Faculty/staff Issue for September 27, 2021
Center for Pharmacy Practice Innovation Seminar: 'Rethinking Biomedical Scientific Publishing: What Is Expected of Each Player To Keep the Wheel Spinning'
12 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.
Fernando Fernandez-Llimos, M.Pharm., Ph.D., a professor at the University of Porto in Portugal, will share his thoughts on collaboration in biomedical scientific publishing in a seminar hosted by VCU's Center for Pharmacy Practice Innovation. The seminar will be held online via Zoom and in-person at Room 545, Robert Blackwell Smith Building, 410 N. 12th St. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Madeleine Wagner at cppi@vcu.edu or visit http://bit.ly/CPPISeminars.
'Telling a Scientific Story That Is Accessible and Approachable'
12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
VCU Libraries, VCU's C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research and the VCU Postdoctoral Association will present a session via Zoom sponsored by the How-to Talks by Postdocs Series. Questions: https://vcu.libcal.com/event/8298703. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Stacey Wahl at swahl@vcu.edu or visit http://rampages.us/howtotalks/upcoming/.
This week
Health and Wellness Library Program: Breast Cancer Prevention
Tuesday, Sep. 28, 2021 from noon to 1 p.m.
VCU's Massey Cancer Center and the VCU Health and Wellness Library will sponsor an overview on breast cancer and best practices for preventing it. Mary Helen Hackney, M.D., oncologist and hematologist at Massey Cancer Center, will lead the online session, which is free and open to all. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jackson Wright at wrightjc4@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.libcal.com/event/8110192.
Diversity Dialogues: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Tuesday, Sep. 28, 2021 at 5:15 p.m.
The VCU School of Dentistry will present an online conversation with Isabel Garcia, DDS, MPH, a VCU School of Dentistry alumna of the class of 1980 and dean of the University of Florida College of Dentistry. Questions: https://dentalpublichealth.vcu.edu/contacts/profile/carlos-smith/. Register for the Zoom link at the following URL.
For more information, contact Carlos Smith, DDS, DEI director, School of Dentistry, at cssmith2@vcu.edu or visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JhgFIn_MTY6bwfk0GwXKGw.
Guided Meditation
Wednesday, Sep. 29, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Take a break from the news, social media and class assignments to find a moment of quiet reflection with guided meditation. Recharge for the rest of your day in this session hosted by VCU Human Resources and VCU Recreation and Well-Being. Questions: https://ramstrong.vcu.edu/. Register in Talent@VCU or at the following URL.
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://bit.ly/38deLJr.
'Being My Own Boss: Redefining Career Paths'
Wednesday, Sep. 29, 2021 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
VCU's Office of Multicultural Student Affairs will present a virtual panel discussion as part of Latinx Heritage Month 2021 with unique, nontraditional business owners. Featured will be Ron Martinez (Crawlspace Booking) and Alex Zavaleta (Charm School Social Club). They will discuss how they came to choose their career paths and the challenges involved. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact David Brown at dgbrown@vcu.edu or visit http://linktr.ee/vcuomsa.
RecWell Yoga Day
Wednesday, Sep. 29, 2021 at 8 a.m.
VCU RecWell will host a full day of special group exercise classes to celebrate the physical, mental and spiritual practice of yoga. Classes will include an exploration of movement, meditation and educational content that embodies unity of mind and body in an inviting environment. In-person classes at Cary Street Gym, 101 S. Linden St., will be open to VCU students and RecWell members. Pre-registration is recommended for in-person classes. Two livestreamed classes will be offered and open to all. Register at the following URL. Registration is required.
For more information, contact Jessica Norman at normanj3@vcu.edu or visit https://recsports.vcu.edu/programs/fitness-and-wellness/group-exercise/.
Professional Development Seminar: 'Choosing a Postdoc Path'
Thursday, Sep. 30, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
Women in Science will host a professional development seminar via Zoom. A panel of postdocs from industry, government and academia will discuss their career trajectory and goals. Panelists will include Leon Tejwani, Ph.D.: Denali Therapeutics; Vanessa E. DeLey Cox, Ph.D., U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense; Melissa Maczis, Ph.D.: VCU IRACDA Fellow and Yasmine-marie Cissé, Ph.D.: University of Maryland School of Medicine. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Haley Adcox at adcoxhe@vcu.edu or visit https://zoom.us/j/99422042975?pwd=aUlTc1pUaGpIZ1hyckpXbXZydEZGZz09.
