Faculty/staff Issue for September 11, 2020
Special Announcement
University Events Impacted Due to COVID-19
Events featured in TelegRAM have been moved to an online setting to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Please check with organizers for assistance in accessing the online venue. Information about the university's One VCU: Responsible Together plan for a phased return to campus is available at https://together.vcu.edu. It is the source for the latest VCU updates. You can also receive VCU Together notifications. Download "VCU Mobile" from your iOS or Android App Store, or visit https://mobile.vcu.edu with your smartphone and select the appropriate link.
Coming up
'Crucial Conversations - Speaking Up in a Pandemic'
Monday, Sep. 14, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
VCU Human Resources and the Learning, Development and Organizational Culture team present a 60-minute virtual practice session designed around the return to campus. Learn and practice a simple approach to hold yourself and others accountable for keeping yourself and others safe during the pandemic. This session does not require previous participation in Crucial Conversations. Register in Talent@VCU at the following URL. Users must be logged into Talent@VCU to access the link.
For more information, contact Jeremy Bost at jbost2@vcu.edu or visit http://go.vcu.edu/talentatvcu.
Using Science Fiction in Interdisciplinary Classrooms
Monday, Sep. 14, 2020 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
VCU Honors College will host Instructor of Film Studies Ivy Roberts, Ph.D., for a Berglund seminar. With a focus on themes and interdisciplinarity, Roberts will present findings and outcomes from her HONR 398: Science Fact/Speculative Fiction topics seminar. She will also discuss her recent book, "Histories of the Future, an Anthology of Science fiction" (McFarland 2020). Email the following address for the event link.
For more information, contact Jared Johnson at jajohnson4@vcu.edu.
Seminar: 'Treatment Experiences of Medicaid Members With Opioid Use Disorder in Virginia'
Tuesday, Sep. 15, 2020 from noon to 1 p.m.
Join Andrew Barnes, Ph.D., associate professor, Health Behavior and Policy, for an online seminar, "Treatment Experiences of Medicaid Members With Opioid Use Disorder in Virginia: Early Results from a Member Survey.” Register for the Zoom link at the following URL. Questions: https://hbp.vcu.edu/.
For more information, contact Mary Johnson at johnsonme6@vcu.edu or (804) 628-3443 or visit https://qrco.de/bbhKVg.
Wednesdays in the Workshop (on the Web): Optimizing Your Smartphones for Audio/Video
Wednesday, Sep. 16, 2020 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This workshop covers basic and advanced techniques for using your smartphone for quality audio and video recordings. From hidden built-in options to additional applications that can be installed for manual controls, this session will help you feel more confident and comfortable using your smartphone as a recording device. The session will be hosted by the VCU Libraries Workshop. See details at the following URL.
For more information, contact Gregory Kimbrell at kimbrellgg@vcu.edu or (804) 393-2951 or visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2020-2021/wednesdays-in-the-workshop.html.
Finding Your Fit: Being Black at a Predominantly White Institution
Wednesday, Sep. 16, 2020 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Join members of Black Greek letter organizations and other student affinity groups for a dialogue on the importance of unmasking educational inequities, finding “safe spaces” to network with others and becoming active and engaged student leaders as a Black student in a predominantly white institution. This virtual event will be hosted by University Academic Advising in Student Success. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact Allison Norden at nordenan@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUoceuurj0sG9CucVLZ7NRng_3Pv58zbwfx.
Everything You Need To Know About Buying or Selling a Home in RVA
Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2020 at 11 a.m.
Join VCU Human Resources and Long and Foster Real Estate online for topics to include the RVA housing market update, preparing to buy or sell a home, marketing your home, the process from contract to close, financing and the rewards of “moving with the Rams.” Register in Talent.
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://hr.vcu.edu/current-employees/worklife/.
Deeply Discounted Adobe Creative Cloud Licenses for VCU Faculty and Staff
Adobe Creative Cloud licenses for faculty and staff are available for $190 per year. These licenses are assigned to an individual and may be used on multiple computers (maximum of two at the same time). Other discounted pricing options are available for Acrobat Pro DC and departmental licenses. Refer to the “Faculty and Staff" portion of the following URL. Faculty and staff currently paying $360 for a Creative Cloud license, contact the IT Support Center to cancel without incurring a fee.
For more information, contact Lucy Halunko at adobe@vcu.edu or visit https://adobe.vcu.edu.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course
VCU Recreational Sports is partnering with the Health Promotion and Well-Being Center (The Well) to offer a four-week mindfulness training course for students to learn ways to build resilience using Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction techniques. The two-hour, interactive virtual classes will provide resources on topics such as mindfulness in the face of stress and uncertainty, how to tune into thoughts and emotions through mindful practice and how to live compassionately. Register at the following URL by noon Sept. 12.
For more information, contact Jessica Norman at normanj3@vcu.edu or visit https://portal.recsports.vcu.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=3af8bf44-1f76-40a2-994c-546453f4d8b9&semesterId=5e59bd95-36ad-476b-8393-abc1b1f26ed5.
University Counseling Services Offers Identity-Based Support Groups
University Counseling Services offers a variety of identity-based student support groups via Zoom. The groups offer spaces for students to connect with other students who have shared identities to discuss experiences, provide support and build community. Students do not have to be enrolled in University Counseling Services to participate. See a list of current support groups and register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Caroilne Coffill at cscoffill@vcu.edu or (804) 828-6200 or visit http://counseling.vcu.edu.
Virginia Retirement System 2020 Member Benefit Profiles Available
Annual Member Benefit Profiles are now available for Virginia Retirement System participants, reflecting data through June 30. VRS participants can access their profiles by logging in at the following URL. Employees without computer access may request printed copies by contacting VCU Human Resources, Benefits Administration, at the following telephone number.
For more information, contact VCU Human Resources, Benefits Administration at benefits@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1723 or visit https://myvrs.varetire.org/login/.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.