Faculty/staff Issue for December 21, 2021

Coming up

Update: East Marshall Street Well Project

Add to calendar 29-12-2021 18:30:00 29-12-2021 America/New_York Update: East Marshall Street Well Project In 1994, human remains were discovered during the construction of the Kontos building. Analysis by VCU and Smithsonian researchers indicated that the skeletal remains were predominantly of individuals of African descent dating to before the 1860s. In 2011, VCU began a public process to gain community input and worked collaboratively to form the Family Representative Council. The council has represented the descendant community since 2015 and made recommendations about research, memorialization and interment. The update will include the university's progress on the project and plan for the biological analysis of the remains. Input will be welcome on research and the next steps in the process. Click on the Zoom link at the following URL to join the session. virtual Kevin W. Allison, Ph.D., kallison@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

In 1994, human remains were discovered during the construction of the Kontos building. Analysis by VCU and Smithsonian researchers indicated that the skeletal remains were predominantly of individuals of African descent dating to before the 1860s. In 2011, VCU began a public process to gain community input and worked collaboratively to form the Family Representative Council. The council has represented the descendant community since 2015 and made recommendations about research, memorialization and interment. The update will include the university's progress on the project and plan for the biological analysis of the remains. Input will be welcome on research and the next steps in the process. Click on the Zoom link at the following URL to join the session.

For more information, contact Kevin W. Allison, Ph.D., at kallison@vcu.edu or (804) 827-0027 or visit https://zoom.us/j/93877426775.

Presenters Sought for Leaders Unleashed Conference

Add to calendar 29-01-2022 10:00:00 29-01-2022 14:00:00 America/New_York Presenters Sought for Leaders Unleashed Conference The Commons/Peer Leadership Committee seeks students to serve as presenters in its second annual student leadership conference. This virtual gateway experience will focus on participants who wish to find life-changing experiences and shape their roles as leaders at VCU and the community. Apply at the following URL. Virtual Tyler Jarrett tljarrett@vcu.edu DD/MM/YYYY

Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Commons/Peer Leadership Committee seeks students to serve as presenters in its second annual student leadership conference. This virtual gateway experience will focus on participants who wish to find life-changing experiences and shape their roles as leaders at VCU and the community. Apply at the following URL.

For more information, contact Tyler Jarrett at tljarrett@vcu.edu or visit https://vcu.campusgroups.com/leadershipcon/student-registration-/.


Mail Services Winter Closing

Mail Services will be closed Dec. 23-24 and Dec. 31. Mail services will be open Dec. 20-21 and Dec. 27-30 from 8 a.m.-noon on the MCV Campus and 10 a.m.-noon on the Monroe Park campus. Departments currently receiving pickup and delivery services must contact Mail Services by Dec. 15 in writing or by email to request services during the winter closing. Otherwise, mail deliveries will resume Jan. 3, 2022.

For more information, contact Donnette Haynes at haynesds@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1343 or visit https://bsv.vcu.edu/mailservices/newsletter/.

Former Student Google Drive Files Unavailable After Jan. 3

Faculty and staff should review and verify they are not actively editing files still owned by former student archive.mymail.vcu.edu accounts.

For more information, contact Doctor Gee at drgee@vcu.edu or visit https://blogs.vcu.edu/drgee/2021/12/03/important-archive-mymail-vcu-edu-accounts-will-be-unavailable-on-january-3-2022/.

Fall 2021 Final Grading Due Dec. 22 at Noon

Grade sheets are now available on faculty eServices. Grades are due by noon on Dec. 22, at which time grade entry will no longer be available. It is imperative to meet this deadline to complete all end-of-the-semester processes. Faculty may choose to use the feature to upload grades from an Excel file into eServices. Faculty may only access grade sheets for courses to which they have been assigned.

For more information, contact The Office of Records and Registration at rar@vcu.edu.

Submit Your 2022 MLK Celebration Event

Submit your MLK event at the following URL to be included on the 2022 VCU MLK Celebration website. The theme for the 2022 VCU MLK celebration is: “Peace is not simply the absence of conflict, but the existence of justice for all people.” Submitted events will be posted on mlkday.vcu.edu and shared with the VCU and Richmond communities.

For more information, contact Archana Pathak, Ph.D., at aapathak@vcu.edu or visit https://bit.ly/3GxreH4.

COVID-19 Vaccine Perceptions Survey

You are invited to participate in a research study about the factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance versus hesitancy. You will be asked to complete a 5-10 minute electronic survey. Research Participant Information Sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RyS122WhHFHS5sjuaLGqm2TQ96YEXgBh/view?usp.

For more information, contact Michael Preston, Ph.D., MPH, at prestonm2@vcu.edu or visit https://forms.gle/ThSF3Ai5dHDXFFucA.

VCU Police Encourages Everyone To Secure Spaces and Valuables Before Winter Break

VCU Police encourages everyone to lock the doors and windows of residences and offices and to take all keys during winter break. Valuables and electronics should be locked away or taken home. Drivers leaving a car on campus should park in a well-lighted area, remove valuables and lock it; drivers should never leave running vehicles unattended. Cyclists should store bikes legally with a U-lock. More holiday safety tips are available at the following URL.

For more information, contact VCU Police Crime Prevention Team at crimeprevreq@vcu.edu or visit https://police.vcu.edu/stay-safe/holiday-safety/.

VCU Continuing and Professional Education

VCU Continuing and Professional Education offers learning options for the VCU community and members of the public. Choose from bookkeeping, computer skills, cultural competency and languages, customer service, digital marketing, digital reporting, event planning, Excel, Google Analytics, managing remote workers, paralegal, play therapy, podcasting, social media, supervisory and leadership and test prep for the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, ACT SAT, MCAT, PCAT and DAT and WordPress.

For more information, contact VCU Continuing and Professional Education at ocpe@vcu.edu or (804) 828-1322 or visit https://ocpe.vcu.edu/.

Other resources

VCU Libraries workshops

See a schedule of workshops and classes that teach how to use collections and databases.

LinkedIn Learning @ VCU

Navigate a vast library of online video tutorials to supplement teaching, learning, and professional development.