15 p.m. Sept. 11 to introduce those in attendance. RSVP for the link at the following URL for all the events.

For more information, contact Yeji Hwang at or visit

Wednesdays in the Workshop (on the Web): Collaborative Multimedia Tools

Add to calendar 09-09-2020 15:30:00 09-09-2020 16:30:00 America/New_York Wednesdays in the Workshop (on the Web): Collaborative Multimedia Tools Many programs, websites and applications help make the process of facilitating peer-to-peer interaction and managing group projects across a distance more engaging for instructors and students. This workshop, hosted by the VCU Libraries Workshop, covers a breadth of collaborative tools. Register at the following URL. Zoom Gregory Kimbrell DD/MM/YYYY

3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Many programs, websites and applications help make the process of facilitating peer-to-peer interaction and managing group projects across a distance more engaging for instructors and students. This workshop, hosted by the VCU Libraries Workshop, covers a breadth of collaborative tools. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Gregory Kimbrell at or (804) 393-2951 or visit

School of Business Virtual Organization Fair

Add to calendar 09-09-2020 16:00:00 09-09-2020 18:00:00 America/New_York School of Business Virtual Organization Fair VCU School of Business will host BOSS (Business Organizations and Student Services) days on Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 to learn how to become involved in the business school. The event is the School of Business’ version of Student Organization and Volunteer Opportunities Fair. The virtual fair can be accessed through VCU RamsConnect at the following URL. The booths will be "live" to video chat and message with students in the organizations from 4-6 p.m. Sept. 9 and 1-3 p.m. Sept. 10. Emily Fox DD/MM/YYYY

4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

VCU School of Business will host BOSS (Business Organizations and Student Services) days on Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 to learn how to become involved in the business school. The event is the School of Business’ version of Student Organization and Volunteer Opportunities Fair. The virtual fair can be accessed through VCU RamsConnect at the following URL. The booths will be "live" to video chat and message with students in the organizations from 4-6 p.m. Sept. 9 and 1-3 p.m. Sept. 10.

For more information, contact Emily Fox at or (804) 827-8888 or visit

Society of Women Engineers: Career Fair Dress Rehearsal

Add to calendar 09-09-2020 19:00:00 09-09-2020 21:00:00 America/New_York Society of Women Engineers: Career Fair Dress Rehearsal Prepare for the Fall 2020 Career Fair with the Society of Women Engineers at VCU. Come in your professional attire and receive pointers on how to look your best when speaking to employers. VCU Engineering Career Ambassadors will be present to help with your elevator pitch and offer advice on how to get the most out of the career fair. Those who attend will be entered in a raffle for an SWE logo polo shirt. Register at the following URL. Anisha Beladia DD/MM/YYYY

7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Prepare for the Fall 2020 Career Fair with the Society of Women Engineers at VCU. Come in your professional attire and receive pointers on how to look your best when speaking to employers. VCU Engineering Career Ambassadors will be present to help with your elevator pitch and offer advice on how to get the most out of the career fair. Those who attend will be entered in a raffle for an SWE logo polo shirt. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Anisha Beladia at or (571) 208-6049 or visit

This week

Wilder School to Kick Off Doctoral Lecture Series With Economist Samuel Myers Jr.

Add to calendar 10-09-2020 11:00:00 10-09-2020 12:15:00 America/New_York Wilder School to Kick Off Doctoral Lecture Series With Economist Samuel Myers Jr. The L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs will host a lecture featuring Samuel Myers Jr., a Roy Wilkins Professor of Human Relations and Social Justice in the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. Myers is a pioneer in the use of applied econometric techniques. His talk will explore his most recent publication, “Race-Neutrality: Rationalizing Remedies to Racial Inequality.” Register for the Zoom link at the following URL. Zoom Katie Huynh DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Sep. 10, 2020 from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

The L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs will host a lecture featuring Samuel Myers Jr., a Roy Wilkins Professor of Human Relations and Social Justice in the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. Myers is a pioneer in the use of applied econometric techniques. His talk will explore his most recent publication, “Race-Neutrality: Rationalizing Remedies to Racial Inequality.” Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.

For more information, contact Katie Huynh at or visit

A Research Security Briefing With the White House Office of Science and Technology

Add to calendar 10-09-2020 14:00:00 10-09-2020 15:00:00 America/New_York A Research Security Briefing With the White House Office of Science and Technology VCU's Vice President for Research and Innovation will moderate a webinar on “Enhancing the Security and Integrity of America’s Research Enterprise” hosted by Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Kelvin Droegemeier. The event will include a Q&A session. All faculty, post-docs, staff researchers, graduate students and relevant research administrators from VCU and VCU Health are encouraged to attend and submit questions. Visit for more. online VCU's Vice President for Research and Innovation DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Sep. 10, 2020 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

VCU's Vice President for Research and Innovation will moderate a webinar on “Enhancing the Security and Integrity of America’s Research Enterprise” hosted by Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Kelvin Droegemeier. The event will include a Q&A session. All faculty, post-docs, staff researchers, graduate students and relevant research administrators from VCU and VCU Health are encouraged to attend and submit questions. Visit for more.

