Faculty/staff Issue for February 8, 2021
Special Announcement
University Events Impacted Due to COVID-19
Events featured in TelegRAM have been moved to an online setting to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Please check with organizers for assistance in accessing the online venue. Information about the university's One VCU: Responsible Together plan for a phased return to campus is available at https://together.vcu.edu. It is the source for the latest VCU updates. You can also receive VCU Together notifications. Download "VCU Mobile" from your iOS or Android App Store, or visit https://mobile.vcu.edu with your smartphone and select the appropriate link.
Blockchain Club To Meet
2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Interested in Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Defit? Join the new Blockchain Club at VCU for a discussion about these new technologies. No prior experience or knowledge is necessary; just an open mind and a willingness to learn. Click on the following URL for the Zoom link.
For more information, contact Connor Riely at rielyc2@mymail.vcu.edu or (757) 325-7489 or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/j/98888578720.
This week
Building Personal Resilience as a Leader
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 at 11 a.m.
The Leadership Career Community will present a virtual panel featuring Amy Armstrong, Ph.D., College of Health Professions Rehabilitation Counseling Department; and Alex Wagaman, Ph.D., School of Social Work. They will discuss intentionality in leadership and maintaining core purpose and integrity in the face of dramatically changed circumstances. Moderated by Kevin Allison, Ph.D., professor of Clinical Psychology. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Allison Toney at aktoney@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/event/f5374da7-c297-402e-93b3-b109e5fbd069.
Workshop: National Science Foundation Grants
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation and VCU Libraries will present a workshop on Open Education Resources as a strategy for broadening the impact of your research project. Nina Exner, Ph.D., Research Data Librarian, and Jessica Kirschner, M.L.I.S., Open Educational Resources Librarian, will discuss strategy for National Science Foundation grants. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact Joshua Hahn at hahnj2@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1524 or visit https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwuc-qrqjwiHtcSncvAsL0A0Kmr7iA4KfoP.
Unlocking Health Equity: Racial and Socio-Economic Disparities and COVID-19
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 from noon to 12:45 p.m.
Join the Office of Student Experience as guest speaker Sheryl Garland, VCUH Chief of Health Impact, explores the racial disparities of COVID-19 and discusses the economic, social and health inequities that have led to or perpetuate the disparity. This presentation is designed with health sciences students in mind. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Experience at studentexp@vcu.edu or visit https://www.pubapps.vcu.edu/vphs/OSEReg/Form.aspx?EventTypeID=3.
CTLE Workshop: Seeing Zoom as a Shared Space
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and VCU Libraries - Innovative Media will present a workshop on Zoom. Participants will learn to think of Zoom as a shared space and look at how certain settings can facilitate connecting in the classroom. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Tiffany Freitas at freitast@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/CfFEkHGf6eRk1xDE7.
One VCU Clinical Research Teams Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.
Elizabeth Collins, MA, CCRP, FDA Regulatory Resource Program Manager, VCU's C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, will present "FDA Guidance on Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency." Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact Emily Komornik at komornikea@vcu.edu or visit https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqdu2urz4jH9GPIHQsqdeojmmJUQh7xsNa.
Red Cross Blood Drive Sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega
Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity and the American Red Cross will sponsor a blood drive at the Pace Center, 700 W. Franklin St.
For more information, contact Logan Martin at martinle6@vcu.edu or visit https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive.
Getting To Know Google Meet and Chat
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Google Meet provides the faculty host attendance reports and a recording automatically, and the use of a chat room for class collaboration is easy to set up. Collaboration Services invites you to learn all about Meet and Chat for on-line learning enhancement. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Dr. Gee at drgee@vcu.edu or visit https://go.vcu.edu/gogoogle.
Ethical and Practical Considerations in Community-Engaged Research
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 from noon to 1:30 p.m.
VCU's C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research will host the third of its Community Engaged Research Seminar Series. Participants will be introduced to multiple ethical and practical considerations for conducting community-engaged research. Alex Krist, M.D., MPH, and Lisa Ballance, MA, CCP, CPW, will speak. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Rob DiRenzo at direnzor@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IJM_80RtQiKjkvXN0HI57Q.