Jummah Location Update
Friday, Oct. 1, 2021 at 1:15 p.m.
VCU's Muslim Student Association will hold Jummah (Friday) Prayer in Room 250, the Multipurpose Room, James Branch Cabell Library, 901 Park Ave. The first Kutbah will be held at 1:15 p.m., the second at 2:15 p.m. Masks are required.
For more information, contact MSA at VCU at vcumsa@gmail.com.
Faculty Club To Meet
Friday, Oct. 1, 2021 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
VCU Faculty Club will host its second meeting of the academic year at the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Markel Center, 601 W. Broad St. VCU Brandcenter's Tom Scharpf will kick off the returning Faculty Club Speaker Series with his presentation, "The Brandcenter: Unveiling the Mystery." There will also be a research roundtable discussion, "Optimizing Health Through Multidisciplinary Collaborations Involving Communications, Behavioral Sciences, Culture or Humanities." Questions: http://go.vcu.edu/facultyclub. RSVP at the following URL.
For more information, contact Pam Hendrix at pahendrix@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/8baE3V5Qosx8NZeE9.
Coming up
Meaningful Discussion Online
Monday, Oct. 4, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
This session via Zoom, sponsored by VCU Online, will focus on how university-supported tools can help facilitate meaningful discussions in online courses. Questions: Email OnlinePD@vcu.edu. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Brianne Jackson at bljackson@vcu.edu or visit https://vcuonline.catalog.vcu.edu/browse/vcuonlineworkshops/courses/meaningful-discussions-online---october-2021.
Getting a Head Start: A Step-by-Step Overview of Your Plan
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Have you wondered about how to make the most of your retirement plan? Join VCU Human Resources and TIAA to learn how to plan your savings strategy and give your money more time to accumulate. Questions: https://hr.vcu.edu/current-employees/worklife/. Register in Talent@VCU or at the following URL.
For more information, contact Cindi Phares at cphares@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1521 or visit https://bit.ly/3CCMrNO.
VCU School of Medicine Annual Faculty Excellence Awards Program
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2021 at noon
Join VCU School of Medicine for its Annual Faculty Excellence Awards Program. This event will honor outstanding faculty in the areas of teaching, humanism in medicine, professional achievement of women in medicine, clinical excellence and leadership in graduate medical education. This event will be held via livestream at the following URL.
For more information, contact Deborah Stewart at dstewart@vcu.edu or (804) 828-6591 or visit http://go.vcu.edu/facawards21.
Statistical Thinking
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2021 from noon to 1 p.m.
As part of the Whetting Your Appetite for Research series, VCU's C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research and the Department of Biostatistics will present a lunch research seminar via Zoom. Roy Sabo, Ph.D., associate professor, Biostatistics, will discuss the roles that sampling, probability and variability play in interpreting research data. Questions: http://www.cctr.vcu.edu.
For more information, contact Pamela Dillon, Pharm.D., research liaison, at pmdillon@vcu.edu or (804) 827-1519 or visit https://vcu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpceigqTsvGNEt_YVfRYakxfL4B6fstfu_.
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
VCU's Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence will present a Zoom workshop on supporting student well-being. BEWELL is an interactive activity that focuses on a comprehensive approach. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Tiffany Freitas at freitast@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/Q3Y213VvdM2fypu57.
Training for Handling Dangerous Goods
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 from 9 a.m. to noon
VCU Environmental Health and Safety will hold online training for those who handle dangerous goods. Register for the class through BioRaft for Zoom information.
For more information, contact Barbara Back at bjback@vcu.edu.
Virtual Faculty Success and Wellness Day
Friday, Oct. 15, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Faculty are invited to join VCU's Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence to learn some contemplative practices to help balance their busy lives. The online sessions will be sponsored by VCU's Office of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and ADVANCE IT. The keynote speaker will be KerryAnn O'Meara, Ph.D., a Professor of Higher Education and Distinguished Scholar Teacher at the University of Maryland. Her talk will be co-sponsored by the Faculty Senate. Register for the Zoom links at the following URL.
For more information, contact Tiffany Freitas at freitast@vcu.edu or visit https://ctle.vcu.edu/events/wellness/.
Effective Communication Using DISC
Monday, Oct. 25, 2021 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Center for Corporate Education at VCU's School of Business will present Effective Communication Using DISC. This one-day in person workshop at Snead Hall, 301 W. Main St., will allow participants to explore their own communication style and how that impacts working with others. The registration fee will be $355.50. Register at the following URL or email corp-ed@vcu.edu for more information.
