Faculty/staff Issue for March 17, 2021


Virginia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Planning and Administration Response

Add to calendar 17-03-2021 12:00:00 17-03-2021 13:00:00 America/New_York Virginia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Planning and Administration Response The L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs will host a Lunch and Learn featuring M. Norman Oliver, M.D., M.A., commissioner for the Virginia Department of Health. Oliver will discuss Virginia’s COVID-19 vaccine campaign and administration response. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL. For more information, contact James Wasilewski, director of development, at wasilewskijr@vcu.edu or visit https://wilder.vcu.edu/news-and-events/news-articles/virginias-covid-19-vaccine-planning-and-administration-response.html. Zoom Katie Huynh huynhkp@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

The L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs will host a Lunch and Learn featuring M. Norman Oliver, M.D., M.A., commissioner for the Virginia Department of Health. Oliver will discuss Virginia’s COVID-19 vaccine campaign and administration response. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL. For more information, contact James Wasilewski, director of development, at wasilewskijr@vcu.edu or visit https://wilder.vcu.edu/news-and-events/news-articles/virginias-covid-19-vaccine-planning-and-administration-response.html.

For more information, contact Katie Huynh at huynhkp@vcu.edu or (703) 269-8237 or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__d6-0BxjTES24EvWRYh8cw.

Wednesdays in the Workshop (on the Web): Media + Democracy: Politics + Podcasts

Add to calendar 17-03-2021 15:30:00 17-03-2021 16:30:00 America/New_York Wednesdays in the Workshop (on the Web): Media + Democracy: Politics + Podcasts With the rising popularity of independent media and the increasing accessibility of podcasts, it can sometimes be difficult to make sense of what's really going on out in the world. This session covers tips and techniques for engaging with the political realm of podcasting, in terms of both the technical and the ethical. The session will be hosted by the VCU Libraries Workshop. Online Gregory Kimbrell kimbrellgg@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

With the rising popularity of independent media and the increasing accessibility of podcasts, it can sometimes be difficult to make sense of what's really going on out in the world. This session covers tips and techniques for engaging with the political realm of podcasting, in terms of both the technical and the ethical. The session will be hosted by the VCU Libraries Workshop.

For more information, contact Gregory Kimbrell at kimbrellgg@vcu.edu or (804) 393-2951 or visit https://www.library.vcu.edu/about/events/2020-2021/wednesdays-in-the-workshop.html.

This week

Senior Capstone Exhibitions: Round One

Add to calendar 18-03-2021 12:00:00 18-03-2021 18:00:00 America/New_York Senior Capstone Exhibitions: Round One VCUarts and The Anderson, 907 1/2 W. Franklin St., will present the 2021 Senior Capstone Exhibitions, an annual celebration of the VCUarts studio art majors. Round One will take place March 18-22 and will include exhibitions from the Craft and Sculpture departments and one Kinetic Imaging project. Round Two, March 26-30, will include exhibitions from Kinetic Imaging, Painting and Printmaking and Photo and Film. 907 1/2 W. Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23284 Monica Kinsey kinseym@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 18, 2021 from noon to 6 p.m.

VCUarts and The Anderson, 907 1/2 W. Franklin St., will present the 2021 Senior Capstone Exhibitions, an annual celebration of the VCUarts studio art majors. Round One will take place March 18-22 and will include exhibitions from the Craft and Sculpture departments and one Kinetic Imaging project. Round Two, March 26-30, will include exhibitions from Kinetic Imaging, Painting and Printmaking and Photo and Film.

For more information, contact Monica Kinsey at kinseym@vcu.edu or visit https://arts.vcu.edu/community/news/spring-2021-vcuarts-senior-capstone-exhibitions/.

Beyond Tolerance: Strengthening White Allyship in Education

Add to calendar 18-03-2021 14:00:00 18-03-2021 15:00:00 America/New_York Beyond Tolerance: Strengthening White Allyship in Education Race researcher Marissa Salazar from the University of Michigan will present a workshop on strengthening white allyship in education at a session hosted by VCU's Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. This event will cover common challenges and provide effective strategies for practicing one’s allyship in the classroom, with colleagues and at home. Register at the following URL. Zoom, link provided on registration confirmation page Tiffany Freitas freitast@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 18, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Race researcher Marissa Salazar from the University of Michigan will present a workshop on strengthening white allyship in education at a session hosted by VCU's Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. This event will cover common challenges and provide effective strategies for practicing one’s allyship in the classroom, with colleagues and at home. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Tiffany Freitas at freitast@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/GmS8vgoymsUySJ299.