CReSS Workshop: 'Research Participant Recruitment'
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A Clinical Research Skills Series (CReSS) workshop will be offered by the C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research from 3-4:30 p.m. Feb. 11 and 9-10:30 a.m. Feb. 17. The workshop will be sponsored by the Translational Workforce Development Program. It will be presented by Katelyn Schifano, MS, CCRP, CHES, Outreach and Engagement Specialist with VCU Massey Cancer Center. Topics will include VCU/VCUH participant demographic data, recruitment challenges, engaging participants and developing a recruitment plan. Register for the Feb. 11 workshop at https://training.vcu.edu/course_detail.asp?ID=17685. Register for the Feb. 17 event at https://training.vcu.edu/course_detail.asp?ID=17686. This workshop will not cover Research Match.
For more information, contact Catherine Brown at crbrown@vcu.edu or (804) 366-9513.
Graduate Student Association General Body Meeting
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
The Graduate Student Association will hold a general body meeting to learn about the activities of Daniel C. Bullard, Ph.D., dean of VCU's Graduate School. Check out the group's monthly newsletters for updates as well as a chance to be featured, win free stuff and vote on T-shirts. All graduate student organizations must have a representative present at six out of eight general body meetings. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Ann Kee at keesa@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.campusgroups.com/gsa/rsvp_boot?id=914387.
Coming up
Workshop: Personal Statement Writing for Graduate School Applications
Monday, Feb. 15, 2021 at noon
The L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs and the VCU Writing Center will hold a virtual workshop on writing winning personal statements for graduate school applications via Zoom, with a focus on grad programs preparing students for careers in the public sector. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Ross Losapio at losapior@vcu.edu or visit http://bit.ly/WSPersonalStatements.
CTLE Workshop: The Importance of Social Presence in Online and Remote Teaching
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
This CTLE and VCU Online workshop will explore the importance of social presence in online and remote instruction. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Tiffany Freitas at freitast@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/VTE5u3CdvXgHgVVp7.
Maintaining a Healthy Heart
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021 from noon to 1 p.m.
The Health and Wellness Library will host a Zoom session featuring Michelle Gossip, cardiology program manager, who will discuss common heart conditions and steps to take to maintain a healthy heart. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact K.J. Ricasata at ricasatakj@vcu.edu or (804) 828-2432 or visit https://vcu.libcal.com/event/7345161.
Taxes in Retirement: New Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 at noon
VCU Human Resources and the Association of Financial Educators will host a session about the effects of tax cuts and jobs act. Learn how to remain in control no matter what happens with tax laws moving forward. Register in Talent at the following URL.
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://bit.ly/3oIUJvW.
Coaching for Leaders and Managers
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 from 8:30 a.m. to noon
VCU's Center for Corporate Education will present an online program to encourage leaders to motivate and empower their teams. This class will be held Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 for two half-day sessions. Register at the following URL or email corp-ed@vcu.edu.
For more information, contact Carrie Hawes at cjhawes@vcu.edu or (804) 828-3165 or visit http://go.vcu.edu/corped.
Virtual Book Discussion Group: 'Teaching to Transgress' by bell hooks
Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
VCU's Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence invites faculty to join a new Faculty Learning Community Virtual Book Discussion Group. Introductions only at this session; no prior reading is necessary. The first book discussion will be held March 11. Discussions will also be held April 1 and April 22. The goal is to build community through discussion and engage the author's insights, strategies and critical reflections on transformational pedagogical practice in the university classroom. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Tiffany Freitas at freitast@vcu.edu or visit https://ctle.vcu.edu/initiatives/communities/.
Presentation Opportunities at SOE Spark Talk Sessions
Friday, Feb. 19, 2021 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Faculty and personnel researching in the areas of "Family and Community Well-Being: Resilience, Work-Life Balance and Trauma-Informed Practice" are invited to present a Spark Talk at the School of Education. The talks are informal, two-minute virtual presentations of an individual's work or interests. Sign up to present at the following URL. Sessions in March and April are also scheduled.
For more information, contact Jose G. Alcaine, Ph.D., at jgalcaine@vcu.edu or (804) 828-2009 or visit https://redcap.vcu.edu/surveys/?s=N7PD4YD7JX.