For more information, contact Carrie Hawes at cjhawes@vcu.edu or (804) 828-3165 or visit http://go.vcu.edu/corped.
Commonwealth Management Institute
Monday, Dec. 6, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
VCU's Performance Management Group, a division of the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, invites managers and leaders to the upcoming Commonwealth Management Institute on Dec. 6-10 at the Omni in Charlottesville. Commonwealth Management focuses on professional development and is about affecting positive change – in self, in others and in your team. Questions: Call (804) 828-8845 or email pmg@vcu.edu. Applications are due Oct. 1. Apply at the following URL.
For more information, contact Mandy Fowler at afowler3@vcu.edu or (804) 218-2889 or visit https://pmg.vcu.edu/professional-development/cmi/.
Got a Great Student? Refer Them to the Honors College
VCU's Honors College is seeking outstanding students to join in the Spring 2022 semester. The ideal candidate will be a freshman or sophomore in standing and have above a 3.5 GPA. Complete the form at the following URL.
For more information, contact Jenna Venable at venablej@vcu.edu or visit https://bit.ly/3EchC3X.
Emerging Healthcare Leaders Mentorship Program
Emerging Healthcare Leaders is hosting a mentorship program to connect pre-health students with mentors in their desired career path. EHL will offer several mentorship socials/activities throughout the year. Mentors would gain leadership experience by sharing lessons they have learned in the healthcare field. Those who are being mentored will gain access to guidance on their pre-health journeys. Mentors and those who wish to be mentored can register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Kush Savsani at savsanikv@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/mN4Cv7GzzEJnv4pp7.
Research Week at VCU
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation and VCU University Relations will showcase innovative, creative and collaborative faculty research during the week of Oct. 11-15. Updates about this special series will be posted during week on VCU News at the following URL.
For more information, contact Emily Komornik at komornikea@vcu.edu or visit https://news.vcu.edu/.
Fall 2021 How-To Talks by Postdocs Series
VCU Libraries, VCU's C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research and the VCU Postdoctoral association will present the Fall 2021 How-to Talks by Postdocs Series. Register at the following URL.
For more information, contact Stacey Wahl at swahl@vcu.edu or visit https://rampages.us/howtotalks/upcoming/.
Participate in a Survey Study on Behavior Change Counseling
Are you a health-care clinician or student who practices or trains in Virginia? If so, then you are likely eligible to participate in a survey study conducted by faculty at VCU. We are interested in how health-care professionals have learned behavioral health counseling, specifically motivational interviewing. Those who complete the 20-minute survey will be entered into a bimonthly gift-card drawing. Click on the following link to participate.
For more information, contact Rashelle Hayes, Ph.D., at rashelle.hayes@vcuhealth.org or (804) 827-3695 or visit https://redcap.vcu.edu/surveys/?s=NWWYMP4W44.
Participate in a Focus Group on Lung Cancer Screening
VCU Health and Massey Cancer Center are conducting focus groups to understand the experiences of Black men who smoke or used to smoke and their opinions about lung cancer screening, smoking cessation and health care disparities in Virginia. Eligibility criteria: identify as a Black male, current or former smoker and 50 years old or older. If interested, contact Jasmine Blue at the following telephone number or email Blackchat@vcuhealth.org.
For more information, contact Rashelle Hayes at rashelle.hayes@vcuhealth.org or (804) 827-0000.
Volunteers Needed for COVID-19 Study
Researchers are looking for VCU employees, as well as their family members, to volunteer for the COVID-CARE study. Volunteers must be aged 18 and older and have one of the following apply to them: have had a known exposure to COVID-19 in the last 14 days, currently have suspected COVID-19 symptoms, or have had no known exposure to COVID-19 and no suspected COVID-19 symptoms. Volunteers will be asked to review and electronically sign an informed consent document, complete a survey pertaining to your current symptoms (if any) and any known exposures in the last 14 days. You will be asked to complete two COVID tests at home, provided at no cost. Volunteers are paid for their time. To access the study’s website and see if eligible, go to the following URL.
For more information, contact Mandy Adams at study4u@vcu.edu or (804) 827-3784 or visit http://www.covidcarestudy.org/.
Other resources
VCU Libraries workshops
See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.
LinkedIn Learning @ VCU
Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.