Berglund Seminar on Eviction and Housing Instability

Add to calendar 18-03-2021 16:00:00 18-03-2021 17:00:00 America/New_York Berglund Seminar on Eviction and Housing Instability The VCU Honors College will host Ben Teresa, Ph.D., assistant professor of urban and regional planning, for a Berglund seminar. Teresa will discuss the state of housing in the United States, especially in Richmond and Virginia, where eviction rates are particularly high. He will focus on the RVA Eviction Lab, including its work with engaging both grassroots efforts and policy change in order to create housing stability. Email the following address for the event link. virtual Jared Johnson jajohnson4@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 18, 2021 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The VCU Honors College will host Ben Teresa, Ph.D., assistant professor of urban and regional planning, for a Berglund seminar. Teresa will discuss the state of housing in the United States, especially in Richmond and Virginia, where eviction rates are particularly high. He will focus on the RVA Eviction Lab, including its work with engaging both grassroots efforts and policy change in order to create housing stability. Email the following address for the event link.

For more information, contact Jared Johnson at jajohnson4@vcu.edu.

'Bullet' Journaling at Third Thursday

Add to calendar 18-03-2021 16:00:00 18-03-2021 America/New_York 'Bullet' Journaling at Third Thursday Third Thursdays is kicking off with speaker Charlotte Torrence (Art History graduate student, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts faculty), who will discuss the secrets of “bullet” journaling. Learn the art of organizing the chaos in your life. This event is sponsored by The Commons Underground. Register at the following URL. Questions? Email studentorgs@vcu.edu. https://thecommonsvcu.com/BulletJournalingCharlotte Donté Sharpe dsharpe2@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 18, 2021 at 4 p.m.

Third Thursdays is kicking off with speaker Charlotte Torrence (Art History graduate student, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts faculty), who will discuss the secrets of “bullet” journaling. Learn the art of organizing the chaos in your life. This event is sponsored by The Commons Underground. Register at the following URL. Questions? Email studentorgs@vcu.edu.

For more information, contact Donté Sharpe at dsharpe2@vcu.edu or visit https://thecommonsvcu.com/BulletJournalingCharlotte.

Health Career Q&A

Add to calendar 19-03-2021 11:00:00 19-03-2021 12:00:00 America/New_York Health Career Q&A VCU Career Services advisors are offering multiple sessions based on industry and/or specialty. This Q&A session will focus on health careers. Register at the following URL. Zoom Haley Sims careers@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Mar. 19, 2021 from 11 a.m. to noon

VCU Career Services advisors are offering multiple sessions based on industry and/or specialty. This Q&A session will focus on health careers. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Haley Sims at careers@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.joinhandshake.com/events/704909/share_preview.

Being My Own Boss: Redefining Women-Owned Businesses

Add to calendar 19-03-2021 17:00:00 19-03-2021 18:30:00 America/New_York Being My Own Boss: Redefining Women-Owned Businesses As part of Women's HerStory Month, VCU's Office of Multicultural Student Affairs will present a virtual discussion with Kim Graziano from Black Rabbit Tattoo and Thea Brown from World of Mirth. The event will focus on how they discovered their current career field, as well as how they own or operate a nontraditional small business. A Q&A and drawing for two gift certificates will follow. linktr.ee/vcuomsa David Brown dgbrown@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Mar. 19, 2021 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

As part of Women's HerStory Month, VCU's Office of Multicultural Student Affairs will present a virtual discussion with Kim Graziano from Black Rabbit Tattoo and Thea Brown from World of Mirth. The event will focus on how they discovered their current career field, as well as how they own or operate a nontraditional small business. A Q&A and drawing for two gift certificates will follow.

For more information, contact David Brown at dgbrown@vcu.edu or visit https://linktr.ee/vcuomsa.