Canvas Faculty Showcase: Call for Proposals
Friday, Mar. 19, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This event, sponsored by VCU Online, VCU Academic Technologies and the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, will provide an opportunity for faculty who have been working in Canvas to share successes and ideas for best practices in using Canvas for teaching. The event is open to faculty presenters as well as faculty who want to learn tricks of the trade. The final date to submit a presentation proposal is Feb. 12. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Brianne Jackson at bljackson@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/KZg2J1Gi5wyCQyr2A.
Nominations Open for VCU Student Leadership Awards
VCU Student Leadership Awards recognize undergraduate, graduate and professional students for their contributions to student organizations, community service and co-curricular excellence. These are the premier awards at VCU for student leadership and service. Students, faculty and staff are invited to submit award nominations by March 8 on behalf of student organizations, fraternity and sorority chapters and individual student leaders. Self-nominations are encouraged. Nomination forms are available at the following URL.
For more information, contact Justin Raibolt at jraibolt@vcu.edu or visit http://thecommonsvcu.com/StudentLeadershipAwards2021.
Canvas Training for Spring Has Arrived
New online Canvas training sessions are scheduled and ready for registration. Academic Technologies has partnered with VCU Online to provide a full schedule of training covering a variety of Canvas topics. Training will be delivered by members of both teams who have prepared the university's Canvas environment and resources to smooth the transition. View the training schedule at the following URL.
For more information, contact Brianne Jackson at onlinepd@vcu.edu or visit https://go.vcu.edu/learn-canvas.
Dorris Douglas Budd Award: Call for Nominations
Do you know an outstanding administrative and office support staff member who enhances the image and mission of VCU and VCU Health? The nomination site for the Dorris Douglas Budd Award is now open. Questions: https://hr.vcu.edu/current-employees/recognition-and-awards/. Submit nominations at the following URL by Feb. 28.
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSek6puAneAZfuUcM9e27g3iLdnhG0qj2y4SKVJ-lbArkqRIuw/viewform?usp=sf_link.
Women in Science, Dentistry and Medicine Professional Achievement Award: Call for Nominations
Nominations are being accepted through March 8 for the 2021 WISDM Professional Achievement Award, which recognizes a School of Medicine woman who is a role model and mentor; promoting the professional development of other women faculty.
For more information, contact Deborah Stewart at deborah.stewart@vcuhealth.org or (804) 551-4122 or visit https://medschool.vcu.edu/about/deans-office/facultyaffairs/wims/.
Updated Title IX Contact Information
Cleopatra Magwaro, associate vice president for Institutional Equity, Effectiveness and Success, has been named interim title IX coordinator and will serve in this role until the search for a new coordinator is complete. The physical office for filing complaints has moved to 912 W. Grace Street, Box 842549, Richmond, Va. 23284 Due to current remote operations, the following link may be used to file a complaint.
For more information, contact Cleo Magwaro at titleix@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1347 or visit https://equity.vcu.edu/titleix/.
Apply to the Spring 2021 Grant Academy by March 5
VCU's Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation announces the Spring 2021 Grant Academy, a grant-writing program providing training and support for a select cohort of faculty investigators working toward submitting a successful funding proposal. Apply by 5 p.m. March 5 at the following URL.
For more information, contact Joshua Hahn at hahnj2@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1524 or visit https://research.vcu.edu/training/grant-academy/.
Rights of Students Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FERPA affords students the rights to inspect and review educational records, request that records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading be corrected, provide written consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent and to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education. See complete rights under FERPA at the following URL.
For more information, contact VCU Records and Registration at rar@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1349 or visit https://rar.vcu.edu/records/family-educational-rights-and-privacy-act/.
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: FTC Safeguards Rule
VCU's Office of Records and Registration is responsible for notifying the university community that it does not release nonpublic information about VCU students. This information is used and shared in a limited and carefully controlled manner. It is not disclosed, except as permitted by law, unless authorized by the student.
For more information, contact VCU Records and Registration at rar@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1349 or visit https://rar.vcu.edu.
Healthy Lifestyle Program for Young Men
ACTIVATE is testing a new self-guided program to understand what works best for young men ages 18-35 when it comes to losing weight. This study is being conducted in the Department of Health Behavior and Policy at VCU. Check eligibility at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jean Reading at optforhealth@vcuhealth.org or (804) 827-2250 or visit http://activateyoungmen.com.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.