For more information, contact VCU's Vice President for Research and Innovation at or visit

VCU Adobe Creative Jam

Add to calendar 11-09-2020 12:00:00 11-09-2020 America/New_York VCU Adobe Creative Jam On Sept. 11 and Sept. 18, VCU students can compete with their peers in a virtual Adobe Creative Jam. Adobe Creative Jams are beginner-friendly design tournaments that give students experience solving real-world challenges. Learn how to use Adobe XD software to create interactive mobile app prototypes and compete to win prizes ranging from $25 to $250 per team member in Amazon gift cards. All participants must register via the following link by 11:30 p.m. on Sept. 10. Virtual Event Andrew Ilnicki DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Sep. 11, 2020 at noon

On Sept. 11 and Sept. 18, VCU students can compete with their peers in a virtual Adobe Creative Jam. Adobe Creative Jams are beginner-friendly design tournaments that give students experience solving real-world challenges. Learn how to use Adobe XD software to create interactive mobile app prototypes and compete to win prizes ranging from $25 to $250 per team member in Amazon gift cards. All participants must register via the following link by 11:30 p.m. on Sept. 10.

For more information, contact Andrew Ilnicki at or visit

Coming up

Social Justice in Politics: Get Out the Vote in 2020

Add to calendar 16-09-2020 18:00:00 16-09-2020 19:00:00 America/New_York Social Justice in Politics: Get Out the Vote in 2020 The VCU School of Social Work’s C. Bernard Scotch Fund presents Social Justice in Politics via Zoom. Charles E. Lewis Jr., Ph.D., executive director of the Congressional Research Institute of Social Work and Policy, will discuss how students, faculty, staff and individuals can support voter advocacy and work against systems of voter suppression in a higher education setting and beyond. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL. Via Zoom, registration link: Anna Givens DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Sep. 16, 2020 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The VCU School of Social Work’s C. Bernard Scotch Fund presents Social Justice in Politics via Zoom. Charles E. Lewis Jr., Ph.D., executive director of the Congressional Research Institute of Social Work and Policy, will discuss how students, faculty, staff and individuals can support voter advocacy and work against systems of voter suppression in a higher education setting and beyond. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.

For more information, contact Anna Givens at or visit

Graduate Student Association's First General Body Meeting

Add to calendar 19-09-2020 11:00:00 19-09-2020 13:00:00 America/New_York Graduate Student Association's First General Body Meeting Working committees for the GSA's representative council will be assigned and relevant topics will be discussed. Register via RamsConnect. Ann Kee DD/MM/YYYY

Saturday, Sep. 19, 2020 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Working committees for the GSA's representative council will be assigned and relevant topics will be discussed. Register via RamsConnect.

For more information, contact Ann Kee at or visit

Leading In Crisis

Add to calendar 07-10-2020 09:00:00 07-10-2020 12:30:00 America/New_York Leading In Crisis The Center for Corporate Education presents the Leading In Crisis program online for Fall 2020. This course is geared for those looking to develop key skills in managing yourself and your team through crisis and change. This class will run synchronously in real time via Zoom. Register at the following URL. Online Carrie Hawes DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The Center for Corporate Education presents the Leading In Crisis program online for Fall 2020. This course is geared for those looking to develop key skills in managing yourself and your team through crisis and change. This class will run synchronously in real time via Zoom. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Carrie Hawes at or visit


VCU Libraries Update: Special Collections and Archives Departments Now Open

Special Collections and Archives physical departments on both campuses are now open for walk-in researchers. Hours of operation will be 10 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Appointments are encouraged to allow staff to prepare materials in advance. As a precaution during COVID-19, materials will be quarantined for five days following use. Only three researchers will be allowed in the reading rooms at the same time. Masks and handwashing will be required.

For more information, contact Sue Robinson at

Tour Options for Visiting Cabell Library

Take a tour of James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave., on your own, in-person or online. Tours can be tailored to suit individual needs, and include the Cabell Library Mobile Tour for Focused Inquiry, a self-guided tour using your smartphone and video tour playlists to help you learn about library services online.

For more information, contact Donna Coghill at or (804) 828-6554 or visit

Applications Open for School of Business Student Ambassadors

Applications are being accepted for Business Student Ambassadors, a service organization dedicated to the mission and values of VCU's School of Business. The group's primary purpose is educating prospective business school students and their families through tours, open houses and preview days. The deadline for submitting completed applications is 5 p.m. Sept. 30.

For more information, contact Madison Lewis at or (703) 731-9118 or visit

VCU Libraries Invites Feedback on Proposed Journal Cancellations

To manage anticipated budget cuts, VCU Libraries is planning to cancel subscriptions to some journals effective January 2021. At this stage in the process of selecting titles to retire, the VCU Libraries seeks feedback from the university's academic community. The list of proposed cancellations is available until Sept. 18 at A comment form is available for people to offer opinions.

For more information, contact Karen Cary at or visit

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.

RamsConnect events

View all of the student events happening on campus and register for events that interest you.