Coming up

Unlocking Health Equity: Housing Policies and Impacts on Segregation

Add to calendar 23-03-2021 12:00:00 23-03-2021 12:45:00 America/New_York Unlocking Health Equity: Housing Policies and Impacts on Segregation Join the Office of Student Experience as guest speaker Mariah Williams of Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc. will explore the federal and state policies that can impact minority populations. This session is designed with health sciences students in mind. RSVP at the following URL. Virtual Office of Student Experience studentexp@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2021 from noon to 12:45 p.m.

Join the Office of Student Experience as guest speaker Mariah Williams of Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc. will explore the federal and state policies that can impact minority populations. This session is designed with health sciences students in mind. RSVP at the following URL.

For more information, contact Office of Student Experience at studentexp@vcu.edu or visit https://www.pubapps.vcu.edu/vphs/OSEReg/Form.aspx?EventTypeID=3.

Colorectal Cancer Prevention

Add to calendar 24-03-2021 12:00:00 24-03-2021 13:00:00 America/New_York Colorectal Cancer Prevention VCU's Health and Wellness Library and Massey Cancer Center will host a Zoom presentation by Khalid Matin, M.D., who will provide an overview of colorectal cancer and discuss preventive steps to remain healthy. Register at the following URL. Zoom K.J. Ricasata ricasatakj@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2021 from noon to 1 p.m.

VCU's Health and Wellness Library and Massey Cancer Center will host a Zoom presentation by Khalid Matin, M.D., who will provide an overview of colorectal cancer and discuss preventive steps to remain healthy. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact K.J. Ricasata at ricasatakj@vcu.edu or (804) 828-2432 or visit https://vcu.libcal.com/event/7548059.

Systemic Racism and Equity in Child Welfare: The Role of Social Work Education in Perpetuating and Challenging Inequities

Add to calendar 24-03-2021 12:00:00 24-03-2021 13:30:00 America/New_York Systemic Racism and Equity in Child Welfare: The Role of Social Work Education in Perpetuating and Challenging Inequities The VCU School of Social Work and Child Welfare Stipend Program at VCU will host a panel discussion on the impact of systemic racism and inequities in intersecting systems, including child welfare. Register at the following URL. Zoom: https://vcu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j2u7miZvSL-4DQBt4NQikA Naomi Sutton Reddish cwstipend@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2021 from noon to 1:30 p.m.

The VCU School of Social Work and Child Welfare Stipend Program at VCU will host a panel discussion on the impact of systemic racism and inequities in intersecting systems, including child welfare. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Naomi Sutton Reddish at cwstipend@vcu.edu.

Getting to Know Google Meet and Chat

Add to calendar 25-03-2021 10:00:00 25-03-2021 11:30:00 America/New_York Getting to Know Google Meet and Chat Google Meet provides the faculty host attendance reports and a recording automatically, and the use of a chat room for class collaboration is easy to set up. Collaboration Services invites you to learn all about Meet and Chat for online learning enhancement. Register at the following URL. Online Dr. Gee drgee@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 25, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Google Meet provides the faculty host attendance reports and a recording automatically, and the use of a chat room for class collaboration is easy to set up. Collaboration Services invites you to learn all about Meet and Chat for online learning enhancement. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Dr. Gee at drgee@vcu.edu or visit https://go.vcu.edu/gogoogle.

Let's Talk: Women's Mental Health

Add to calendar 25-03-2021 18:30:00 25-03-2021 20:30:00 America/New_York Let's Talk: Women's Mental Health Women on Fire will host a discussion via Zoom about multiple mental health topics and the effect on women. Click on the Zoom link at the following URL. Questions: Taylor Jackson, jacksontl4@vcu.edu/womenonfireatvcu@gmail.com. Zoom Taylor Jackson womenonfireatvcu@gmail.com DD/MM/YYYY

Thursday, Mar. 25, 2021 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Women on Fire will host a discussion via Zoom about multiple mental health topics and the effect on women. Click on the Zoom link at the following URL. Questions: Taylor Jackson, jacksontl4@vcu.edu/womenonfireatvcu@gmail.com.

For more information, contact Taylor Jackson at womenonfireatvcu@gmail.com or (202) 705-8887 or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/j/97429557533.

Deep Stretch With Jess

Add to calendar 26-03-2021 12:00:00 26-03-2021 12:30:00 America/New_York Deep Stretch With Jess This session will be a slower 30-minute practice focused on active stretching of muscles and opening of connective tissue. Release built-up tension, prevent injury, increase blood flow to muscles and increase long-term flexibility. No equipment is required, though a yoga mat is recommended. This class is hosted by VCU Human Resources and VCU Recreational Sports. Questions: https://hr.vcu.edu/current-employees/worklife/. Register in Talent@VCU or at the following URL. Virtual Cindi Phares cphares@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Mar. 26, 2021 from noon to 12:30 p.m.

This session will be a slower 30-minute practice focused on active stretching of muscles and opening of connective tissue. Release built-up tension, prevent injury, increase blood flow to muscles and increase long-term flexibility. No equipment is required, though a yoga mat is recommended. This class is hosted by VCU Human Resources and VCU Recreational Sports. Questions: https://hr.vcu.edu/current-employees/worklife/. Register in Talent@VCU or at the following URL.

For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://bit.ly/3aOuL6C.

Bench to Community Session Six: Utilizing VCU Library Resources for Medical Innovation

Add to calendar 02-04-2021 07:00:00 02-04-2021 08:30:00 America/New_York Bench to Community Session Six: Utilizing VCU Library Resources for Medical Innovation Session six of the Bench to Community seminar series will offer an overview of VCU Libraries resources, services and faculty available to support ideation and testing of medical innovations. John W. Cyrus, Julie Arendt, Nina Exner and L. Franklin Bost will speak at the session. The series will be hosted by VCU's C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, VCU Institute for Engineering and Medicine and the Office of the Vice President for Research Innovation. Register at the following URL. Zoom Emily Komornik komornikea@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Apr. 2, 2021 from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

Session six of the Bench to Community seminar series will offer an overview of VCU Libraries resources, services and faculty available to support ideation and testing of medical innovations. John W. Cyrus, Julie Arendt, Nina Exner and L. Franklin Bost will speak at the session. The series will be hosted by VCU's C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, VCU Institute for Engineering and Medicine and the Office of the Vice President for Research Innovation. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Emily Komornik at komornikea@vcu.edu or visit https://iem.vcu.edu/events/bench-to-community/april-2-21/.

CTLE Virtual Teaching Excellence Symposium

Add to calendar 02-04-2021 09:15:00 02-04-2021 13:00:00 America/New_York CTLE Virtual Teaching Excellence Symposium The goal of VCU's Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence's virtual symposium is to bring VCU educators together to share ideas and strategies about student learning in any setting in a higher education context, collaborate with colleagues and cultivate networks across disciplines and areas of work. The focus will be on general teaching excellence. Participants may join for any part of the day. Register at the following URL. Virtual, agenda with zoom links will be provided to those registered closer to event date Tiffany Freitas freitast@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Friday, Apr. 2, 2021 from 9:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The goal of VCU's Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence's virtual symposium is to bring VCU educators together to share ideas and strategies about student learning in any setting in a higher education context, collaborate with colleagues and cultivate networks across disciplines and areas of work. The focus will be on general teaching excellence. Participants may join for any part of the day. Register at the following URL.

For more information, contact Tiffany Freitas at freitast@vcu.edu or visit https://ctle.vcu.edu/events/symposium/.

Safe Zone

Add to calendar 07-04-2021 15:00:00 07-04-2021 17:00:00 America/New_York Safe Zone The purpose of Safe Zone is to reduce anti-queerness, cissexism, transphobia, biphobia and heterosexism at VCU, thereby making the campus a safer and freer environment for all members of the community regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. Register at the following URL and search "Safe Zone." Zoom C.J. Polihronakis, Ph.D., (he/him), safezone@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Apr. 7, 2021 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The purpose of Safe Zone is to reduce anti-queerness, cissexism, transphobia, biphobia and heterosexism at VCU, thereby making the campus a safer and freer environment for all members of the community regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. Register at the following URL and search "Safe Zone."

For more information, contact C.J. Polihronakis, Ph.D., (he/him), at safezone@vcu.edu or visit http://training.vcu.edu.

Training for Handling Dangerous Goods

Add to calendar 13-04-2021 09:00:00 13-04-2021 12:00:00 America/New_York Training for Handling Dangerous Goods VCU Environmental Health and Safety will hold online training for those who handle dangerous goods. Register for the class through BioRaft for the Zoom URL. Zoom Barbara Back bjback@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Tuesday, Apr. 13, 2021 from 9 a.m. to noon

VCU Environmental Health and Safety will hold online training for those who handle dangerous goods. Register for the class through BioRaft for the Zoom URL.

For more information, contact Barbara Back at bjback@vcu.edu or (804) 827-0345.


Action Required: Blackboard to Canvas Transition

What faculty and Blackboard organization leaders need to know now: Faculty must have all content exported from Blackboard by May 31. Organization leaders must export organization content from Blackboard by March 31. Files and content in Blackboard can be exported, kept for your own records or imported into Canvas. Request a “sandbox” course to explore and learn Canvas. Instructions for the all the above can be found at the following URL.

For more information, contact Jamillah Martin at canvas@vcu.edu or visit https://ts.vcu.edu/askit/teaching-and-learning/canvas/faculty/pack-your-bags-vcu-is-moving-to-canvas/.

IRB Satisfaction Survey

The VCU Human Research Protection Program invites members of the VCU and VCU Health research community who are familiar with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to take an anonymous satisfaction survey. The survey will be available through March 26. Results will help to evaluate current services and plan for the next year. The survey is available at the following URL.

For more information, contact Elicia Preslan at preslaned@vcu.edu or visit https://redcap.vcu.edu/surveys/?s=4FYFTYKD3F.

VCU First Destination Survey Is Live

The VCU First Destination Survey is now live for May 2021 graduates on Handshake at VCU. Answers to the survey will help VCU to improve career and academic advising, student recruitment and overall student services. The survey is open to both undergraduate seniors and graduate/professional students completing their degrees in May. Please encourage graduating students to complete the survey and be eligible to win prizes (AirPods, Roku player, robot vacuum, VCU luggage set, and Amazon gift cards).

For more information, contact Danielle Pearles at ddpearles@vcu.edu or visit http://tiny.cc/VCUFDS21.

Emergency Relief Fund Assists 5,500 Students

As authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, VCU received $20,288,998 in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds II, of which $10,144,499 was designated to provide student grants for financial assistance related to the coronavirus pandemic. While the HEERF II online application process has concluded, the university had a great response from students requesting funds. Approximately 5,500 students have been assisted.

For more information, contact Student Financial Management Center at semcares@vcu.edu.

Tornado Safety Reminder From VCU Emergency Management and VCU Police

The National Weather Service has declared March 15-19 as Severe Weather Awareness Week in Virginia, a time to focus on preparing for weather emergencies. In spring and summer, the risk increases for severe weather. If the NWS issues a tornado warning in Richmond, VCU’s Alert system will be activated. Take shelter indoors in the lowest level of the building you’re in, or innermost room. Close doors; stay away from windows, doors and outer walls. Sign up for VCU Alerts at the following URL.

For more information, contact VCU Emergency Management Staff at vcualert@vcu.edu or visit https://alert.vcu.edu/signup/index.html.

Apply Now for TRIO Student Support Service Programs

VCU TRIO is now accepting applications for its Student Support Services and STEM Student Support Services programs. The programs provide academic development and support to students who are first-generation, low income or have a self-identified disability in order to ensure successful completion of their college education.

For more information, contact Chimene Boone at trio@vcu.edu or visit https://trio.vcu.edu/support/.

New History and Health: Racial Equity Series Launches

The History and Health: Racial Equity series offers learning opportunities to enhance cultural awareness and understanding. The series will focus on historical practices, current local health disparities and opportunities to enhance care for local communities. Events begin March 24 and run through May.

For more information, contact Roy Roach III at rfroach@vcu.edu or visit https://rampages.us/historyandhealth/event-calendar/.

VCU's ASPEN Lab Seeks Participants for Study

VCU's ASPEN Lab (Advanced Signal Processing in Engineering and Neuroscience) is enrolling individuals for a study involving virtual reality and EEG brain signal measurements. Participants must be 18 years or older and in good general health with no pre-existing serious medical conditions. Dates and times for participating are flexible. Questions: Dean Krusienski, Ph.D., principal investigator.

For more information, contact Meghan Kumar, study coordinator, at kumarm2@vcu.edu or visit https://sites.google.com/vcu.edu/aspenlab.

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.